33 funny sentences about wine
Tell yourself to be strong
2023-04-28 18:16:55
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. People walk in the society, how can we live without alcohol.

2. People in society, how can not drink high.

3. Brothers can't make friends without drinking.

4. As long as you have feelings, everything you drink is wine.

5. Men don't drink, don't walk in the society.

6. Wine emboldens the hero, and does not obey his wife.

7. Wine is the essence of food. The more you drink, the younger you will be.

8. The universe in the wine is huge, and the sun and moon in the pot are long.

9. A small amount is not a gentleman, and no poison is not a husband.

10. It's raining and the earth is dry. That cup just now can't count.

11. My wife told me to drink less and eat more.

12. We are bosom friends when we get together. Let me drink two comfortable wines first.

13. The road sees injustice and roars. Who drinks if you don't drink?

14. If you don't drink enough, you should be afraid of losing your sorrows. If you are self disciplined, you should not drink.

15. The leader is the leader and I am the leader. Let me know.

16. If we lose, we won't drink. If we win, we will lose.

17. One cannot walk in the Jianghu without wine; People in the Jianghu can not drink high.

18. When will we drink to the East China Sea? If we don't drink now, we will be sad in the future.

19. Excited heart, trembling hands, I gave the leader a glass of wine, the leader did not drink me ugly.

20. Drink today and get drunk today. Don't live too tired; Good or bad, just in good mood.

21. How to say love? Pour all the wine into the cup, one cup after another, and I will not let it go!

22. As long as you have a good relationship, no matter how much you drink; As long as the feelings are deep, the fake is also true; As long as feelings exist, everything is wine.

23. You are wine, I am luminous cup; You are beautiful for me, and I am intoxicated with you; This life has you to accompany, drunken life does not regret!

24. The conditions are relaxed at one end of the wine glass; It's OK to pick up chopsticks; If the wine is enough and the food stops, it will be OK if not; You and I are drunk. It's also right if we can't.

25. One, two, two, two is not wine, three, two, four, two gargle, five, two, six, two is wine, seven, two, eight, two help the wall, nine, two, ten people don't walk away from the wall.

26. When the heart is cold, it will be hot after drinking. When I lose sleep, I sleep after drinking. When carrying hard, I cried while drinking.

27. This wine looks like water. It tastes hot in the mouth, haunted in the stomach, stumbles on the road, gets up in the middle of the night to find water, and regrets waking up in the morning!

28. If you want to get drunk, leave the wine in your stomach; Afraid of getting drunk, pour white water into it; Really drunk, dare to drink DDVP; Drunk, sleeping under the table; Pretend drunk and forget to tip.

29. There is not enough wine to meet friends. You can drink as much as you want. If you can't drink, run away. If it rains and dries on the ground, whether it's tea instead of wine or not, this kind of drinking will not work.

30. Don't drink too much in the morning. There are still several tables tonight; Don't get drunk at noon, and have a meeting in the afternoon; Don't pour wine at night, lest my wife look everywhere.

31. A good relationship makes you unable to drink. Shallow feelings add up. Feeling thick, not drinking enough, feeling pure, drinking dead. Emotional iron, never stop drinking. Only we have love, drink whatever you want.

32. This wine is like water in a bottle. It is haunted when you drink it. When you say something, you slip your tongue. When you walk, you dodge your legs. When you get up in the middle of the night, you look for water. When you get up in the morning, you regret it. At noon, you pick up a cup of wine. Hey, the cup is still beautiful!

33. Wine is like water in a bottle. It is haunted even after drinking it. When talking, it slips its tongue. When walking, it slips its legs. After getting drunk, it needs to look for water in the middle of the night. When getting up in the morning, it will regret it. Later, it will be beautiful to lift the wine glass.