122 inspirational quotes in 2021
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2023-06-24 06:59:53
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Two seeds make a forest.

2. I study hard today, and I will leap to Longmen in the Ming Dynasty.

3. Forget yesterday, face today and welcome tomorrow.

4. The bitterness of life is eaten today, and the joy of three years is enjoyed in the future.

5. Climb the mountain and attack the peak. Don't be afraid of the cold when enjoying the heavy snow.

6. Laugh at the peak of life, only suffering is more positive.

7. Don't cover your eyes for the floating clouds. You should take a broad view when the wind is long.

8. When you hear good words, you should absorb them like a sponge when meeting water.

9. The most difficult time is not far from success.

10. Be considerate and put yourself in others' shoes.

11. Don't demand perfection from your friends. Are you perfect?

12. Fatalism is an excuse for the weak who lack willpower.

13. I believe that youth has no horizon, only to forge ahead.

14. The road is at your feet, as long as you walk, you can reach far away.

15. Those who are afraid of hardship suffer all their lives, and those who are not afraid of hardship suffer for a while.

16. No matter whether the next stop is heaven or not, even if you are disappointed, you can't despair.

17. Success=hard work+correct methods+less empty talk.

18. A wise man who cares a thousand times must lose something; If you encounter a thousand worries, you will get one.

19. To leave a way for oneself is to persuade oneself not to go all out.

20. Life can't be like cooking. You can't cook until all the ingredients are ready.

21. The pain of learning is temporary, and the pain of not learning is lifelong.

22. When you put your confidence in yourself, you will always be full of strength.

23. Although the axe head is small, it can cut down hard trees with several more cuts.

24. Be firm and persistent when no one cares. When ten thousand people admire, they are as calm as water.

25. The past is not equal to the future. There is no failure, only a temporary stop to success.

26. Don't think your efforts are in vain, and power is used to temper your will.

27. Both people and the dead are people, but they are just a promise and a rest!

28. You know so much! Rich knowledge! We all want to learn from you!

29. The biggest difference between doing and not doing is that the latter has the right to comment on the former.

30. The intensity of pain is in direct proportion to the will and rigidity that nature endows to human beings.

31. Youth is like toilet paper. There are many of them, but they are not enough for use.

32. Only by working harder and earlier than others can we taste the taste of success.

33. Adherence is a belief, an understanding and a responsibility.

34. No matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end.

35. It is not difficult to make a decision. The difficulty is to take action and stick to it.

36. Everyone has a beautiful dream. Only by persevering can your dream come true.

37. What makes people stand up is not their feet, but their ideals, wisdom, will and creativity.

38. Even if you don't succeed, but you try your best, your life will be different.

39. There is no boundary between failure and success. If you stick to the path, failure will also lead to success.

40. Truth, even if it only sees a line, we cannot let its brilliance become dim.

41. People either do not believe in their own death at all, or unconsciously believe that they will not die.

42. Don't look down upon anyone. The less impressive the person is. Often do something unexpected.

43. When you do something, you need to be full of spirit, focus on it, and be persistent at the beginning and end. You can't see different thoughts.

44. The belief of success acts like an alarm clock in the human brain, which will wake you up when you need it.

45. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.

46. Child, you have learned to cherish what others have given you. The teacher is sincerely happy for your progress.

47. An omnipotent person is really incompetent, and an expert who specializes in everything is really incompetent.

48. People should not live for their own desires, but can sacrifice for the survival of the soul.

49. People who rely on others break their own wings and will never experience the joy of flying.

50. It is not a race, but a journey. Competition is about the destination, while travel is about the scenery along the way.

51. A person's character may be displayed at an important moment, but it is absolutely formed at an unimportant time.

52. Most people tend to beat their chests to the lost opportunities, but turn a blind eye to the opportunities in front of them.

53. See every dawn as the beginning of life and every dusk as the summary of your life.

54. Let yourself mature while looking for opportunities. When the time is ripe, the ideal can be realized.

55. If a person lives a dissolute life, he cannot achieve success, and complacency will inevitably bring disaster to himself.

56. People who regard life as a play can be unprepared to change; People who play games for life are prone to depression.

