109 sentences in the latest edition of sex
Black and white cat on piano
2023-06-26 05:14:54
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1. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

2. Be beautiful every day, because you don't know who you will meet next second.

3. Summer is the time to graduate again. My classmates who have been together for many years are about to leave.

4. The moment I bow to you, you will kneel to me!

5. With wounds all over my body, I made a deal with you in exchange for the unforgettable warmth.

6. Those betrayed by friends are called heartless, while those betrayed by lovers are called brutes.

7. It is not that I am stingy, but that I use my parents' hard-earned money. How dare I be generous.

8. Don't live in the shadow of others. You are you, not others' copy.

9. Do not be greedy for achievements and make rapid progress, do not make public of yourself, keep a low profile when you succeed, and be free and easy after you fail.

10. Never be obsessed with online games. If you have the ability, you can play the big game of life well.

11. There are too many bacteria in the outside world. I'm afraid I will be infected as soon as I go out.

12. I don't care what others think of me, but I care what I think of myself.

13. I will also be panicked, unable to find a hug, stubborn, you know.

14. I want to hold your hand, sing our happiness, and walk forever.

15. The mentally handicapped can teach you to talk. Do you think you are still alive?

16. Without a princess's life, you should have a queen's heart. No one will always regard you as a treasure.

17. Curled up in the lonely night, who can understand the lonely night.

18. Suddenly mature, forget how weak. Yesterday's dissatisfaction is now replaced by openness.

19. Most people only do three things in their lifetime; Self deception, deception and being deceived.

20. What kind of mood is it for a cold hearted person who is warmed by love but abandoned.

21. Emotion is divided into three parts: theory and practice. Happiness is the same, and sorrow is the same.

22. I always remember the feeling that I could not like it, but I never dare to do it again.

23. I used time to prove my single-minded, but you let time prove my stupidity!

24. All the intersections end here, and all that remains is the gradually receding cross line.

25. Rain is the trace of wind, wind is the information of rain, and rainbow is the beauty after wind and rain.

26. If his love turns into a kind of charity, it is like a snail with a heavy shell on its back.

27. You are God's punishment for me. You have poisoned me, but you are unwilling to give me the antidote!

28. Your promise is an involuntary sweetness, and now it sticks in my heart every stroke.

29. You said that you would never repeat to me that I miss you, because missing you depends on action.

30. Say sorry to yourself, sorry, sorry that you can't find your original self.

31. Women are always suffering when paying true love in front of love.

32. Women should treat men like cats and mice. They should not bite to death at one bite. They should be tortured slowly!

33. If even parting is a kind of beauty, there will be no sadness in the world of love.

34. When I was young, I was a princess with a quilt and a queen with a birthday cap on my head.

35. I'm not sentimental. I'm not single-minded. I just selfishly wonder if you can accompany me.

36. I should know that people will change. Many times, they will be reluctant to leave.

37. I am more and more uncertain about the purpose of quitting smoking. Is it possible that life, old age, illness and death are just like this.

38. Life is a hand that God gives you. No matter how bad it is, you must take it.

39. If a man loves a woman, he is willing to spend money for her. If a woman loves a man, she is willing to save money for him.

40. I don't care about a person I don't care about, nor do I care about a person who doesn't care about me.

41. It is not that I have changed, but that I understand how others treat me and how I treat others.

42. You must go online for me tonight, or I will write your name on the monument.

43. Is there a person in your QQ who doesn't want to delete but doesn't speak.

44. Your belief cannot prove that you are better, and only your behavior can prove this.

45. How much courage must we have before we dare to remember the imprint of our past years.

46. It turns out that some feelings will still be trapped by fleeting years and crowded back to strangers.

47. If breaking up is the starting point of pain, I would like to love again before the end.

48. Even if I have a good relationship with more heterosexuals, it is only good. You are the only one for me.

49. When the equator retains snowflakes and tears melt away fine sand, is it not so lonely today.

50. I want to know what I will say when I am drunk, but I have never been drunk.

51. Women who understand love usually lose miserably. Love is cruel, and the winner is the king.

52. Old Moon, can Nima stop helping me with inferior red thread? She will break it every once in a while.

53. Life always brings us countless pains, just to make us indestructible.

54. Laughed, cried, hurt and hurt. Now I leave you, everything is just memory.

55. I must live like a man, or I'm sorry to see jokes behind my back.

56. Whether a person has achievements depends on whether he has self-esteem and self-confidence.

57. People only see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.

58. No matter how fierce the waves are, they will surrender to the sea; No matter how ardent love is, it will return to calm.

