120 Best Inspirational Classic Quotes in History
My future depends on me
2023-01-28 16:01:15
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Each man has his own ambition, and he will go his own way.

2. As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of a long way.

3. If you scold villains, you will become short.

4. Man is not a match, he can't get angry just by rubbing it.

5. No matter how cold the stone is, it will be warm after sitting for three years.

6. Strive to build strength, attitude determines height.

7. Without thinking twice, without asking for advice, without writing or reading.

8. Life can be made do, life can also be exquisite.

9. Climb the mountain, attack the top, appreciate the snow, and never fear the cold.

10. Don't find reasons for failure, but find ways for success.

11. The perfection of personality is the foundation, and wealth is the end.

12. We are diligent today, and we will be successful tomorrow.

13. As long as we can dream, we can achieve.

14. Eat less salt, eat more vinegar, play less mahjong and take more walks.

15. How can we return halfway to the place we want to go most.

16. Do some good deeds, accumulate virtue, and often recite Maitreya in your heart.

17. Qingxiao must arrive at the end of the road, and Jinbang will never stop.

18. No one can stop me even if I leak my arrogance.

19. Small tolerance is a kind of cultivation, while great tolerance is an attempt.

20. Frustration is actually the tuition for success.

21. People are not afraid to walk in the dark, but they are afraid that there is no sunshine in their hearts.

22. Any restriction starts from your own heart.

23. Take a good road out, speak well and do good deeds.

24. The sun illuminates the way of life, and the moon illuminates the way of the soul.

25. God gave you a lot, but he didn't let you get it easily.

26. For the best results, let's go crazy to the end.

27. Most people fear money rather than someone.

28. Don't point to the sky and say there is no sun because of a cloud.

29. Even if most people give up, you can't give up yourself.

30. Only by believing in yourself can others trust you with certainty.

31. Pursue what you think is most meaningful when you are awake.

32. The shadow is unreal. It is not exaggerating, but shrinking.

33. Life is full of choices, and the attitude of life is everything.

34. A true friend will hold your hand and touch your heart.

35. The larger the space in your heart, the more luxuriant the flowers will grow.

36. No matter how many times you fail, as long as you are still alive, you cannot give up.

37. Once the goal is set, never stop until the goal is reached.

38. Don't give up to the world, because you still have awesome dreams.

39. You can be poor in money, but you must not be poor in spirit.

40. Always learn to be a new person after pain.

41. Close your eyes, clear your heart, and let bygones be bygones.

42. If you want to get rid of suffering all your life, you must be a god or a corpse.

43. We don't know where we start, but we go deep. Hatred disappeared with a smile.

44. Having dreams is only a kind of intelligence, and realizing dreams is a kind of ability.

45. If you don't get up in the morning, you will miss a day. If you don't learn when you are young, you will miss a lifetime.

46. The shortest distance is from hand to mouth, and the longest distance is from speaking to doing.

47. A person may not be poor if he has money, but he will be poor if he has no dream.

48. One's dream may not be valuable, but one's efforts are valuable.

49. All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning.

50. Facing bravely is not necessarily successful, but you will not succeed if you do not face it.

51. Strong belief will win strong people and then make them stronger.

52. When everyone is low-key, you can keep a high profile, but you can't lose it.

53. I am just me. As for what you think of me, it is neither necessary nor necessary.

54. Challenge the limits, live a regretful life, strive hard and forge ahead, and write a brilliant chapter.

55. Goals and beliefs give people lasting impetus, which is the spiritual pillar of people.

56. It is not your opponent but your despairing heart that can really bring you down.

57. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.

