80 Sentimental Short Messages from Lovers
Light smoke and mist
2023-07-24 22:27:38
SMS Collection

1、 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up.

2、 Don't say love easily. The promise you make is the debt you owe!

3、 The dream is gone, the heart is broken, leaving just to prepare for leaving.

4、 Not that I don't love you now, but that I have never loved you.

5、 Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with tears.

6、 Why prove something to others? To live a better life is for yourself.

7、 If one day we are not together, we should also be together.

8、 If I fall in love with your smile, how can I collect it and own it?

9、 At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the collapse of the whole world.

10、 The night is cool, the lips are cold, the cold wind is blowing, the flame is poured out, and the passion is also weakened!

11、 I don't need too many complicated plots, just want to make sure you will be in my story.

12、 In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others.

13、 Men are aggressive animals. The less they can get, the more they like them.

14、 The street is bustling with people coming and going, but at this moment, only you are facing the shadow.

15、 Because I have loved, I will not become an enemy. Because I have been hurt, I will not become a friend.

16、 For the memory of love, we should treasure it well, but for future happiness, we should look for it separately.

17、 Since we are lovelorn, we must give up. It is impossible to recover the lost kite.

18、 Anyone who uses hypocrisy as a weapon has harmed himself before harming others.

19、 Perhaps, we will eventually one day: hold the hand of others, forget who he used to be.

20、 Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it won't come back!

21、 The man cried because he really loved him; The woman cried because she really gave up.

22、 It may be long and bitter to love someone secretly, but happiness also grows in this way, inch by inch.

23、 Things in the world are originally a matter of gratitude and resentment, which is in vain. Let them go with the wind!

24、 Can feel moving, but can not move you; I would like to pray for heaven and earth, and pray for happiness and happiness to accompany you forever.

25、 Maybe love is like this. It torments people, makes you hurt, and makes you cool. And let you not forget.

26、 Our story is really unforgettable. There are too many memories and hopes. No matter how sad it is, I would like to collect it all my life.

27、 In any case, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he should love himself.

28、 The devotion and production of love are never in proportion, and the sacrifice of wishful thinking often moves you in the end!

29、 A person wants to find someone to accompany him. A man loses himself. I don't know if there is any hope to pursue.

30、 The black sky is emitting a strange smell, and the air is filled with a sense of oppression, which makes people suffocate.

31、 The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be.

32、 I always feel uneasy when I have you. I am totally lost when I break up. I don't know whether I should love you or not. Am I really wrong?

33、 The sky is dim and the parting is light. This feeling has gone. I hope you will remember more. I want to walk alone in the four seasons, sad and hateful, indifferent has no words.

34、 Love you make me forget your appearance, love you make me forget the time, love you make me become so lonely, so lonely.

35、 Unexpectedly, you who love me are fading away in my confidence. I hate myself. Why don't I cherish it when I have it.

36、 Just sad, just decided to give up, just forgot to cry, just met you.

37、 In this life, the person he loved, she was the most loved, the most painful, the eternal tattoo, and the eternal original lotus flower.

38、 Love is precious when it comes to points. Many people don't know how to cherish what they have. They only see it when they lose it. In fact, the most familiar thing is the most precious.

39、 This kind of love is a silkworm, pulling silk bit by bit. In the end, I became your empty shell. The universe in the empty shell is already so small.

40、 If one year of cultivation brings you acquaintance and ten years of cultivation brings you love, what is a breakup? Perhaps it is to close the door, in order to practice the next reunion?

41、 I approach my dream step by step. Even if it is broken, I will try my best to retrieve it and exchange everything with myself.

42、 Tears are my taste of missing you. My heart can't be retrieved. If memory is the only reply, I will never forget my beauty.

43、 Now, I stand in front of you, but you don't recognize me, you don't know I love you, I think, this is the most painful thing in the world.

44、 If one day I turn around and go, it is because I am close to heaven; If one day I greet you, it is because I am close to you.

45、 My dogs don't like you, and your cats don't like me, so don't say anything more. You will understand later.

46、 When I think of you, my tears are flowing and my heart is tearing. At this painful moment, it dawned on me that for a moment of happiness, pain is accompanied by life.

47、 No matter whether we can come to the end together in the future, but now I choose you, I will not fall in love with others, only love you with my heart.

48、 I want you to know that there is someone in the world who will wait for you forever, no matter when or where, you know there is such a person anyway.

49、 It is helpless to give up. It is incompetence to give up. It is ignorance not to give up. It is perseverance not to give up.

50、 It's my life's fault not to hold your hand. No matter at the ends of the earth or near at present, you are the deepest miss and pain in my heart.

