Copy of Xindu
Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
2023-07-19 08:14:07
Complete sentences

1. Waiting for a warm smile, I'm not old if you don't come.

2. Love advice: girls should never do more than their own appearance.

3. As for you, there are thousands of troops and people all over the world. When you smile, my heart is sweet.

4. I don't know how much I like you, but if I go to see you, I will run

5. The best love is probably like this, you accompany me through nothing, I accompany you to the end of the years.

6. Love is often not a temporary favor, but an impulse to persist when you know there is no result.

7. I used to think that there would be a lot of tears when I was sad, but I couldn't shed a drop of tears when I was really sad.

8. The best love story is to fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

9. Girls must understand that the person who really loves you will urge you to become excellent, rather than waste your youth.

10. The right person is not the one you desperately pursue, but the one who is willing to take you when you are tired.

11. Promising this thing is too worthless. It costs nothing to touch the upper and lower teeth. Just listen to it. Never mind..

12. Love is an adventure, won, together for life; If you lose, the person who is closer than your friend is not even a friend.

13. In this life, people will encounter countless love moves. It is the right way to choose the one that suits them best.

14. If a relationship doesn't make you a better person, but only makes you moody, it's a pity that you love the wrong person.

15. There are thousands of love words in the world, one of which is life and death. Time is quiet, and you talk; Fine flow year, the same as you; Prosperity falls to the end, and you are old.

16. Have you ever been like this? You obviously want to chat with someone, but you want him to come to you first and stare at his head again and again.

17. It's better to keep a little clean for love. Don't start at random, don't compromise in a hurry. What is really worth it will not be so easy to get.

18. Those who want to take you home will be on their way home. Those who are willing to accompany you to dinner will love both sweet and bitter. Anyone who wants to see you can come from thousands of mountains and rivers.

19. A good love is a shameless one who pretends to be reserved. Never wait for the shameless one to leave and the reserved one to cry.

20. If you decide to leave a person, act quickly and cut the mess quickly; If you decide to fall in love with someone, take a longer time to see if it is suitable for you.

21. Prefer absence rather than abuse, and you will get what you want. Hunger rather than food will lead to regret. It is better to keep a little clean for love, not to start at random, and not to compromise in a hurry.

22. Life is like this. If you lose it here, you will often get a return there, just like love. You get hurt here, but you get loved by that person.

23. If that person doesn't love you, your plea will become a noise in his ears, and your tears will become acid rain in his eyes. You are just wasting your efforts to make him hate you more.

24. You can start another love until the day when you can stop being capricious. You can start another story until the day when you can stop crying for the people in the story.

25. Being in love is like a washing machine. It first soaks you, then entangles you, revolves around you, mixes you together like glue, and then squeezes you dry, hangs you aside and hangs you up.

26. If he misses you, he will look for you; If he wants you, he will say; If he cares about you, he will show his true feelings; If none of this happens, he won't bother you—— Cai Kangyong

27. You can't hide your love for a person. Your eyes and actions will betray your heart, just like when you don't like a person, you can never pretend to like it.

28. I think the most sad thing is not that I can't meet you. But met, got, but in a hurry to lose. Then my heart became a scar. When it hurts, it hurts.

29. The shame of some men is that they want to find a woman to serve themselves like a mother, but they refuse to obey like a son; I want to find a girl who is as cute and clingy as my daughter, but I can't be as painful as my father!

30. Those who fail to reach the end are not true love. They are just sensations at a glance, feelings in an instant, and regret for never returning. True love, how can you be willing to let yourself alone.

31. This is the first time in your life. Let's have a love for marriage. No longer unwilling to bow because of caprice, no longer because of stubbornness and break up easily. Finally, I firmly believe that once I go straight, I will be dead.

32. For a man, the most powerless thing is to "meet a girl at the most incompetent age who wants to take care of her life most." For a girl, the most regrettable thing is to "meet someone who can't afford to wait at the best age."

33. The furthest distance in the world is that two people are far away from each other. Suddenly one day, they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

34. If a person misses you very much, but does not appear in front of you immediately, his missing is just talking. A person's greatest yearning is not what he says, but what he runs with his legs. When we miss each other to the extreme, we are together instead of sighing.

35. If someone loves you, love him. If flowers come, say thank you. If someone asks you out, consider it. In this world, no one will hurt you too much if they treat you well. Only when you are good to others will you bite back again and again, causing you pain. Therefore, be confident and bold to let people love, and be careful to love.