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Nowhere to find in the snow
2023-01-25 22:10:48
Complete sentences

1. Life is like a play. You act and I watch. I act and you watch.

2. We all got hurt in the corner, but we laughed innocently and tried to be strong.

3. All problems are ultimately a matter of time. All troubles are actually self inflicted.

4. You should expect me to forgive you for betraying me. Don't expect me to treat you as a human being after being a dog.

5. Don't let those unimportant things affect you, so that you lose those really important things.

6. Sometimes life will give you an unexpected blow and teach you that anyone can do without the world

7. Missing is a kind of beautiful loneliness, and only when you miss, loneliness will be particularly beautiful.

8. The best feeling is that I know all my bad things, but never give up, and patiently take me to work together.

9. The ticket will be returned to you. I will cross it alone in the future. After all, the city is still busy without you.

10. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by.

11. If the stone will cry, I want to be a hard stone and cry in your heart. At least, I can feel your temperature.

12. Living and living has become a disgusting look, laughing and laughing has become a funny role, walking and walking lost only the shadow and me.

13. You should remember a truth: never expect too much of what hasn't happened, nor worry too much about what hasn't happened.

14. Good Go should be played slowly, and good life should be savored carefully. Don't rush to fill the chessboard, and don't rush to the road of life.

15. When my heart is tired to a certain extent, I have no strength to be angry and worried. When we say "nothing", it is often the most uncomfortable time

16. No one needs to know the pain, and the vulnerability does not need to be exposed to others, because others cannot understand it, but it will only make you look more miserable.

17. I think the correct state of love between two people should be old wine. The more you drink, the more delicious it is. It's not like an open bottle of Coke, which finally lost its breath.

18. Don't complain about others when you have nothing to do. In fact, it's your laziness that makes you incompetent. The most unsuccessful person is the one who only complains all day long.

19. If it's just friendship, be a good friend if you can be a good friend. Don't be greedy. Love is too extreme, either for life or for strangers.

20. Here's a glass of wine for you. I hope you have poetry, dreams and an open distance. Here's a glass of wine for the past. The past will not turn back and the future will not be settled. Let me toast, you are free.

21. It is very important to choose the kind of people to associate with. They will influence your attitude towards life and the perspective of the world imperceptibly.

22. In fact, in most cases, time doesn't really help us solve any problems. It just makes those problems that you used to struggle with less important.

23. When you are in a hurry to explain yourself, remind yourself: Wait ten seconds, maybe ten seconds later, you will realize whether the thing is worth it, and the other party is worth it.

24. Dear self, you don't have to change for anyone. If you want to become a better person, please do it for yourself. The person who really loves you will always love you, no matter what you are.

25. We always think that successful people are smarter than us and ox people are luckier than us. However, we ignore the most important factor, that is, our potential.

26. Whatever you are encountering, you should rise from the downfall and rally, continue to be enthusiastic, continue to smile, as if you have never been hurt.

27. Honey, if you don't dress up, please don't go out, even if it's only five minutes. Because maybe on this day, you will meet the most important man in your life.

28. The mountain is silent, the water is silent, and people are silent. If they do not speak, they will be high and deep. When there is a road, silence is also a smile. When there is wind, silence is also a foil.

29. In order to get food, people who fear hunger eat their stomachs in the fight; In order to get love, people who lack love destroy all the lovely parts of themselves in their desire.

30. Don't talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story. Living is not to miss yesterday, but to wait for hope, so that everyone can see your strong, good morning.

31. In the future, if we are lucky enough to be together, we must have a clear division of household work. You clean the house, I clean you; Don't wronged yourself for others, change yourself.

32. Irritable people are very sensitive, sensitive people are very strong, strong people are very stubborn, stubborn people are very simple, simple people are very naive, naive people are lack of heart.

33. Power and power, sweet words in my ears; No money, no power, all around are perfunctory. Listen to the rhetoric of others; Smile when others flatter you.

34. There will be someone who will look at all the states you have written, try to listen to the songs you listen to, follow the path you take, and read the books you read, just to make up for the time he was late in your youth.

35. Remember a sentence: "Thinking too much will ruin you. If nothing happens, it is the best revenge. Why prove something to the unworthy, and live a better life is for yourself."

36. If you ask more of yourself, you will be more independent. If you ask less of others, you will be less disappointed. I would rather spend time cultivating my imperfect self than waste time expecting perfect others.

37. Freedom does not mean doing what you want. It is to do nothing if you don't want to do something. Life is so long, and it will take a period of freedom to exchange for freedom in other life stages.

38. Some people feel comfortable at first sight; Some people, even though they have known each other for several years, meet each other with awkward greetings. Friendship is something that doesn't have to be forced, just go with the luck.

39. Time is the most fair for everyone. In the same twenty-four hours, some people create miracles, while others are willing to be mediocre. No one can copy time, we can only cherish and cherish!

40. Any gains are not coincidental, but the result of daily efforts and persistence. Not afraid that you take a small step every day, but afraid that you will stagnate; Not afraid that you do something every day, but afraid that you have nothing to do.

41. Why do you still have a bad life after hearing a lot of truth! Because truth will not give you shortcuts, it will only let those who have been moving forward step by step lead a better life than yesterday.

42. Don't complain about the world. Don't complain about yourself if the world doesn't let you come. Don't complain again if you come. If you condemn what you want, you are really a coward. If you still condemn what you want, you are a patient.

