Lies 86 sentences
Smiling face with red eyes
2023-05-15 23:32:27
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1、 It's not that I'm stupid. It's just that I don't want to expose it.

2、 I won't and can't bear to expose any lies.

3、 I hate being perfunctory, even if I don't expose it.

4、 I know everything but I don't want to expose it.

5、 Don't lie, because one day it will be exposed.

6、 Smile, like a lie, is the least pretence.

7、 Not that I exposed it too early, but that your acting skills were not enough.

8、 Once the most beautiful smile is exposed, only sadness can be seen.

9、 Once the most beautiful smile is exposed, only sadness can be seen.

10、 My head is small, so all the words and figures are not included.

11、 The best lie in the world is the truth, and the most beautiful truth is a lie.

12、 Life has been so difficult, some things should not be exposed.

13、 You use lies to verify lies, and finally you get lies.

14、 Your lies are too funny. I don't need to expose them, just laugh.

15、 Don't drink when you are in a bad mood, and don't look back when you leave.

16、 If a lie is not a promise, give me a forever lie.

17、 Telling lies will always be exposed, and wearing wigs will always be exposed by the wind.

18、 Excuses are more terrible than lies, because excuses are defensive lies.

19、 If he lives by lying, he should try to die by lying.

20、 We choose not to expose the lies in love, which is nothing but terrible loss.

21、 The facts I saw exposed your seemingly impeccable lies.

22、 Cover up your sadness and pretend to be happy. I still don't want the lies to be exposed.

23、 The fragments of truth are never truth, and lies are still lies after being torn apart.

24、 You can see through all her lies, but you can't see through the heart behind her lies.

25、 When the lies are exposed again and again, it is possible that everything is over.

26、 I don't like others to expose me, so I don't say anything to be exposed.

27、 Identifying others' lies depends on experience or ability.

28、 A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie. There is no need to make excuses for lies.

29、 At that moment, my love was disillusioned, and the remaining memories wet my eyes.

30、 If you ever lied to me, you will lie to me all your life.

31、 When truth is still putting on its shoes, lies can travel half the world.

32、 I know you will find an excuse to leave, please forgive me for being a good person and not exposing.

33、 I know you will find an excuse to leave, please forgive me for being a good person and not exposing.

34、 I can think of thousands of lies, but I can't think of you behind the lies.

35、 The surface is a clear lie, but behind it is an obscure truth.

36、 A lie needs N lies to form a family with it, or the lie will die.

37、 Don't easily expose people who pretend to be strong. They are more vulnerable than you think.

38、 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to break down.

39、 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to expose.

40、 Among the beautiful lies, one goes out of the abyss and the other goes to heaven.

41、 Among the beautiful lies, one goes out of the abyss and the other goes to heaven.

42、 Heart is always in the most painful, recovery; Love always comes to an end when it is deepest.

43、 I don't want to be an episode of your life, just the perfect ending of your life.

44、 The true lie is pretending to be happy. The truth of the lie is helpless.

45、 If you tell a lie, you need to fill in the loophole with thousands of lies.

46、 Don't cheat others, because all the people you can cheat are those who believe in you.

47、 Excuses are worse and more serious than lies. Because excuses are defensive lies.

48、 In fact, I know a lot of things, but I will not expose you and give you the opportunity to continue acting.

49、 I wish I was smart enough to see through your tricks and then expose you.

50、 I have no power to trace my sincerity or expose your hypocrisy.

51. But there are many things that will be broken down and lost once they are broken down.

52. Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never never say goodbye.

Fifty three. All the pain is hidden in a surly smile. The more you smile, the more painful it will be.

54. Some people don't think that you are really familiar with me. I'm just too lazy to expose your face.

55. Some people don't think you are really familiar with me. I'm just too lazy to expose your face.

56. A lie is a lie. Just because it is beautiful, it will not hurt others.

57. If you tell too many lies, you will eventually feel that the truth has become as untrustworthy as a lie!

58. A man would rather tell a hundred lies than hear a single truth he does not want to hear.

59. Don't say sorry to me. Sorry can only bring you peace of mind, not my relief.

Sixty and April are your lies, I know. Lies are always exposed.

61. When a lie is in front of you and you don't want to expose it, you should always keep clear and distance.

62. Never have to worry that others will expose lies. It is the most powerful willfulness of honest people!

63. If you test a lie with a lie, you will get a lie. If you don't believe it, you can try it.

Sixty four. Seeing people's hearts over time does not mean you can't see through them. Don't think you are fools if you don't expose them.

65. Fairy tales are always lies, but people prefer to believe lies rather than expose them.

66. You don't want to expose the lies that make me unhappy, so you pretend not to know my anger and sadness.

67. Because the lie itself is a secret room. The body inside is the truth we are afraid of.

68. One lie should be covered with a hundred lies. So reality is the best mode of liberation.

69. It is generally true that the essence of magic is lies, but sometimes truth is more like a lie than a lie.

70. When a lie is repeated a thousand times, you will believe it, as long as the lie is good enough.

Seventy one, everyone is a liar, wearing a mask of lies, and accidentally mistaking himself for his real self.

72. When a lie becomes more and more sincere, even a liar can get comfort from it.

73. What I see and what he says are always different. Lies do not want to expose, just want to ha ha da.

74. Art is not truth, art is a lie, but this kind of lie can teach us to know truth.

Seventy five, I suddenly want to laugh when I listen to your lies; It seems that the relationship between us is only a lie.

76. A liar is actually honest. Those people try to explain the insidious reality by pure lies.

Seventy seven, many things will be broken down once we exert ourselves, and lost once we break down. The world is always so fragile.

Seventy eight, I don't want to fight wits and brave to expose your lies. I don't want to deceive myself and pretend to be deaf and dumb. Men and women are equal in love.

Seventy nine. Sometimes people know it is a lie, and they don't want to expose it, but they just don't want to hear a truth that they don't want to hear.

80. Knowing it is a lie, I don't want to expose it. Know hypocrisy, but also smile. Therefore, you should treat yourself better.

Eighty one, it is better to be hurt by the truth than to be deceived by lies. It is always more hurtful to get and lose than never to get.

82. Lies are the expression of love and the hindrance of hate. Since you are not ready to accept lies, treat them correctly!

83. The river rose in a soft fog, the mountains were smeared with a layer of soft ivory, and the white fog color rendered all hazy and sour.

Eighty four, I was just sad, just decided to give up, just forgot to cry, just met you.

Eighty five. How tired it is to expose the lies behind the lies! It's better to stand away from you and watch how you can perform heartily in lies.

86. Some people's encounters are like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are destined to pass in a hurry.