Declarative sentence
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2023-04-29 20:11:50
Complete sentences

1. All sadness comes from liking.

2. Even if you don't love me, I will protect you all my life.

3. Whispers are a key to open the paradise of your heart.

4. Listen to who? This is the territory of labor and capital. Of course, it's up to you!

5. The sunlight is like flowing water, quietly passing by.

6. One day if I don't feel like loving you anymore, I won't feel lonely anymore.

7. Your past, I have no time to participate; But your future must have me.

8. I'm really afraid of losing. I'm afraid it's not you who comes back, and it's me who regrets.

9. In fact, there is nothing important, just want to hear your voice.

10. I don't want you to peel apples, I'm afraid of blood, so I can't let you bleed!

11. I lost all my good luck, but I still didn't meet you.

12. Tell me an address, let me go to your heart; Give me a password to open your heart.

13. The tenderness in your eyes is worth thousands of words. The smile on your lips is my source of joy!

14. The great ship of time can't erase my missing for you. Even if the sea is dry and the rocks are crumbling, your figure will remain in my heart forever

15. I love you so much but can't be with you. I miss you so much but still pretend not to care.

16. There are too many things that can make you sad in life. If you care about everything, you will be sad forever!

17. What occupies your body and mind is my sincere, unrepentant, unforgettable, everlasting and true love.

18. If falling in love with you is also a mistake, I am convinced that it will be the most beautiful mistake in life, and I would rather be wrong all my life.

19. Time can not dilute the wine of true feelings, distance can not pull away the hand of missing. I miss you forever.

20. As long as you are willing, when you are frustrated and need a shoulder, tell me that I will appear immediately.

21. I know we can't be together, but do you know? I just can't forget you! I hope you and she can be happy!

22. You must have loved me too much in the past life, so I owe you until this life. Ask me what I love about you, which makes me so hot.

23. I miss you two times a day, and dream four times a day. I miss you seven or eight times a day. I have seen you for 90 years and loved you for 100 years.

24. The world is so beautiful because of you, life is so full because of you, and life is so meaningful because of you!

25. I had a bad day today. Seeing a beautiful girl smile will make me feel better. Can you smile for me? Don't be virtual, can you?

26. The days we spent together were very ordinary and seemed calm, but this ordinary day was the most romantic, right? Happy Valentine's Day, wife!

27. Love lets us meet, love lets us fall in love, love lets us fall in love, love lets us care, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!

28. I have a crush on you. It is enough to have you in this life. Only you will take such meticulous care of me, love me, love you, my heavy quilt.

29. Marriage is visible, love is invisible; Greeting is visible, caring is invisible. But I love you, it is obvious.

30. I really want to hold your hand and walk along the road of happiness; I really want to hug your waist and be happy and free from now on; I really want to kiss your face, we will be together forever!

31. Dare to love and hate, dare to say and dare to do. I will not let you pass by every time, and then look forward to your beautiful figure floating away. Now I must tell you that I love you.

32. I love you, but I dare not say it. I am afraid that I will die immediately if I say it. I am afraid that if I really die, who will love you like me!

33. The mind of right and wrong is too tired, simple and ordinary is precious; If you are hypocritical and impractical, you will win only if you are down-to-earth; The taste of sour, sweet, bitter and hot is heartless.

34. See you for the first time. See you again. Take pains all day long to win hearts. Take great pains to think. Is your heart, do not understand my heart, so cruel, let me sad!

35. I am eager to open my eyes in the dark, and your gentle words are echoing in my ears; I am eager to miss you. I can drop my hand in the air and lead you to the deep feelings that span thousands of miles!

36. The distance between us makes me afraid; The vagueness between us; I am afraid that one day I will be tired and learn to give up

37. Dear, the cold wind is blowing, and love is thick; The weather is cool, and I miss you deeply. No matter when and where, I remember that I have been thinking about you in the distance. I remember to dress more in cold weather.

38. I will wait for your heart with my infatuation. I will not give up and make me sad. You are my sweetheart, which represents my sincerity. I hope to win your heart. I wish you happiness and have no conscience!

39. I love you, so I send you a message and send my love through mobile signal; If you love me, please return the message to me, follow the way I came, and reply to your sweetness!

40. I love you very much! Although you can't realize my sincerity, in my heart, you are the only love forever - human! I have learned to forget myself, but I can't forget you.

41. Time goes too slowly (and too quickly), and our story ends before the end. I am too weak, you want to go, let go, let you go: go alone, who hurt, tears flow.

42. How can I fall in love with you? I'm asking myself, I can give up everything, but it's hard to leave today. Maybe you never thought that my heart would hurt. If this is a dream, I would rather be drunk than wake up.

43. When will love end when it reaches its depth? When to stop, when to stop, never let go; Love in the heart, love in the mouth, silent heart; This life only worries about you.

44. In this world, maybe someone is better than me, but no one understands you better than me; Maybe someone is more suitable for you than I am, but no one loves you more than I do; I will always accompany you for life!

45. So many people have stayed by your side, gathering, gathering, dispersing, opening, closing, and there will be more in the future. But you should know that the last one left is always me. That's because I love you!