51. In fact, I have been standing behind you all the time, but when you turned around, I crouched down, and you could not see me when I breathed.

52. No matter how beautiful the love is, it is also mixed with sadness. No matter how beautiful the story is, it has an end. It is doomed to hurt yourself if you fall in love with you! Should this love be let go?

53. Waiting is a long way. Missing is an unspeakable pain. But I am willing to wait and miss someone for my love.

Fifty four. When I think of you, my tears are flowing and my heart is tearing. At this painful moment, it dawned on me that joy and joy can last for a moment, and pain can last a lifetime.

55. Once upon a time, I thought I had found the happiness I wanted, but when I gave without reservation, I found that it had always been my wishful thinking.

56. Your heart is my cape and the horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth together in this life, not to travel around the same earth, but to accompany the world.

57. There is a kind of love in the world. It is heaven and earth. There is no time and geographical boundaries. Although there is a limit of life and death, it is always the April day of his world.

58. Today is another rainy day. I can finally say: I finally lost you! Bless you, hope you are not stupid, find a person who loves you more than I do!

59. You look back again and again with regret, looking for the missed leaf; However, you are already a fallen leaf, and I have buried it with tears in the dust of history.

60. In love, no one should be blunt. Love is the most helpless thing. Sometimes love is the latest thing, but sometimes love is the farthest thing.

61. If there are no clouds in the sky, will the sky be lonely? Without you, I will be lonely. Without me, will you feel lost?

62. I am so eager to see him, even if he is married and has a child, even if he has forgotten the love and love that once deeply hurt his heart, I also want to see him.

Sixty three. I really heard from you that I no longer love you. I am so overwhelmed. You took everything from me, leaving only an empty shell and a broken heart.

Sixty four. The wind has blown down the yellow pages on the trees. Each leaf has written I miss you. Stop your steps, OK? Let me see you, let me see you! okay?

65. I mustered enough courage to say goodbye to you. Many memories of being with you cannot be erased. After leaving you, I must face fear, loneliness and pain alone.

66. I know that the friendship of my classmates has been weakened by time. I don't know whether it is meaningful to write these words. Let's forget it and continue to meet the friendship of smiles.

67. We should have a bright future. Didn't we feel happy before? Why is that? But our distance is getting farther and farther, it's only because we are destined to be together!

Sixty eight, I walked away quietly, just as I came quietly, I waved my sleeves, and really could not take away a trace of clouds. I could only wipe away the tears that could not fall from my eyes, and I would miss you.

Sixty nine. A flower, after being picked for a long time, will not be abandoned even if it withers; An umbrella, hold for a long time, the rain stopped also can not afford to close; After a long walk, we can't get to the end when it's dark.

Seventy, your smile sent me a warm spring day; Your enthusiasm draws me into the bright summer; Your gentleness brings me into the lazy warm autumn; You left me alone in endless cold winter.

Seventy one. It's late at night and I don't want to sleep. Standing alone on the balcony, let the wind blow through my heart, take my soul, carry my wishes, and fly to the future. Late at night, do you dream of me?

72. Some people's love is just a "current emotion". If the other party mistakenly treats this emotion as long-term love, it is their own childishness.

Seventy three, my dear, let me call you like this for the last time. I have to go. Although I have many regrets, I firmly believe that it is time for me to go. Farewell, dear! Take care!

Seventy four, one always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery, listens to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

Seventy five, I am really suffering now. We should have a future. Didn't we enjoy ourselves before? Why is that? But the distance between us is getting farther and farther. It's just that we are destined for nothing!

76. There is no humble love in this world. It seems that the humble love is just because of loving you too much. In the final transformation into wordless, there is no fulfillment, no resentment, no blessing, only a bleak look, drifting in the wind.

Seventy seven, a good time should be like this: every minute passes by in my heart, happy, warm, wasteful, sad, happy, melancholy, even like the small troubles in the world, like the necessary flaws in life.

Seventy eight. Good love should be like that. I think you are as bright and beautiful as the full moon. You see I am as beautiful as flowers and jade for you. Being able to fall in love with a person is the true realm of love when you are old, and a person's lovesickness is not love.

Seventy nine. In the world of mortals, it is unnecessary to live so tired, to be upset and depressed for the sake of fame, profit and unnecessary gains and losses, and to live a Zen life, which is the best quality of life. Hard life, in the world of mortals, slowly cultivated into a flower.

Eighty, there is a kind of heartache that can't be spoken. The pain is in the bottom of my heart, which urges tears to fill my eyes. I think, deliberately forget can forget, but always in the mind all the time, a little memory can make me dizzy. Standing on the balcony on the seventh floor, every corner within reach has memories. Why should there be, why can't we forget? God, I want to lose my memory!