Warm love quotes in 2023
If the youth is as green as before
2023-01-25 21:40:29
Complete sentences

1. Beauty is a curse, and many heroes cry.

2. Even if I want to love, I have the courage to confess.

3. It is always too late to meet.

4. I am afraid of the night, but you are allergic to the sun.

5. When you are not around, I have to feel your warmth in my dream.

6. You will never know that you were all to me.

7. At that time, it has become a separate thing.

8. Today's haggling is bound to be a scar in the future.

9. Those who can lower themselves are truly noble.

10. You know that thousands of lingering thoughts in Qingyun's heart are only for you.

11. Ye Fan will eventually fall, and eventually will see through those things that could not be guessed.

12. The higher I climb, the more fascinating the scenery becomes. Heartbeat

13. When you are really sad and sad, you can't shed tears.

14. I can't forget you because you are a part of my life.

15. Gutian is on July 7. Has anyone sent you flowers? Here's one for you!

16. When I was captured by you, my heart was like a slave, suffering thousands of times every night.

17. I don't think we are suitable for lovers. Would you like to be my wife? Happy Valentine's Day!

18. I know I will never be where I am, and I don't know when I will change again. Cherish the present!

19. Don't do too many things on your own wishful thinking. No one will thank you. It will only make people further. good morning!

20. You chose ten years ago, but you still chose ten years later. Perhaps she said cruelly that you would not tell me.

21. Sincerity is always valuable. The truth is always the most beautiful. Sincerity is worth paying. True love needs no regrets. I have cried because of pain.

22. Those who say they don't want to regret will suffer from regret in the end.

23. Sometimes, a love. It will fade slowly because of habit. To the end. Slowly, will lose that love.

24. I hope my boy is clean and looks good when he smiles. If I lose my temper, I will tease my sunny boy. I hope I am good enough to meet him.

25. I know it's my fault, which makes you angry again. But don't sentence me to death! I want to appeal! I want to avenge! I want to call! Beside you!

26. I was greedy for your gentleness, and gradually fell in love with wine, because I knew that only when I was drunk would I have the courage to look at our memories again.

27. It is a happy thing to be remembered or forgotten. I would like to be forgotten, at least, she no longer hates me. Who said, love is deep, hate is deep.

28. Time will part us one day, but. Even so, let's stay together until that day comes—— Green Kawaguchi's "Forest of Fireflies"

29. There is nothing to say. In a word, you left, maybe I let you down too much. I know you love this song, I know you are here, I love you, thank you.

30. Cherish what you get in front of you, and don't let beautiful things slip away from you. I think, either because of your light, or because of your pious belief. You are my only God.