Zhang Guimei's Reflections on the Ideological and Political Lecture
feel for others
2023-09-18 02:13:00

She is also a teacher and mother, and the "headmaster mother" loves her very much

At 5:15 in the morning, Zhang Guimei, as usual, climbed up from the steel frame bed in the girls' dormitory, sat on the housekeeper's electric motorcycle to the teaching building, and turned on the lights on each floor before the students arrived.

For more than 10 years, Zhang Guimei has adhered to this ritual habit every school day. "The girls are afraid of the dark and turn on the lights in advance to make them more comfortable," she said.

When her lover died of illness in her early years, Zhang Guimei had no children under her knees. She devoted her maternal love to the high girl's children.

On holidays, no matter how busy she is, she always takes time to visit students' homes one by one. Over the past 10 years, she has traveled more than 100000 kilometers in one district and four counties of Lijiang.

One winter vacation, Zhang Guimei visited Rongjiang Town, Huaping County. In the street, Zhang Guimei saw Shan Qiyan, a senior high school student, selling sugar cane at the roadside. "It's time for the college entrance examination. Why do you come here to sell sugar cane if you don't read at home?" Zhang Guimei asked angrily.

Knowing that Shan Qiyan's father was ill and her family was in trouble, Zhang Guimei often secretly gave her living expenses until she successfully entered the university. Today, Shan Qiyan, a college graduate, has become a kindergarten teacher.

Zhang Guimei has almost no property under her name. She doesn't have a house or a car. All her income is spent on the students of the female high school. She can wear a dress for more than 10 years.

At the beginning of 2018, Zhang Guimei was critically ill and admitted to the hospital. The head of Huaping County visited her in the hospital. Lying in bed, Zhang Guimei took the county magistrate's hand and said, "I'm not in a good condition. Can you give me the funeral expenses in advance? I want to see the money used for children."

I will be selfless and let the power of faith pass

On September 5, the freshmen of Huaping female senior high school sat on the playground and listened to the first "school lesson" after enrollment. Every week, Zhang Guimei gives lectures in person, ranging from study and life to ideal and belief.

Now, this class makes Zhang Guimei feel more difficult. Standing in front of the teaching building at the age of 63, she was bent, and her fingers, arms, and nape of neck were covered with pain relief plaster. "When I got up in the morning, my feet hurt so much that I didn't dare to touch the ground. Sometimes I really want to quit, but looking at you, I told myself that I must stick to it." Zhang Guimei said to the students.

Seeing some students sobbing, Zhang Guimei hurriedly said, "I promise you that I will be good and accompany you through the three years..." Before the words fell out, more than 100 freshmen were crying.

Not long ago, Zhang Guimei was rated as the "National Model of Teaching and Educating" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education issued a notice requiring the education system to carry out in-depth learning activities from Comrade Zhang Guimei. Lijiang has specially set up the "Zhang Guimei Education Fund", and the funds raised will be used to support the development of Huaping Women's High School and subsidize poor students.

To Zhang Guimei's satisfaction, more and more young people are taking over the baton in her hands. Inspired by her spirit, many students of Huaping Women's High School gave up the opportunity to stay in big cities and chose to devote themselves to the education in the hard and remote mountainous areas after graduation.

Zhou Yunli is the first graduate of Huaping Female High School. As a poor child, she used to wish to "go out of the mountains and earn a lot of money", but Nugao changed her mind. After graduating from college in 2015, Zhou Yunli was admitted to the post of middle school teacher in Ninglang County. When she heard that the female senior high school was short of math teachers, she did not hesitate to give up her work in the county and the official establishment. She came to the female senior high school as a substitute teacher and became a full teacher a year later.

"The teacher is old, and we have grown up." Zhou Yunli said, "We will continue her unfinished business."