Model Essay on Reading "Calling a Deer a Horse"
Across the world
2023-08-25 03:13:13

I recently read a book called "Historical Records Stories". There is a story called "Calling Deer a Horse". I believe you must have seen it! I think Zhao Gao in the story is very bad. In order to make the ministers follow him around and listen to his orders, they designed this deception.

The story is like this. A long time ago, when Qin II was in charge, Zhao Gao, the prime minister at that time, tried to make trouble. He was afraid that the ministers would not listen to him, so he tried to test it first. So he took a deer and offered it to Qin II, saying, "This is a horse." Qin II smiled and said, "This is a deer!" Zhao Gao asked the left and right ministers deliberately. Some ministers did not answer, some said it was a horse, flattering Zhao Gao, and some directly said it was a deer. Zhao Gao secretly wrote down all the people who said "deer", and later found an excuse to send him to justice. Since then, the ministers have been very afraid of him.

After reading this story, I want to criticize the "bad prime minister". First, he lied to the emperor that a deer was a horse, and he took the opportunity to test the ministers. It made ministers hesitate to say what to say. Zhao Gao will retaliate if he says it's a deer. He says it's a horse. He also commits a "crime of bullying the king". It's all death. I don't know what to do!

He also avenged himself. He secretly wrote down the ministers who said "Deer", and later found an excuse to punish severely. These ministers are honest and innocent! The minister knew Zhao Gao's true face and had to fear him! We shouldn't be Zhao Gao!

After reading this story, you should be "gnashing your teeth" at Zhao Gao! We must not be such selfish people!