43. I think that if you treat people sincerely, you can also get others to treat you sincerely. I tried my best not to make people around me sad, but found that it was me who was hurt. After experiencing some things, I know I'm really stupid.

44. When you are with a sunny person, your heart will not darken; When you are with happy people, you always smile at the corners of your mouth; When you are with smart people, you will become smart; When you are with wise people, you will not be confused.

45. Your pretended efforts only deceive you. Never use tactical diligence to cover up strategic laziness. There is no if in life, but there are many buts; Life can not regret, but can turn.

46. After chatting with you for a few days, you like him. You have only been in love for a few months, and you want to spend your whole life making friends. No wonder you are so angry and sad, which is the price of innocence.

47. Your most beautiful appearance is not that you look at your husband and teach your son, or face the sky, or that you are honest and obedient, or that you are clever and save money. But you can already live a good life, but still with delicate makeup and hard work.

48. It depends on whether a person has connotation. Inside, talk and outside, dress. You can also read and write. Talking can show one's knowledge and accomplishment. Clothes can tell a person's taste, and writing can tell a person's character.

49. Do your best and listen to the destiny. Worthy of heart, not confused with feelings. Follow the trend and make the best of it. If you know a mistake, you will change it. If you get lost, you will know how to return. Put your heart into those who like you, and forget about those who don't. Such a lifetime is very good!

50. In life, it is better to settle down first and see the real needs in the heart than to pursue constantly and cannot meet them. As long as you are willing to open your closed heart, to experience and embrace the happiness in front of you, you will live richer and happier than others

51. Don't regret what you missed. People will have the opportunity to meet the people and things you missed, and you will have the opportunity to have them if they missed. Everyone will miss it. Everyone has missed it, but what really belongs to you will never be missed.

52. As long as people live in this world, they will have many troubles. But pain and happiness depend on your heart. No matter how heavy the burden is, laughing is also carrying, crying is also carrying. No matter how bad the life is, it is a victory if you can carry it through with a smile.

53. An unintentional remark offends a conscientious person; He tried his best at once, but ended up being doomed. It is not that you think too much, but that experience has taught you to be silent; It's not that you become too fake, it's the world that makes you know how to protect yourself.

54. There are some roads that must be taken, so it's no use to complain. Some roads have to be walked alone, so we have to run boldly. One step and three turns around will only frighten us. There are other roads that others can walk, but you can't reach the place you want to go.

55. Life is like an endless drudgery. Don't be afraid of and refuse hardship. Going beyond hardship is a strong person in life. Any experience is a kind of accumulation. The more accumulated, the more mature people will be; The more you experience, the thicker your life will be.

56. You are more pitiful than anyone when you are in love with someone who has no one to tell you. You can only sleep on a pillow filled with tears at night and dare not cry; Later, I finally learned how to love, but you have already disappeared in the sea of people.

57. Your eyes are getting darker and darker. When you drink the wine from the boiled water, you have no tears, just remember who. Sometimes you put everything down, not because you suddenly give up, but because the deadline is up, you are capricious enough and mature enough, so you know that this page should be turned over.

58. If you choose a distance for your dream, there is no turning back. Therefore, they either died in battle or returned home in confusion; When you look down from the 80th floor, it is full of beautiful scenery; But when you look down from the second floor, it's all rubbish. If people have no height, they will see all problems; If people have no pattern, they will see nothing.

59. People who tie your shoelaces, let you eat fat, give you bangs, touch your head, look at you when you cry, hit him but don't fight back, encourage you when you are tired, giggle at you, look at you all the time, and sing to you are people you should cherish.

60. Don't let the person who likes you cry for you once. Because there is only one chance that you can hurt him or her like that. After that time, you changed from indispensable person to dispensable person. Even if he or she still loves you, something has really changed.

61. Take time to hate the person you hate, and you will have less time to love the person you like. Take time to worry about the things that make you unhappy, and you will have less time to experience the things that make you happy. Hate, annoyance, anxiety and sadness are all brought by others, but time is yours. So saving your time is more important than anything else.

62. To live, one should pursue something, dream something, and live happily. This is the ideal life. God gives us a chance to come to the world and take a walk. We should cherish it, because life is so short. If we don't know how to cherish it, it will soon pass away, and we will accomplish nothing in the end.

63. Life is not bitter. What is bitter is that we have too many desires; The heart is not tired, tired is too much; Don't try your heart, it will disappoint you, and it will make you despair. If you know something, don't say it; It's good that some people know each other. They don't need to know each other deeply. Do well what you should do, with or without love.

64. Time can deceive people most, but it can also let you know that there is nothing in this world that cannot be lost. What you leave is scenery, what you leave behind is life, and what you leave in the end is the right person. Everyone has different experiences. The oath of life, the promise, even the lie you to understand. Maybe years, maybe moments, you have the answer.

65. From today on, we will pursue dreams bravely and carve hardships. From today on, don't give up easily. Too many games, the reversal is at the last moment. From today on, pay for love. Be your best self before meeting the right person. From today on, cherish the time. If you don't believe in hard work and time, time will fail you first. Work hard only for better yourself, come on!

66. Don't tell me how many friends you have, and who can help you in times of difficulty. A cart of potatoes is not worth a pearl at night; The two people who really love each other will not lose to the distance of appearance, height and age, the former junior, the gossip of others, the opposition of their parents, only to the lack of treasure and trust.