64 scenic metaphor sentences
Mature beauty
2023-06-16 14:12:31

1、 The bridge looks like a rainbow, straight through the sky.

2、 The sky in spring is like a blue lake.

3、 When spring comes, the lawn looks like a big green carpet.

4、 An arch bridge crosses the water, and the bridge opening is like a door.

5、 Spring, like a beautiful girl, makes the world colorful.

6、 It is night, and stars dot the sky like powder on a black cloth!

7、 Spring, like a painter, makes the earth colorful and energetic.

8、 A stone arch bridge is like a flying rainbow across a green pool.

9、 Spring is like a naughty doll. It brings happiness wherever it goes.

10、 A lonely bridge looks like a dragon on a small lake.

11、 What a beautiful autumn! Here, thousands of mountains are covered with red carpet.

12、 Spring is incomparable. It is a poetic landscape painting.

13、 The lake is hard, like a flawless emerald shining with beautiful luster.

14、 The white frost shines on the leaves, as if silver and white embroidery is embroidered on the green background.

15、 This bridge is like a beautiful rainbow across the sky, connecting heaven and earth!

16、 The rain falls on the pond, like dropping into the crystal clear jade plate, splashing out pearls.

17、 Spring is like a baby that has just landed. It is new from head to foot, and it is growing.

18、 A bridge across the river, the reflection of the lake like a curved moon.

19、 Narcissus is very beautiful, like a fairy standing by the river in white clothes.

20、 The distant mountain, full of bright flowers, looks like a colorful brocade.

21、 Grass weaves green carpets with its own little green.

22、 Grass weaves green carpets with its own little green.

23、 The grass quietly greened the whole mountain and dressed the hometown in spring clothes.

24、 The grass quietly greened the whole mountain, weaving spring clothes for the native land.

25、 Spring is like a strong youth, with iron arms, waist and feet, leading us forward.

26、 On the grass beside the road, there are clusters of dandelions, small white flower balls in the shape of umbrellas, scattered in the wind.

27、 The cactus flower, like a long trumpet, is playing cheerful music against the blue sky.

28、 The grass is swaying under the gentle wind, as if it is singing and dancing quietly with the morning wind.

29、 The grass also swayed under the breeze, as if singing and dancing gently with the morning wind.

30、 Spring is like a strong youth with iron arms, waist and feet. He leads us forward.

31、 The lake is covered with a thin mist like blue smoke. Looking at the micro mountain, only the gray mountain shadow can be vaguely identified.

32、 In winter, the water in my hometown becomes ice, blue, like a blue scarf floating in the mountains.

33、 The river is as clear as a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the arms of the earth.

34、 Spring is like a naughty child, driving away winter at once, and blowing warm wind at once.

35、 The lake is quiet, just like a mirror, which clearly reflects the blue sky, white clouds, red flowers and green trees.

36、 The frost on the glass, which was congealed by the cold, was changing colors in the moonlight, flickering faintly.

37、 Spring is like a little angel who loves to help others. It makes trees wear new clothes, and it makes small trees grow tall and strong.

38、 The spring water slowly emerges from the ground, like a crab spitting bubbles; The sound is like the singing of gold and stone, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

39、 The reeds are blossoming, and the reeds are floating, white and soft, like clusters of light feathers, swaying in the wind.

40、 The rolling mountains, one green, one green, one thick, one light, really look like a beautiful landscape painting.

41、 After the rain, the wild flowers on the grassland are blooming like a flower scarf that has just been soaked in water. Even dew beads are colorful!

42、 After the rain, the grass field and wild flowers are blooming like a flower scarf that has just been soaked in water. Even the dew is colorful!

43、 Spring is like a shy girl, hiding and hiding; Spring is like a baby, small and lovely.

44、 The water is as clear as a crystal jewel; The water is as clear as a bright crystal; The water is as clear as a piece of transparent glass.

45、 My little brother's face is chubby and red. It looks like a lovely big apple. I really want to take a bite.

46、 The water is blue. When there is no wind, the water looks like a bright mirror. When the wind blows, the water in the reservoir will be billowing.

47、 The river meanders away, singing like a silver ribbon. The flowing clean water moistens the fields beside the river.

48、 The newly blooming reeds in the shallow water beside the river are rustling and chattering with the spring breeze, like whispering a hazy love poem.

49、 The sea was full, shining in the sunset, the waves were jumping like naughty children, and the water was golden.

50、 With the continuous rise and fall of the terrain, the lush green grass directly reaches the sky, which seems to lay a thick blanket on the earth.

51. In the fields and hillsides beside the road, wild gold and golden yellow, like stars embellishing the blue sky, are decorated with vast fields.

52. After a few days, two white petals appeared on the flower bone flower of the cactus, like a bird trying to break its eggshell, which is very popular.

53. The grass is colorful and linked one by one. It is more alive, natural and harmonious than a skillful tapestry.

Fifty four. The sun shines on the surface of the lake with fine waves, which looks like a layer of shiny silver, or a crumpled green satin.

55. The spring runs like a line, like throwing jade and silver. From a distance, it looks like a string of white silk hanging in the middle of green mountains and steep rocks, fascinating.

56. The sea water is so blue, which makes people feel that the color of jadeite is too light, and the color of sapphire is too deep, even if you are a famous master, it is difficult to describe.

Fifty seven. On the hillside, along the road and at the entrance of the village, the leaves of the hazel trees are all red, red like fire, burning people's hearts.

58. The mountain spring pours down from the top of the rock like a white horse; The mountain spring gushes out from the stone gap like daffodils.

59. The water in the village is light green, like a flawless jade, pure and natural; It is also like a soft green belt, winding in the mountains.

60. The flowers became more and more dense, more and more blooming, and soon covered the branches. Closer up, it seems that they are lively little trumpets blowing vigorously.

61. The neon lights in the distance came on, like a bright rainbow, like a fairy's skirt, like a colorful bridge, like dazzling clouds.

62. Mimosa is like a shy girl. As long as you touch it lightly on its leaves, it will close, and its branches will also droop, as if you dare not see people.

Sixty three. The stream flows slowly around the mountain top, which looks like a jade belt tied on the mountainside from afar. The stream water is clear and bottomed out. The bottom of the stream is covered with colorful pebbles. It's really beautiful!

64. Cactus is a jasper in the yellow sand, an island in the dry sea, and a hero in the desert; They bring vitality, prosperity and mysterious hope to the burning desert.