59. Kuang Fuzhou has poor transport routes, and Xinghan can't get on the raft; The wind is blowing fast and the road is blocked. Penglai has no time to come.

60. The nostalgia of the past life is split in Russian blood, lingering in deep sleep, sober and disillusioned.

61. Later, this word summed up all the things we don't want to change, but they are totally different.

62. I like being with you, because I can act coquettishly with you and be a happy woman.

63. If your ex boyfriend and current boyfriend fall into the sea at the same time, would you like to stay with me?

64. If you have decided to leave my world, please don't stop and look back at me.

65. Understand the hardships of others, read their favors, and know their warmth. Forgive others for their mistakes.

66. I just want to live so quietly. I can live without you.

67. I love you, not because I want to be with you, but because I will never hurt you.

68. The sadness behind my smile and the helplessness hidden in my words are understandable.

69. In other words, I have a female colleague named Li Rui and a male colleague named Li Ruisheng.

70. I dare not try to sprinkle salt on the wound. Only know how to use silence to replace the gentleness that has been stranded.

71. What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard.

72. Life is like a dance. The person who taught you the first dance steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.

73. The worst thing in life is not to lose a loved one, but to lose yourself because you love someone too much.

74. When destiny wants you to grow up, it will always arrange some people or things that make you unhappy to stimulate you.

75. I maintain our love with a humble attitude, but you are used to such tyranny.

76. Every time I am angry with her, she is always more angry than me until I admit my mistake to her.

77. I have tried to give up perfectly, and it is really practical. When you leave, I leave, and you and I are separated.

78. The most painful missing is not that the other party doesn't know your missing, but that he knows but doesn't care.

79. Although the best time is always very short, we will remember the touching experience.

80. In any case, I think you are the best. This is preference. There is no reason for preference.

81. After two people have been together for a long time, they know that one person can miss the other like this.

82. Sunflower told me that as long as we work hard towards the sun, life will become simple and beautiful.

83. When the sun shines on the sea, I miss you. When the dim moonlight shines on the spring, I miss you.

84. I walk alone, see through and accept. I choose my own way, I go alone.

85. A glass of wine to you, never look back. The past is zero, love and hate are random. Let me drink to you. Feel free.

86. Sometimes, in the same job, we can comfort others, but not ourselves.

87. You have betrayed me, and you expect me to forgive you. Don't expect me to treat you as a human being after being a dog.

88. You said that the short departure is for a better meeting next time. But we never met again.

89. Even if actions lead to mistakes, they also lead to learning and growth; Inaction is stagnation and atrophy.

90. If you can't dress your woman in wedding clothes, don't stop your hands to unfasten her buttons!

91. I will always be just a passer-by beside you. Once you have someone else, you will never remember me.

92. Leave your pain and sadness to yourself. Don't vent your pain by hurting the people you love.

93. There is no born strong man. Only when one is at the edge of the cliff can he be really strong.

94. Is there such a miracle in the world? If you like him, he also likes you. Two people, a lifetime.

95. Don't boast about anything. If you are conceited, you will roll over. Looking at many things from ancient to modern times, success comes from modesty and failure comes from extravagance.

96. As long as the heart is clear, there will be no rainy days in life. Sometimes life only needs a sweet smile.

97. I am not a moth. I cannot burn my own city. I would rather believe that a dead heart is another kind of strong.

98. I finally came to understand that love for space makes us unable to see the future and have the courage to walk away.

99. The words hidden in the bottom of my heart are not intended to be concealed, but not all pain can be shouted.

100. Youth is like quicksand, grand and flashy. Flowers on the soil, hair between fingers; Go to the far end of the world, and I will complain about my worries.

101. Never believe, but always keep it in mind. In life, the most attractive thing is love.

102. If that person ever appeared in the world, everyone else would become resigned, but I am unwilling to make amends.

103. Having loved, but ultimately not being able to get together is also a kind of fate. This kind of fate is called: It's just fate!

104. Love is not finding a perfect person, but realizing that an imperfect person has perfected your life.

105. Things in the world are often like this. It was painful to mention at that time, but a few years later, it was just a memory.

106. Time is always young. As we grow older, you will find that childlike innocence is something to be proud of.

107. The scar that was healed at the beginning is now uncovered without mercy, and it is found that there is no imagined pain.

108. The greatest happiness in life is to firmly believe that someone loves us. Love is always there, but we need to make up our minds to have it.

109. In fact, there is no "if" that everyone's life cannot be redesigned.