10 figurative sentences of paddy field
The most familiar stranger
2023-03-01 06:13:04

1、 When the rice is ripe, the paddy field becomes a golden ocean.

2、 The rice fields in autumn are like golden waves surging with the wind!

3、 In autumn, the rice stalks are bent down with yellow ears.

4、 The rice fields in autumn are like a golden ocean, with golden waves flowing with the wind.

5、 The rice field is golden, which looks like a layer of golden carpet from a distance.

6、 The rice fields in autumn are like a golden sea, shining with brilliant light.

7、 The seedlings in the paddy field are growing well, looking like a green ocean from a distance.

8、 A lovely frog was singing loudly in the rice field, showing beautiful melodies from its mouth.

9、 The rustling wind blows, and the endless paddy field is like the sea, and the heavy ears of grain are like shy girls, with their heads bowed shyly.

10、 If you look into the distance, you can see rice fields. It seems to smile and bend over, like a scholar and scholar, bowing to the earth! A light wind blew, and one by one the seedlings raised their heads and swayed in the breeze, which was very beautiful.