67 Sentences Inspiring Women to Skin Care
Beloved old lover
2023-05-31 07:59:59
Complete sentences

1. The most expensive egg in the world is a face.

2. There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women.

3. The maintenance is the same as before, and no maintenance is the same as before.

4. If you don't spend your husband's money, someone will spend it for you.

5. Women care for grapes, but not raisins.

6. Women are old when they take care of themselves, but old when they don't.

7. Career is the beauty of men, and beauty is the career of women.

8. Men are responsible for making money to support their families, while women are responsible for being beautiful.

9. How much a man loves you depends on how much you love yourself.

10. If you want to keep your husband's heart, you should first keep his eyes.

11. Some women want to commit crimes when they look behind their backs and defend themselves when they look at the front.

12. BMW cars will be scrapped in advance without maintenance, not to mention our women's face.

13. If you are not beautiful before the age of 20, you can blame your parents. If you are not beautiful after the age of 20, you can blame yourself.

14. Beauty is the preservative of love, the anti-theft car lock of marriage, and the stepping stone of career.

15. A pair of lifeless leather shoes should be polished, not to mention a living face.

16. Some women are worth ten thousand yuan from the back, half from the side, and ten thousand yuan from the front.

17. A successful image may not be very successful, but a failed image will make you fail.

18. It takes time to buy clothes and perm your hair, and you have to go shopping when your feet are sore, so it's worth finding the right one.

19. Li Dongtian, a famous makeup artist, said, "Women, you should manage your appearance like a marriage!"!

20. After 30, women need more wisdom, not only to maintain their faces and bodies, but also to maintain their hearts.

21. In modern society, not only men like to see beautiful women, but also beautiful women. Do you like to see beautiful women?

22. Beauty is productive. No matter how much money you have today, others cannot see it, but the image is priceless.

23. As the saying goes, "Forty one flowers for men and forty tofu dregs for women"

24. If girls are willing to spend money on their meals, boys will invite you to eat and pay for you.

25. This is a two minute world. Let others notice you in the first minute and like you in the second minute.

26. Many people say that their hair is messy and can be tidied up. If their clothes are old, they can buy a new one. If their skin is bad, can they change it?

27. Attractive women increase their prices like houses and cars, while unattractive women decrease their prices like cars and houses.

28. Don't use whitening products frequently. Whitening products have higher chemical composition than moisturizing products. Make facial masks for yourself regularly.

29. Many women wipe the floor brighter than their faces, but we know that no husband will kiss the floor.

30. Good skin is the basis of a woman's beauty. Although the skin may not be beautiful, if it is not, it will only be beautiful from a distance.

31. Why do men look for beautiful wives? Because beautiful women are men's face. You give men face, and men give you face when they come home.

32. Women are prone to aging if they don't pay attention to skin care, especially their hands. Tears can't resist the impact of the dry weather in autumn. Autumn hand cream must be indispensable!

33. Women who do not maintain themselves have no future. Li Dongtian, a famous makeup artist, said, "Women, you should manage your appearance like a marriage!"!

34. You like how your boyfriend introduces you. It's full of pride. You proudly say, this is my girlfriend, very beautiful, or this is my one.

Women aged 35 or 30 are like rugby, women aged 30 are like table tennis, women aged 40 are like football, and women aged 50 are like golf. The farther you play, the better.

36. If girls are willing to spend money on their meals, boys will invite you to eat and pay for you. You should know that skin is a fashion that never fades.

37. The real phenomenon of modern society: when you wipe the floor brighter than your face, your husband will not look at you more, because he hopes your face is brighter than the floor.

38. At the same age, the difference between good skin and rough skin can be at least several years, and some even more, which is why stars love maintenance.

39. Some people say that I think it is enough to have inner beauty! "Women who are not beautiful externally have no chance to show their inner beauty."

40. Facial mask is the same as eating. You can use it for a lifetime, at most for a while. Food should be eaten every day, and the mask should be applied frequently to achieve the effect of maintenance!

41. Don't bow your head, the crown will fall, don't cry, the bad guys will laugh, don't snitch, and parents will hurt. Women must lose weight, protect skin and make money.

42. Like breakfast, skin care products can not be used once for a lifetime, but at most for a while; Breakfast should be eaten every day, and skin care products should be used every day to achieve the effect of maintenance.

43. After skin care, you will see that your whole world has changed, and your body and mind are happy while you are beautiful, which is one reason why every woman is willing to be beautiful.

44. Good skin is intuitively pleasing. As the saying goes, one white covers three ugly! Secondly, if you are engaged in beauty and cosmetics sales and other work, good skin can add confidence to your work!