58. Nine out of ten people who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed.

59. The past is the fading twilight, and the future is the near dawn.

60. It is not difficult to make a decision. The difficulty is to take action and stick to it.

61. We cannot be the descendants of the nobility, but we can become the ancestors of the nobility.

62. Time is suitable for the shades; People's hearts are at peace far and near. This is the best life.

63. Wind and rain in summer, autumn and winter, sharpen a sword in ten years. Use our own wisdom to achieve our dreams.

64. Because of the dignity of love, I choose to leave. Because of my helpless love, I choose to give up.

65. When a person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.

66. If you think more, you can't do more. However, if you don't think about it, you can't do it effectively.

67. The first thing that we grow old is not our appearance, but our reckless aggressiveness.

68. Escape is not necessarily too hard to avoid and face. Turning around is not necessarily the weakest.

69. Lightning never strikes in the same place, and people should not be hurt twice in the same way.

70. Faith is the willingness to take the first step even though we can't see where the long step leads.

71. Wise people always have the code of success. Those who can translate the code are successful wise people.

72. Every successful person has an end. Only by daring to end can we find the way to success.

73. Every setback or adverse mutation is with the same or larger favorable seeds.

74. The impossible may come true today, and the impossible may come true tomorrow.

75. Success does not depend on others' walking, but on others' stopping and you still walking.

76. Give up everything for the sake of whether an opportunity is worth it or not. I don't know, but I will not retreat!

77. Don't envy others' life. What you see will never be all they experience.

78. If people frame themselves within a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern.

79. Don't forget what you have, treasure what you have received, and don't give up what belongs to you.

80. Life is beautiful for some people, who strive for a certain goal all their life.

81. A person with a strong will can be robbed of his property, but his courage will not be robbed.

82. Being a low-key person, you will become more stable every time; High profile work, you will be better each time.

83. Good people do good deeds, from music to music, from the Ming Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. When the wicked do evil, they go from suffering to suffering, from the nether world to the nether world.

84. If death can make a person understand something, why not reflect on it while living.

85. Many things in life are not that we can't do them, but that we don't believe we can do them.

86. A winner is wise and a winner is strong. It is not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little.

87. If a person has arrived at the time when he has nothing to rely on, he will often become strong.

88. In the brook, the fish often feels very big, but in the sea, it knows that it is actually very small.

89. If you can't wait patiently for success, you can only wait patiently for life's failure.

90. Reject perfectionism; The real world doesn't favor perfectionists, it only favors people who work steadfastly.

91. Sometimes, some love, we clearly know that there is no result, and some roads are doomed to not reach the end.

92. In memory, there are always moments that are not special when experienced, but are worth a thousand words when recalled.

93. Remember your value. It will not depreciate because of your indecency. It is the day when gold will shine.

94. Harmony between shades is the tacit understanding of the soul; It is a free breath and the beauty of distance between far and near.

95. Life is so short and the world is so chaotic. I don't want to quarrel, have a cold war, or have a second of regret with you.

96. Don't dwell on the past; If you always remember the last chapter, you can't turn over a new page in your life.

97. If you still think you are young and can waste time, you will accomplish nothing and sigh when you are old.

98. When you want to give up, please go back and follow the first secret. If you want to succeed, you must persist.

99. Life goes by in a hurry. Don't compromise. The most important thing is to do what you like and pamper yourself.

100. Victory is not to defeat the enemy, but to improve ourselves. If we make progress by one percent every day, that is success.

101. Unless one has confidence, one cannot bring confidence to others; Only those who have been convinced can convince others.

102. There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work. All rewards are only used to reward work achievements.

103. There are always some people who leave unexpectedly. Some memories, which used to be beautiful, are now rotten.

104. You can't really forget the person who touched your heart, whether he is the one who hurt you or cured you.

105. If you think it's hard to walk now, it proves that you are going uphill.

106. I can fall, but I will not fall. Get up strong and move forward. Don't be afraid. I am unique.

107. How much you have in mind is related to your future. If you want to master eternity, you must control the present.

108. A philosopher has no worries, and a wise man is always happy. Not because he has everything he loves, but because he loves everything he has.

109. Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone may fall in love with your smile.

110. Obstacles and failures are the most reliable stepping stones to success. If you are willing to study and use them, you can cultivate success from failure.

111. If one wants a wonderful result, he must have a colorful process. People are often so exhausted that they forget what they want.

112. A good relationship or friendship is not chasing, but attracting; Not entanglement, but random; Not a game, but treasure.

Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone may fall in love with you one day because of your smile.

114. Prosperity makes our energy idle and useless, making us unable to feel our strength, but obstacles awaken this strength and use it.

115. Don't waste time explaining to others; Friend, you don't need to explain; Enemy, don't believe your explanation. If you think it is right, do it.

116. If the wind direction cannot be changed, the sail can be adjusted; Unable to control the weather, you can adjust your mood. If things can't be changed, change your mind.

117. No matter how long the road is, there will be an end. No matter how heavy the rain is, there will always be a time to stop. Dark clouds can never hide the smiling sun!

118. Everyone has two doors: one is home, where they grow up; One is the heart door, the place of success. If you can drive away the villain in the door, you will awaken the giant in your heart!

119. On your way forward, there will always be a group of dead men following you, hoping that you will fall, waiting for your failure, and watching your jokes. So you must run hard and never give up.

120. When you always hold on to something, maybe you will only have it forever. If you let it go, you will have other choices. If you don't give up the old ideas, it's hard to create new ones!