Narcissism is funny. Very humorous narcissism
only this and nothing more
2023-05-16 23:18:07
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I am narcissistic and have no cure.

2. Love is better than narcissism, love life and love yourself

3. I've been infatuated with you for a long time, and I'm a bit narcissistic

4. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism.

5. A person's longest love history is probably narcissism.

6. Do you have anyone you like? Yes, she should be beautiful. You are too narcissistic

7. Narcissism is to be a man in the next life and marry a wife like me!

8. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals.

9. Love enters your own space, not narcissism, but to see what's new with you

10. People who are narcissistic are lovely. Because of narcissism, they know more about love.

11. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals.

12. Love enters your own space, not narcissism, but to see what's new with you.

13. Man: I like a girl. She must be beautiful. Man: You are too narcissistic

14. Narcissism plus brain damage, that's self harm! Naked marriage plus elopement, that's naked elopement!

15. Secret love is a kind of courtesy, narcissism is a kind of pride, explicit love is a kind of style, and non love is a kind of taste

16. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals--- Anthony

17. Secret love is a kind of politeness, narcissism is a kind of pride, explicit love is a kind of style, and non love is a kind of taste

18. His space problem is who I love most. I was narcissistic and typed my name, but my answer was wrong.

19. Dear self, be confident, even narcissistic, and remind yourself that I deserve the best.

20. When I went to school in the New Year, who knew that you stupid, stupid, narcissistic people were so important to me.

21. Some narcissistic teachers clearly occupy the class we like, but still say: You think I want to give you a lesson

22. Dialogue between men and women. Man: I have someone I like. Woman: She must be beautiful. Man: Why are you so narcissistic.

23. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. Be confident and even narcissistic. Always remind yourself that I deserve the best.

24. In the future, I cannot rely on others. I also need others to rely on me, and I will not envy others, because I know that I will make you envy me. I am not narcissistic, but confident.