57. Face the past with the least regret; Face the present with the least waste; Face the future with the most dreams.

58. People have two mu of farmland. One mu of farmland in the daytime is to fill their stomachs, and one mu of farmland in the evening is to cultivate their own future.

59. Overcoming your negative and distorted way of thinking can increase efficiency and self-esteem.

60. Try your best to meet the flowers and applause at the end with your indomitable determination, and believe that success belongs to you.

61. Busy people will only be seduced by one devil, while lazy people will be seduced by a group of demons.

62. Success is to make ordinary things extraordinary. Find ways for success, not reasons for failure.

63. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm. It can move hard stones. It is the essence of sincerity.

64. What is success? After all the roads leading to failure, there is only one road left. That is the road to success.

65. The most important thing for my success in science is my love of science and my persistence in long-term exploration.

66. Everyone will be tired. No one can bear all the sadness for you. People will learn to grow up by themselves for some time.

67. There will always be people who will hurt you. You still need to continue trusting others, just be careful.

68. It is not terrible to express or be expressed. What is terrible is that the end is not a love, but a lack of friends.

69. Don't judge your success or failure by what you have done. Instead, judge by what you are going to do.

70. Nothing is difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart. A man of heart is a man of strong determination, and a man of strong determination is not afraid of failure.

71. Only when people work for the perfection of their contemporaries and their happiness can they achieve their own perfection.

72. Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person who insists on doing it, there will be hope in the end.

73. If I can see my back, I think it must be very sad, because I left all my happiness in front of me.

74. When you know what you are going to do, you will understand that life is like this. Fight for tomorrow!

75. Jealousy will not add any benefits to oneself; Jealousy cannot diminish others' achievements.

76. Vanity has two functions: one is to show off others to belittle oneself, the other is to show off oneself to belittle others.

77. Life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination, but only about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

The most important 12 years of life are from 78 to 32 years old. The goal is wife, children, house, car, ticket and face.

79. There is no disappointment in the world, only those who are desperate for the situation. The greatest bankruptcy is despair, and the greatest asset is hope.

80. Only when you know your own strengths can you choose a career direction in life; Only by practicing your own strong points can you achieve your own career.

81. No matter how many dangerous shoals, hidden reefs, thorns and traps are ahead, as long as you find the right path, you can move forward smoothly.

82. The biggest reason for a person's failure is that he never fully trusts his ability, or even believes that he will fail.

83. For the ideal, get up early at the third watch to welcome the dawn; For the goal, lie at night in the middle of the night, dream of other stars, be down-to-earth, and Lingyun will sacrifice who he is.

84. Only when you think you are great can you achieve great things and become a great person in the eyes of others.

85. Whenever possible, you should "imitate" yourself and become yourself.

86. Life is like a play. Life is a stage. Everyone plays his or her own role, and let everyone take a meaningful trip.

87. We don't want to fight for fame and wealth. At least we should fight for our own future, so we must be full of fighting spirit.

88. Don't fight with men. First, you can't touch him; Second, the man who fights with you must be a madman. Therefore, it is better not to move.

89. Only perseverance can make us succeed, and the source of perseverance lies in unswervingly taking the necessary means to achieve success.

90. Live each day as if it were the last day, and then you can learn to cherish it. You cherish time, and time will naturally repay you.

91. If you have action, you will succeed; If you are creative, you will be outstanding; If you have influence, you will achieve something.

92. No matter how hard I try or how I change myself, it turns out that everything is in vain. I find that I have always been a fool who can only be cheated.

93. What we do is not just success without failure. We should look for shortcomings in success and learn experience from failure so as to make progress.

94. Deep in the human heart, there are many sleeping forces. Wake up the power that people have never dreamed of, and use it skillfully, you can completely change your life.

95. For a person, what really matters is not his background, his color, his race, or his religious belief, but his character.

96. Most of the time, a person's value is reflected in his position, just like the mineral water in the supermarket is only a few cents, while the one on the train is sold for three yuan.

97. One way is only suitable for one person, and everyone should pursue his own way; People standing outside themselves, please be careful not to fall!

98. A temporary failure is not the low point of your life. As long as you keep a good attitude and put yourself in the right position, you will always get out of the low point one day.

