Love, good night, good night, short (38 selected sentences)
Walk alone in the wilderness
2023-02-23 13:38:20
Complete sentences

1. Good night, the so-called love, is to accompany, not much else. good night!

2. The moment when the chrysalis broke out of the cocoon was the pain of tearing off a layer of skin. Many butterflies died of pain at the moment when they broke out of the cocoon.

3. As long as you are always by my side, other things are no longer important.

4. I especially like the way you walk towards me. good night.

5. With your company, even ordinary days are romantic!

6. You are worth my life, crazy this youth.

7. I'm afraid if I close my eyes, you will occupy my whole mind.

8. I want to sleep. Come to my dream tonight. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you a little.

9. At night, I have to endure hunger and missing you.

10. Our story is always so important.

11. A day's work sprinkles your hard sweat, leaving you with happy fatigue. May the breeze blow you with happiness, and may your dreams accompany you tonight! Good night.

12. You are the best happiness.

13. Good night, I like you again tomorrow. I'm really sleepy today!

14. The reason why I am so nervous is that I am afraid that another man will hold your hand and wear a wedding ring for you.

15. Life is so hard, do you want to live in my sweet heart.

16. Tired of being a cute girl, I want to be your wife.

17. The spring breeze can't meet you within ten miles, and the space and time can't meet you within ten miles.

18. I travel all the way in the world, walking against the time, just to meet you in this life.

19. Baby, I want to hug, talk all night, and kiss.

20. Fate is used to show that you suddenly don't love me.

21. I always want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

22. I miss you very much, but I'm not going to turn back.

23. I don't want temporary warmth, as long as you accompany me for the whole life.

24. People who live in their hearts now must live at home in the future. good night!

25. What should I do if I can't sleep at night? Counting is too vulgar; Taking sleeping pills is too harmful to your health. Just recite my blessing to you, and you will surely sleep soundly. Good night and good dreams!

26. When I liked you, you just said that you liked me. It was really super lucky.

27. All the love words I said to you can stand the test of time.

28. The love I want is to spoil, to be partial, to be the first choice, to be the exception. Only these can make me feel truly loved. Good night, wish you have a good dream.

29. As for love, there is not much expectation, as long as it is you in the end. good night!

30. Whether a person loves you or not is not how good the other person can be to you at the beginning, but how long the person is willing to accompany you.

31. You seem to be fragrant and intoxicated.

32. You can feel the meticulous yearning with your whole heart. This is love, not because of the passage of time, not because of the vicissitudes of time.

33. I hate long-distance love. I miss you and cannot kiss you. I am not with you.

34. Say you like me without doing anything. It's not your turn to trap the white wolf with nothing. good night.

35. Different time, different place, different people, the same only you and me; Time is changing, space is changing, and the only thing that doesn't change is the infinite yearning for you!

36. Leave the miracle to others. I have you.

37. Let me tell you a secret. I still like you tomorrow. good night!

38. Come with me. I will give you my love letters, my sleepless nights, and my worries.