A complete list of short sentences describing feelings of congestion (28 selected sentences)
Old Man in the Mountain
2023-04-30 16:41:28
Complete sentences

1. In love, the highest principle is to give up oneself to another individual of different gender, give up one's own independent consciousness and isolated self existence, and feel that one can only gain his own consciousness in the other's consciousness.

2. I will wipe away my tears and smile and never look back, but this will be my everlasting regret and I will always regret it.

3. How far is the distance between time and space? It can separate two people alive.

4. Only one tree witnessed my tears and the deep sadness I hid in my heart.

5. After many years, you and her are as close as the sea. Do you think you owe me a future.

6. I hope I can not grow up and find objects completely by intuition.

7. Habits hide in a corner of nobody to lick it, just like a cut wound, so painful, so sad, and then slowly heal! Although the scar is still clearly visible, the pain is no longer felt.

8. Don't let your tears make you look back.

9. Sometimes I'm tired, I don't want to talk or move, I don't need comfort and company, I just want to stay alone.

10. I don't have the kind of life that hurts when I feel bad

11. In fact, you have already changed, but I have been holding on to memories.

12. I smoked until I felt sick. I hid in the toilet and vomited tears all over my face. I never saw anyone take the cigarette from my hands and hug it to say that I felt distressed.

13. In the middle of the game, the air was foggy and the autumn was falling. Knowing where dead leaves are is hard to find. Drink free wine in the tavern, saying that only dreams are ups and downs. Last night, the moon was cold and lonely, and the autumn wind was leisurely.

14. Sentence of Heart Blocking: As long as the heart is not reconciled, it is not time to give up.

15. Like this kind of sadness, like walking in the bleak autumn leaves, with the leaves lingering with the wind after the end of the final sadness, the mood is also wandering in the sadness, the heart smoke also with that ray of sadness, in the wind, floating.

16. Laughter is for others to see, tears are for oneself to swallow.

17. Don't forget the past when you succeed, and remember the future when you fail.

18. One day, I found that I was no longer qualified for self pity, and only my tireless shoulder was left with simple satisfaction

19. I will put down my personality, self-esteem, and pursuit because I can't put down a person.

20. Do you think I am immune from all poisons? Do you think I am very strong? Think I won't get hurt?

21. Tell more jokes and act in a humorous manner, so that life will be easier.

22. Don't rely too much on anyone. You will feel bad if he doesn't find you or accompany you or coax you that day

23. As long as you are simple, how can I bear to play tricks with you?

24. Anyway, he doesn't feel bad. As long as he is free, he won't care about my feelings

25. People must learn to fight with grievances, right? But I know that this society is very realistic. If you show your sincerity, it will only be regarded as selling badly. Therefore, I would rather cry wantonly at night than show any embarrassment in front of people, because it is totally unnecessary.

26. How many people are still in love after breaking up. How many people, who are still in love, say they have let go.

27. Time will not stop to wait for you. Every day we live now is the youngest day in the rest of our lives.

28. Coffee is bitter and sweet, not because of how to mix it, but because of whether to add sugar; A period of pain is not how to forget, but whether you have the courage to start again.