College Students' Impressions on the Great Pass
Ordinary mind
2023-10-21 06:21:59
high school
impressions of after reading

Taking the prevention and control of COVID-19 as the background, Xiongguan narrates the struggle of the Chinese people in the war of resistance against the epidemic, with the themes of Henan Power, Mainstay, River One Heart, Ordinary Heroes, Battle Song of Youth, and Life in the Sun. The COVID-19 epidemic is threatening, and we feel a lot in the process of the nationwide anti epidemic. 1: Henan Province obeyed the leadership and deployment of the CPC Central Committee in epidemic prevention and control, and quickly formed an effective epidemic prevention system, casting a solid defense line in the Central Plains.
At the same time, Henan Province also gives play to its own advantages to provide materials and medical power for Hubei and other key prevention and control areas, reflecting the responsibility of a big province. The epidemic prevention and control has made us feel the power of Henan. 2: In the epidemic prevention and control, Chinese Communist Party members have become the backbone of the epidemic prevention and control. During the spread of the epidemic, CPC members stuck to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, always protecting the lives and health of the overwhelming majority of the people, and guarding one's home with practical actions. The epidemic prevention and control has made us realize that the Communist Party members of China are the mainstay of the epidemic prevention and control.
3: During the epidemic, the whole society joined in prevention and control, forming a situation of solidarity and common resistance. The whole society concentrated medical forces to support Wuhan and mobilized materials to support the epidemic prevention. These are the fine traditions of unity and struggle of the Chinese nation since ancient times. The prevention and control of the epidemic has made us feel the unity of the Chinese nation. 4: During the epidemic, medical staff became the most beautiful "traitors". Medical workers struggle in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, fighting with life and the epidemic with faith.
They are not afraid of life and death, not for reward, and become heroic soldiers of war epidemic. The epidemic prevention and control has made us understand that medical workers are civilian heroes in the battle. 5: Young people have made great contributions to the prevention and control of the epidemic. They are medical workers working on the front line and volunteers who are selfless in the epidemic. The young generation is a generation full of hope. They compose their own youth war songs in the new era. 6: The epidemic has affected our lives and brought us great challenges.
We are temporarily trapped in a dark predicament, but as Chinese people, we are tenacious in fighting the epidemic and moving forward to a bright future. Rising towards the sun, full of hope! Liu Yaqi.