46. Valentine's Day wish: to be a koala bear and sleep on a big eucalyptus tree. I am a koala, and you are an eucalyptus, amen! Sticking to you all my life, loving you and needing you!

47. When I finally stopped walking near you, I suddenly realized that it was enough to look at you and listen to you as I did at the beginning. As for love or not, let time ask.

48. Sweet honey, the sweetness of your smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze. Why do you smile so sweetly? Because I sent you a short message. Happy Valentine's Day, baby!

49. On the journey of our friendship, sometimes you can't see me beside you. It's not that I forgot you, nor that I chose to walk in front of you, but that our friendship has been burning forever!

50. I am your car and you are my commander. I will never turn right when you ask me to turn left. How dare I go back when you ask me to move forward? I will accompany you for life. As long as you don't change the car, I will never betray you.

51. I don't know whether the moon can represent my heart, but I tell you that I really love you! I can't find a standard to measure how deep I love you, but I promise you that time can witness my love for you all my life!

52. Haolong Baby is really cute to the point of explosion. Every day, he said to me, "I love you and love you so much that nothing can stop me from loving you. I love you in every way, and love you in every way. I love you and love you!"!

53. Because I love you, I can tolerate all your shortcomings. Because I love you, I hope you have a happy life. As long as we have love and trust in each other's hearts, please cherish the existing! I love you!

54. I want you to know that there is always someone in the world who will always wait for you, no matter when or where, there is always such a person. I hope you think of me when you are lonely, I love you!

55. You are smoke, I am fire, you need, I do not hide; You are a flower, I am fat, you are beautiful, I follow; You are the boat, I am the sail, you sail, I lead; You are food, I am food, you sacrifice, I accompany!

56. Since I fell in love with you, I can't let you go. I lead you when I walk, carry you when I'm tired, carry you when it's cold, carry you when it's hot, and carry you when I go out. You and you, I have no temper because I love you too much! I miss you so much on Valentine's Day!

57. I don't have many sweet words. I only have a heart that will always love you. It's not easy for us to meet. Are you really willing to let this love pass like the wind? The deeper the love, the more painful it is. Leaving you is my most painful choice.

58. Meeting you is the beginning of my heart beat; Falling in love with you is my happy choice; Owning you is my most precious treasure. Stepping into the red carpet is my eternal power. The person I love most is you. Unfortunately, I passed it to the wrong person.

59. The dewdrop on the green grass is like your heart; It is your beauty that is as attractive as the fragrance of flowers; It's as bright as the stars. It's your smile, so I love flowers, often collect dew, and enjoy the stars in the morning.

60. The shuttle is time, the leap is missing, the flight is love, the flight is love, the flight is lingering, the flight is blessing, the flight is to your heart. The love for you spreads like a fly, and I really want to fly to you.

61. I'm a leftover woman. I don't really ask for much. I just ask for more love, a bigger house, more cars, and more handsome people. Dear brother, if you like me, hurry up!

62. Love is a narrow road encounter, love is heart to heart; Love is listening to your song and falling in love with the little prince's tears; Love spreads quietly in the memory, and love is also around like a shadow. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, and I deeply say "love you" in my heart!

63. Don't perform alone on the stage of life. It's too tired and lonely; Let me be your partner, not to increase the color of your stage, but to make your heart dependent, no longer lonely, looking forward to opening your heart and accepting my love!

64. Words cannot express my love for you. There is only one sentence: "I love you". My mood cannot express how much I miss you. There is only one sentence: "I miss you". I feel unable to express your position in my mind. There is only one sentence: "You are my only one".

65. The most painful thing is not insomnia, but your absence; The most painful thing is not wrong love, but infatuation with you. The most painful thing is not that you don't understand my heart, but that you ignore me after reading the SMS! "The most painful thing is not insomnia, but your absence

66. The blue sky is filled with white clouds. Under the white clouds, I run foolishly and chase you with love's luggage until the end of time and the soul is out of body. When I saw you in high spirits, I dreamt that you forgot your tiredness and missed you so much that I couldn't fall asleep. Don't say you don't care. Take my red roses. It's wrong of you not to love me!

67. No matter how hard the time is, you and I should embrace each other across the mountains and mountains, so that each other will not feel lonely. This is love. This is love. 912 is about love, so that we can never leave each other.

68. Once there was a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. When I lost it, I regretted it. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God could give me a chance to do it again, I would say three words to that girl: I love you. If I had to give a deadline, I would like to stay at... 320!

69. I can't afford to love every day. I watch others when they are in love, I hide when they are dating, I am lonely when they are happy, no one wants to collect flowers, and if they want beautiful women and wives, God won't give them to me. Lovers dream every day, and fate doesn't patronize me. If friends comfort me, I will spare time to accompany me today. I hope you and I have pity on me and give me a little love!

70. The wind disorganizes my direction and points to where you appear. The power of love at first sight has recorded you in my heart. The fact is silly imagination, can enjoy your kindness. Always hovering around you, I hope you can find this abnormality. Take you into my world to fly, forget all the sadness, and make happiness last forever!