Interesting Reading of the World
Gu Lian Tea is fragrant
2023-06-01 19:08:57

If one day, you can still return to the original clarity and innocence when you travel through the mountains and rivers of time and taste the ups and downs of the world, it will be true simplicity and true happiness. "

When I first read this "cookbook", I was deeply affected by the various cuisines written by Mr. Wang. The strong sense of the picture made me daydream, so that when I closed the book, I began to dislike the previous "simple food". But is this really just a "delicious food on the tip of the tongue"? After hesitation, I picked up the book again. It turned out that the world was not only interesting, but also had a pure heart.

Gaoyou's salted duck eggs, Xiaoximen Majia Beef Restaurant, hometown's Lantern Festival... All the featured foods that are often cited are full of the author's homesickness. A love story from the Analects of Confucius, a tea fragrance and a city, whether it is "Mencius Rebellion" in grandfather's words or "drinking morning tea" in hometown, it is very fragrant to read. It seems that there is magic in that small courtyard, which makes people linger and forget to return. Putting down the book still makes people worried about the familiar taste, familiar figure, familiar city and familiar warmth.

Traveling through thousands of rivers and mountains, eating all over the country, Mr. Wang left his unchanged true feelings in his teeth. This love for food is also true to life. Only one person who loves life can have the beauty of every word in his writing. His heart has a kind of interest, an open-minded heart, which makes people feel warm every time they read it.

There is a saying in the article: In a word, one's taste should be a little wider and a little more miscellaneous. "The south is sweet, the north is salty, the east is hot, and the west is sour." You should try it all. This is true for food, and it should also be true for culture. Mr. Wang's point of view is that both the pickle culture and the eating and drinking of people in the Song Dynasty, as well as the radish eating custom at the beginning of Spring Festival, are closely linked with culture and food. Only with a broader taste, can we understand the differences in eating habits, temperament and customs, and regional culture from the comparison of different foods. That is, there is no advantage or disadvantage in the culture of the North and the South, and there is no advantage or disadvantage in the Chinese and Western food culture. The difference is just the difference in lifestyle or diet under different environmental conditions.

A book titled "Taste in the World" made me appreciate the small warmth behind the words. Although Mr. Wang could not taste the southeast, northwest, and northwest like that, it also made me decide to fill my taste buds with reading. It is also a month of reading. The world is full of flavor, fragrance, and taste. "When you cry because you don't have shoes, think of those who lost their feet.". We all know that movement is absolute in this universe, while stillness is relative. Similarly, when we calm down and think carefully, will we find that the same is true for luck and misfortune? In fact, everyone has some happiness envied by others, but don't make up others' happiness and throw away the value you hold in your hands. As Professor Yu Dan said, if you want to understand this, maybe your life is secretly envied by others. When I was young, I always felt that I had too little, so I complained about my parents and family. When I grew up, I found that I had always wanted too much.

Now I often feel lucky. After all the ups and downs, life has brought me more growth and maturity than harm. "There are a lot of people who have used their lifelong efforts to accomplish the accomplishment of others in silence.". There is no such thing as a detour in life. We all follow every step to reach today. As long as you trust the fulfillment and entrustment of these lives, you will always explain the track of history and the appearance of the present. Standing in the present, you will know who you should be in the future, how you can live up to your past fulfillment and commitment, and how you can make Constancy better step by step in the midst of impermanence. Life is a cycle. A person who has a sense of happiness and is fulfilled will continue to use kindness to help others. Kindness and love are the most vigorous seeds of human nature, which can be handed down from generation to generation.

On the way of growing up, we have been helped by our parents; On the way to school, we have been helped by teachers; On the way to the workplace, we have always been led to make things better... Isn't it for the sake of making things better and better for others in the future?

A long life is full of enjoyment. Once you start thinking, you will try your best to complete it at the moment. At that moment, you will have it.