Famous sayings about the process (60 selected sentences)
fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
2023-05-14 03:08:35
A complete list of famous sayings

1. In fact, the island is a scar of the ocean. The ocean just wants to cover it and make it smooth again. So don't be afraid—— Zhang Yueran

2. I want this song to impress everyone as an artist, but your performance does not have the flavor of an artist—— Tino

3. When I live in the world, I just want to understand some truth and meet some interesting things. If I can do as I wish, my life will be a success—— Wang Xiaobo

4. Be with the people you want to be—— Chen Anzhi

5. Reason is higher than heart, and thought is more reliable than emotion—— Golgi

6. Before you want to climb to the peak of science, you must thoroughly study the preliminary knowledge of science. Never engage in the future until you have fully understood what lies ahead—— Pavlov

7. Santa Claus: Hmm~oh, by the way, how can I forget Garfield? He is the only one in the world who wants 20 pounds of spaghetti—— Garfield

8. What I want is not money. I think it's very interesting to make money and watch it grow—— Buffett

9. When I hear your voice, I feel like I'm in a bar. I want a beer—— Wu Zhoutong

10. It is more important to abide by the agreement with oneself than with others. Because everyone must live a lifetime with himself. If you can't finish what you want to do on time, you will lose self-esteem—— spencer

11. I picked up a bag while walking. I picked up countless things I didn't want along the way. When I met what I really wanted, the bag was full—— Yi Shu

12. I have very low requirements for myself: I live in the world, just want to understand some truth and meet some interesting things. If I can do as I wish, my life will be a success—— Wang Xiaobo

13. No matter what you want, only those who are willing to find can get it—— Gu Long Miao

14. You can't just ask the customer what they want and then try to give it to them. When you get it repaired, they will want something new—— Steve Jobs

15. If you want to create, you must abandon all constraints, otherwise your creativity will be nothing but plagiarism, it will only be a copy—— osho

16. To climb the peak, we should not be afraid of difficulties and dangers, and to realize our ideals, we should dare to struggle—— proverb

17. If I want to wake up from my dream, I have to figure out when I fall asleep and then I can jump out of the dream. This is the only way—— Wang Xiaobo

18. For a moment, I want to reach out to touch it. From the distant gentleness of light—— Guo Jingming

19. I wanted to write a book when I was young, and I have finished my dream until today. Very touched, not like myself—— Song Dandan

20. A person sees strange scenery and listens to strange songs in a strange city, and then at a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten—— Guo Jingming

21. Life is not easy. I will never be responsible for the mistakes of others. In this life, I just want to be alone. But if I can, I want a richer life. The world is so vast. Life is so changeable. It's so interesting to live—— NANA

22. It is God's job, not man's job, to engage in band operation in the stock market—— Buffett

23. I can't imagine what I want but can't have in my life—— Buffett

24. Reason is higher than heart, and thought is more reliable than emotion -- Gorky

25. There are two tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want in your heart; The other is getting—— Bernard Shaw

26. If you want to have perfect friendship, you may not find friends in your life—— Li Ka shing

27. Don't waste time if you want to have free time—— Franklin

28. Truth has such power. The more you want to attack it, the more your attack will enrich and prove it—— Galileo

29、 U can pve to be a hundred if u give up all the things that make u want to pve to be a hundred。 (You can live to be 100 - if you give up the things that make you want to live to be 100.) - Woody Allen

30. I just want to cross the sky with you, just like crossing forever—— Guo Jingming