99 proverbs of rural life
be fearless
2023-04-14 08:34:20
English Proverbs

1、 If you do many wrong things, you will avoid them.

2、 Acne should be knotted and numbness should be discharged.

3、 If you don't know something and pretend to understand it, you will be useless forever.

4、 No rules, no square.

5、 A big family divides a big tree.

6、 Kansai is a general, and Kantung is a phase.

7、 Go out and ask for directions.

8、 One hundred years of entrepreneurship, one day of failure.

9、 Think big and start small.

10、 A pet dog goes to the kitchen, but a pet son is not filial.

11、 The rich celebrate the New Year and the poor pass.

12、 Every inch has its own strength.

13、 The onlooker is clear.

14、 If you are unceasing, you will be disturbed.

15、 In the presence of dwarves, don't talk short.

16、 Evil is rewarded with evil, and good with good.

17、 Catch fish with the net, and catch wolves with the stick.

18、 Every drop of water makes a river.

19、 Light up and love oil, plough and love cattle.

20、 Dogs walk towards farts and people walk towards power.

21、 No melon is round, no man is perfect.

22、 Sores fear fame, while diseases fear anonymity.

23、 A lot of patients are busy.

24、 Disease comes from the mouth, and cold starts from the feet.

25、 Illness comes from the mouth, disaster comes from the mouth.

26、 Coarse food is good for people, and rough work is good for people's health.

27、 Hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

28、 The ship carries a thousand kilograms, and one person is at the helm.

29、 Many bees make kings, and many men make generals.

30、 If you don't want to read, you will scratch your boots.

31、 Learn while you ask.

32、 If you have gone beyond the awn seed, you cannot plant it forcefully.

33、 Fear no evil, and do not deceive any good.

34、 Bring hungry food when you are full, and umbrella when you are sunny.

35、 It's hard to practice courage without taking three risks.

36、 From one year old to different years old.

37、 Children are not allowed to leave their fathers, and women are not allowed to leave their mothers.

38、 Sweating is not windward, walking is not hollow chest.

39、 We depend on our friends when we go out, and on our parents when we stay at home.

40、 The wind blows in the alley, and the rain in the street.

41、 A single thread does not form a thread, and a single tree does not form a forest.

42、 Eating rice with a little bran will make people healthy.

43、 If you drink without eating, you will get drunk quickly.

44、 Eat like a dragon and act like a worm.

45、 When a country is in turmoil, one thinks of good looks; when a family is poor, one thinks of a good wife.

46、 Jingzhou is lost carelessly, and street pavilion is lost with pride.

47、 Garlic is a treasure. Eating it often is good for health.

48、 A good dog never bites a chicken, and a good man never beats his wife.

49、 Cold starts from the foot, and fire starts from the head.

50、 Talents come from humble families, and handsome birds from high mountains.

Fifty one. Three blades of grass can make you fat even if you have little material.

52. If a worker wants to do something well, he must first sharpen his tools.

Fifty-three. ask the woodcutter for firewood and the boatman for the boat.

54. Beat the snake seven inches and dig the roots before digging the tree.

55. Don't panic at the helm, but be steady on the boat.

56. If you are ill, don't thank the doctor. No one will treat you next time.

Fifty-seven. In case of an emergency, he would turn to doctors and burn incense in every temple.

58. Illness comes like a mountain, and goes like a thread.

59. White rice is delicious, but it is difficult to grow in the paddy field.

60. The weather is fine with white dew, and the grain is like silver.

61. If it rains for a hundred days, there will always be a sunny day.

Sixty-two. out of ear, out of ear, out of appetite.

63. Keep your bow steady and not afraid of wind.

Sixty-four. mend a leak while the weather is fine, and read while you are young.

65. Read carefully. One word is worth a thousand dollars.

Sixty-six. talk too little and do too little.

67. The pot cannot be beaten or leaked, and words cannot be said thoroughly.

68. A whipped horse is a busy man.

Sixty nine. Walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to ninety-nine.

Seventy, the drum will not ring without beating, and the bell will not ring without striking.

Seventy one. If the drums don't beat, they don't sound.

Seventy two, the less things you use, the more knowledge you learn.

Seventy three, eating people's mouth is short, taking people's hands is short.

Seventy four. A good drum will ring as soon as it is played, and a good light will turn on as soon as it is turned on.

Seventy five. Help people to the end and save people to the end.

Seventy six. If you can't get enough water out of a well, you can use your endless strength.

Seventy seven, seeing is better than hearing, and doing is better than seeing.

Seventy eight. It's hard to weave fine silk with thick silk, and it's hard for rough people to do fine work.

79. Wisdom lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation.

Eighty, dare to go all over the world, timid step is difficult.

81. It is better to work early than to work late, and it is better to work skillfully than to work recklessly.

Eighty two, do not burn incense to offend God, do not speak to offend people.

Eighty three. Do not take off your shoes until you reach the river. Do not uncover the pot until the heat is up.

Eighty four. If you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, the doctor will write a prescription.

Eighty five. Eaten steamed buns are not fragrant, and chewed sugar cane is not sweet.

86. Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold.

87. Brothers will not cheat with their neighbors, and vice versa.

Eighty eight. You can't persuade people to fight, and you can't look at people.

89. Those who catch fish do not leave the water's edge, and those who catch firewood do not leave the mountain's edge.

Ninety. If the light is not on, someone should dial it; The matter is unclear, but someone should tell.

Ninety one. Eating too much is easy to get sick, so we should regularly and quantitatively protect Kangning.

Ninety two. The white dew is early, the cold dew is late, and the autumn wheat planting is just in time.

93. Simple food can support people, and ragged clothes and trousers can cover the cold.

Ninety four. Grain rises from the mountains and cotton piles, and the cold dew never forgets to turn over the ground.

Ninety five. Tofu is soaked in water, and empty words are not believed.

96. The spendthrift wields gold like dung, and the prosperous family cherishes dung like gold.

97. A person who brags about himself is propagating his ignorance.

Ninety eight. Chop any firewood on any mountain and hammer at any fire.

99. Those who are delicious and sweet, look for those who sell sugar; Tasty sour, look for someone who sells vinegar.