45. Skin care products are the minimum consumer goods for every woman. Women can not make up, but skin care must be done. There are not a lot of women, such as water, milk, cream and film.

46. Maintenance is a required course for women all their lives. Don't feel confident when you are young. If you find your skin is getting worse, listen quickly → teach you how to maintain your skin.

47. Women's sorrow: life is the kitchen, income is the mall, capital is makeup, property is not, achievement is the boss, body is a man, only wrinkles and spots are their own.

48. Exquisite female stars need care and maintenance, or their flowery appearance will wither and fall off; An exquisite woman needs to be loved and pampered, otherwise her jade like body will be marked.

49. Women should buy themselves a good cream and essence, which plays a very important role in skin care. Are you stupid enough to know Dabao? You don't save yourself. Who will save your face when you are old?

50. It is the key to clean your skin every day. If you make up, you must clean it before going to bed. Make up a brand series, which can effectively reduce the damage of chemicals to your skin.

51. Korean women pay much attention to maintenance, because they know that after a woman gives birth to a child, there is no way to look below her neck. What can she show her husband? Above the neck, it should be confessed.

52. A woman's face is the face of her husband and child. I heard a story about a mother who went to the kindergarten to pick up her child. Because her face was so plain, the child said she was our baby sitter.

53. Women should drink more water if they want to maintain healthy skin. Especially in the morning, drinking a glass of water after waking up can not only help you wake up, but also moisturize your intestines and help excrete throughout the day.

54. The skin of a woman with good skin care is snow-white, shining like white porcelain in the sun. Always like a beautiful girl. The skin of a woman who does not care for her skin is dark and wrinkled, like a rough piece of leather.

55. Collagen is the main component of the skin, accounting for one third of the total protein content of the skin. It is the main component to maintain the moisture and elasticity of the skin. But as time goes by, the collagen in the skin begins to lose.

56. As long as a man is rich and powerful, he still needs to find an 18-year-old woman at the age of 50. If a woman does not know how to love herself today, even if you are capable and rich again, it is impossible to find an 18-year-old man at the age of 50.

57. Zhang Ailing, a famous writer, said: "A man chooses a woman not because of her inner beauty, but because of the beautiful feeling she brings to him from her external image."

58. Her maintenance experience: 10000 yuan a week, a bottle of water a week [dazed] 99% of women can't do this at a high cost... My son praises my mother every day for her beauty!

59. Pan Hong said in a book that men are all "bees". The nature of bees is to pick flowers. If the flower at home is not bright and withers, the bees will run out and concentrate on picking wild flowers.

60. Face is half a woman's life! Don't think that people who talk to you about skin care want to earn your money. In fact, your face is your spot, your dark yellow, your acne, and your wrinkles

61. Smooth skin is what everyone wants. On the contrary, dry skin is unpleasant to anyone. Some stress, some pain, and some inner struggle will also make your skin worse. Skin care is the top priority for every woman.

62. Girls don't need to save money. The best investment for women when they are young is to spend money on themselves to travel and enjoy skin care, so that they can have the best glory in the best years. If you treat yourself well, others will treat you well, and career and family love will be outstanding.

63. The damage and oxidation of the outside world to the skin is very large. For example, dust will block the pores, sun exposure will promote the production of melanin, and even promote the skin to grow spots. Now the urban air pollution is so serious, and the harm of harmful substances in the air to the skin is even more incalculable.

64. Men at 30 years old are finished products, 40 years old are boutiques, 50 years old are top quality, while women at 20 years old are flowers, 30 years old are yellow faced women, 40 years old are bean curd dregs, men's wrinkles are mature charm, women's wrinkles are signs of aging, women's faces have wrinkles, men immediately have gossip.

65. Men can never understand the satisfaction that a small mask will bring us, just as we can never feel how a football match can make them sigh one second and cheer the next. The game is tense and exciting, and the mask will be surprised when it is removed. The skin needs maintenance, and the mood should be taken care of.

66. Women's good skin, which is like water, can also bring you the joy of love. Lovers look at your beauty every day. How can they bear to make you sad and make you tired? All housework must not be done by you. Good skin can bring harmony to your family, and follow your husband out of the door. He has face, and he can take you with him at any time.

67. The lotion is not dispensable in the process of skin care. Its role is very important! It has the effect of moisturizing and balancing the skin, and plays a connecting role in the whole skin care process. It can not only clean the skin for the second time, but also promote the absorption of emulsion, and can also add a lot of water to the skin!