99. If you want to get food, you must always look for it. Only in this way can you have a chance. Don't be discouraged. Even if you can't find a fat sheep, you can at least find a rabbit.

100. Unite as one, its benefits will cut off the gold; The tiger leaps and the dragon soars! We work hard, we fight, we compete, we dare to win! Unstoppable, embrace success!

101. There is no greater enemy than yourself, and no greater shortcoming than knowing your mistakes and not changing them. No one is born a genius. Success is about overcoming yourself and overcoming obstacles.

102. Never regard your study as a task, but an enviable opportunity. For your own happiness and the interests of the society where you work in the future, learn.

103. Tolerance is the wind of spring, the sun of winter, and the star of night. The spring breeze melts the cold ice, the warm sun bakes the wet heart, and the starlight points the way home.

104. "Qi" means someone else vomits something, but you receive it. Anger means punishing yourself with someone else's fault.

105. If you make a mistake, don't regret it. Don't complain. There is no perfect person in the world. Fall down, get up and start again. How can we see the rainbow without wind and rain? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.

106. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning. In this process, we should learn to be stable and calm, and learn how to find life from confusion.

107. Life is like a road. There are rough and smooth roads; In the process of growing up, it will not be easy. Sometimes you will fall, sometimes you will not fall, but you must keep moving forward.

108. Everyone's experience is a book. As for good writing or bad writing, thick writing or thin writing, wonderful writing or mediocre writing, it all depends on how you write, and no one else can replace it.

109. If you miss the dawn, you can enjoy the dusk; Miss the spring flowers, you can accept the autumn fruits; If you miss the sun, you can look up at the stars and the moon; Miss yesterday, you can embrace today!

110. What you see at home is always home, and what you see when you go out is the world. If you put money in front of you, you will always see money. If you put money where it is useful, you will see the world of money.

111. Wealth is a temporary friend, while friends are permanent wealth; Honor is a temporary honor, and talent is a permanent foundation; Education is temporary knowledge, learning is permanent wisdom!

112. Women should not look at the happiness of others with envy and blind comparison. The things that need to be "dried" are usually because they often return to the damp and become moldy.

113. There is a saying about love. How can you dance without bread? Whenever you decide to love someone well, you must consider giving her the best material life you can give.

114. The reality is cruel, but in front of persistent people, it seems that the door of hope can never be closed. For life, experience, especially the painful experience, is always a great wealth.

115. Come to the society with a dream. You want to take off with enthusiasm. You are struggling, busy and exhausted. The future is dim. You live and work in peace and contentment, cheer up or indulge in decadence? strive! come on. Don't be discouraged!

116. Spiritual head is a kind of nature and a symbol of vitality. Spiritual head is the spark of inspiration, distinctive personality, strong interpersonal appeal, and the ability and method to solve problems. Without spirit, you can never get ahead.

117. People often say, "Confidence is the guarantee of success in your career." This sentence is very reasonable. As long as you believe in yourself, you will succeed. All the problems in the world can be solved.

118. Please sing out your joy and your heart. Sing all over China, let this burst of singing fill everyone's ears, penetrate their own hearts, beat out the beat of music, and arouse their heroic temperament.

119. Any move in life is a gift of time. It is you who have treated the world kindly with the love of a child, and the world has returned the most precious gift to you; It is the most true warmth that you treat others with kindness and others return to you.

120. It doesn't matter what kind of man a woman meets. She is afraid of meeting the legendary prince of onion. If you want to see his heart, you have to peel off his coat layer by layer. In the process, he keeps making you cry. Finally, she knows that onion has no heart at all.

121. Anyone who can focus on opportunities will have no obstacles. Anyone who can be full of desire will have no fear. Anyone who can understand self reflection will grow. Anyone who can have faith will have energy. Anyone who can focus on giving will become the ultimate. Anyone who can constantly be grateful will have good luck. Anyone who can continue to innovate will be the brand and who can adhere to the end will be the king of heaven.

122. To move towards a certain goal is "ambition" and never stop halfway. It is "qi" and the combination of the two is "ambition". The success or failure of all undertakings depends on this.