Copy about the circle of friends on the Double Seventh Festival
A gentle breeze is blowing
2023-08-02 16:39:46
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1. Thanks for your presence, I will be happy for several years.

2. The moon at the bottom of the sea is the moon in the sky.

3. I am no longer young, only the passion to live side by side with you.

4. You don't have to distinguish between the southeast and northwest, you just need to go in my direction.

5. Even if the world is deserted, there will always be one person who will be your disciple.

6. I still like you very much. Xiangfeng has gone eight thousand miles without asking for the return date.

7. Before I met you, I didn't think about getting married. After I met you, I didn't think about anyone else.

8. The night of the Double Seventh Festival is full of stars, looking at the fish in the water. I feel sad when I think of you, but only when I think of the original love?

9. Ever since I was young, I have heard that icebergs are indestructible, but who knows that icebergs also want to become ice cream in someone's hands one day.

10. I don't want to be a cool person anymore. I don't want to break my self-esteem at one blow. Now, I just want to be with you.

11. Happy Valentine's Day! You are always in my heart, the most special and attractive! No matter what the future holds, you are still my favorite person!

12. Come with me. Love letters for you, sleepless nights for you, arms for you, keys for you, and home for you. I will give you all my courage and the rest of my life for 60 years.

13. Tanabata Valentine's Day is coming, to the people I care most: thank you for those who love me, bless you for those who love me, thank you for those who accompany me, and thank you for those who understand me!

14. My girlfriend asked me how to spend the Double Seventh Festival? I pretend to be confused, Tanabata? Do you want to eat rice dumplings? She laughed at me. What kind of dumplings do you eat? How about eating moon cakes?

15. Since I started to write about your details, I can't help but lose my mind. I'm sorry I didn't write a few love words, but I really missed you for forty minutes.

16. Did your phone ring? Has the message arrived yet? Please don't look, turn it off, or I will fall in love with you! Huh? It's not closed! Did you watch it? Hey, I love you! Happy Chinese Valentine's day!

17. One way; Two people walk; A glass of water; Two people drink; A song; Two people singing; A feeling; Two people share; A short message; Two cores connected; A Double Seventh Festival; Two people flying!

18. The missing of Tanabata is like stars. Tanabata care, such as spray blossoming. The blessing of Tanabata, such as the breeze continuously. The earth is in revolution, the world is changing, and the love for you will never change. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

19. The evening wind whispers on my head, the moonlight gently swings on my fingertips, gentle and soft like your kiss, love is inlaid with roses, the taste of happiness is sweeter than honey, dear, happy Tanabata Festival!

20. As the Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, as a good brother, I will present you a couplet in a gorgeous way. The first couplet: treat all the beautiful women with cold eyebrows. The second line: Bow down and be an old bachelor. Horizontal scroll: To amuse you. Ha ha, Happy Tanabata!

21. The earth has feelings, the heaven has feelings, and the heaven and the earth have feelings; The bridge of magpies is here, the Milky Way is there, and the Double Seventh Festival is there; Tanabata music, everyday music, always happy; SMS, blessing, good days are coming to you. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.

22. Legend continues in the starry sky; Love is sweet on the bridge; Fate, meet in the sea of people; Miss, pass in the years; Oath, remember in the care; Tanabata, wish to never separate from you in this life.

23. The feeling of secret love, happiness and leisure; The feeling of first love makes people linger; The feeling of love is sweet in sour; The taste of love is neither bitter nor salty; The waiting of true feelings is eternal; The arrival of Tanabata, sweet and sweet!

24. You are the blue sky, and I am the white cloud. I will embrace you and never part; You are the sea, I would like to become a stream, slowly flowing to your heart; You are winter, and I am snowflake, full of love and feelings.

25. Love does not need the solemn and stirring of the Butterfly Lovers, but the tacit understanding of the heart; Love does not need the following of male and female, but the support of each other; Love does not need a pledge of eternal love. It needs silent attention and constant contact. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

26. A midsummer night, a persistent voice and an indefatigable heart call for beautiful love; A beautiful legend, a long river, a beautiful magpie bridge, calling for a mysterious love! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

27. Summer has gone and autumn has come. I am in a good mood. I am eager to find good grass in the horizon. Good horses often eat back grass, old cows prefer fresh grass, and rabbits also like grass near their nests. Hi! Brother, the Chinese Valentine's Day is here, I wish you to eat whatever grass you want! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

28. I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I look forward to the Chinese Valentine's Day. I missed February 14, and I can never miss the seventh day of July. Today, I want to say three words to you: "Borrow some money". I'm shy of asking, but it's hard for you to refuse on holidays, isn't it?

29. When there is no you at night, I think of you as a pillow; When there is no you in the daytime, I think of you as the sun; One day without you, I am only a skeleton. Don't let me become a skeleton this Valentine's Day!

30. Sing love songs on Tanabata: Singles sing "Valentine's Day without Lovers", lovelorn people sing "Heartbreak", happy people sing "The Most Romantic Things", and I will sing "Today You Will Marry Me" for you. If you can sing "I Will", it would be best!

31. It's you! It's you! Open a window in my dark heart, I get love. July 7 magpie bridge meet, our love will last forever! There are many stars in the sky, one for the cowherd and one for the weaver girl. See you on the Double Seventh Festival every year, just like you and me on the ground!

32. Where there is water, flowers will bloom in the desert; Where there is love, no matter where is heaven; Where you are, I am looking forward to all my life; Every day with you is the warm sun in winter. Dear, Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

33. It rained because the clouds cried, the flowers bloomed because the wind laughed, the snow fell because the sun was asleep, the moon was round because the stars were drunk, I sent you a message because I missed you, and I smiled because you understood my heart. Happy Valentine's Day!

34. Give you a piece of chocolate. May your love be sweet forever; Send you a bunch of red roses, may your love be intoxicated forever; Give you a diamond ring, may your love be forever strong; Send you a music box, wish you a hundred years of love; Give you a crystal cup, may your love accompany you forever; Send you a blessing heart, Tanabata happiness endless.