Honest quotes
See clearly the people's heart
2023-08-01 17:40:18
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Keep your word and act accordingly—— Child road

2. Honesty does not avoid the rich and the poor, regardless of the size of trust.

3. If you want others to be honest, you should be honest first.

4. Honesty is a virtue, which will make you more perfect.

5. Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom Jefferson

6. A light promise will make you less trustworthy, and more easy will make you more difficult—— Laozi

7. Those who are extravagant and lazy are poor, while those who are diligent and thrifty are rich—— Han Fei

8. Not enough for the traveler to say; Those who are not good enough to believe are honest.

9. Those who are honest and immovable, cultivate their moral integrity, and manage affairs rationally.

10. If you are not upright, you will not be satisfied; If you don't speak honestly, you can't move.

11. How good a person's quality is, what matters is sincerity.

12. Modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind—— Mao Zedong

13. Take the honest road of life, there will be a home with a clear conscience.

14. Faith is the green light of interpersonal communication, and honesty is the bridge of spiritual communication.

15. Honesty is inexhaustible knowledge and money.

16. All effective work presupposes some kind of honesty.

17. Create an honest campus, establish an honest style of study, and become an honest student.

18. Honesty is like the paddle of life's boat, which controls the direction of life.

19. Honesty, make your heart flawless, let your friendship last forever, and make the world beautiful!

20. Luxury is messy and thrifty, and safety is in sight—— Bai Juyi

21. It is not that we cannot see justice, but we are afraid that we will see justice without courage—— Xie Juezai

22. You must treat others with sincerity, and others will repay you with sincerity—— Li Ka shing

23. To live by oneself is to make others live better—— Lei Feng

24. Teach thousands of people to seek truth, learn thousands of people to be true—— educational theorist and reformer

25. No legacy is as rich as honesty. -—— Shakespeare

26. Reason is higher than heart, and thought is more reliable than emotion—— Golgi

27. Put money in honesty, not honesty.

28. Horses should be tamed first and then good, and people should believe first and then be able—— Zhun Nan Zi

29. Consider evil and turn it into hell; Think of good deeds and turn them into heaven—— Huineng

30. Integrity is like a mirror. Once broken, your personality will be cracked.

31. Conscience is determined by human knowledge and all life styles—— Marx

32. Honesty is the foundation of faith; Without sincerity, how can we trust? Sincerity and faithfulness make life

33. Luxury always follows licentiousness, and licentiousness always follows luxury—— Montesquieu

34. Companion with honesty, open life is not lonely; Walk with faithfulness, and enjoy a wide range of fields.

35. If you make a mistake, you may get back on your feet immediately. If you break your promise, you may never be able to recover -- Franklin

36. We should be zealously committed to acting according to morality, rather than talking about morality—— Democritus

37. It is never fair for a man to make himself completely subject to wealth—— Democritus

38. What a liar gets is not believed even if he feels that he is telling the truth—— Aesop

39. Integrity is an intangible asset; Honesty is a wordless signboard; Honesty is wordless reputation; Honesty is a silent advertisement.

40. It means that we should speak in good faith and act decisively and thoroughly. From The Analects of Confucius Zi Lu.

41. Honesty is the business card of interpersonal communication; Honesty is the cornerstone of the market; Honesty is the ID card of one's life.

42. It means that honesty is the law of nature, and the pursuit of honesty is the law of life. From Mencius, Li Lou Shang.

43. I would like to prove that those who behave kindly and nobly can bear hardships because of it—— Beethoven

44. It means that gold and jade should not be regarded as treasures, and loyalty and credit are the treasures from the Book of Rites - Confucianism.

45. Credit is hard to gain or lose. The credit accumulated over ten years is often lost due to temporary words and deeds.

46. Integrity is a river flowing for five thousand years, flowing out of yellow face and yellow land.

47. A slave may be an honest person, a model in his family, and an excellent citizen, but he must be hypocritical. Lenin

48. Honesty is a spring, which will wash away the dirty fraud and make every corner of the world clean.

49. Honesty is a symbol of strength, which shows a person's high self-esteem and inner sense of security and dignity.

50. In a gentleman's trip, we should cultivate our moral integrity in a quiet way, and cultivate our morality in a frugal way. We should not be indifferent to our ambitions, nor quiet to our future—— Zhuge Liang

51. Credit at work is the best wealth. Youth without credit accumulation must become losers -- Daisaku Ikeda

52. Honesty in politics is a sign of strength; deception in politics is a sign of weakness. Lenin

53. Honesty is a mountain water, which can wash away the glitz, agitation, and falsehood, leaving behind the essence of enlightenment.

54. Honesty, like a key, opens the lock on the door in your heart and my heart. Let's open our hearts and bathe in the sunshine of friendship.

55. Luxury means taking in vain, and ambition is humbled; If you are frugal, you will have no need for others and no shame for yourself. You can nourish your spirit—— Luo Da Jing

56. Virtue is like a famous incense. The incense becomes stronger after burning or pressing. Luck reveals evil virtue most and misfortune reveals virtue most—— Bacon

57. Our strong morality is to achieve material success through struggle; This kind of morality applies to both countries and individuals—— Russell

58. We have proletarian morality. We should develop it, consolidate it, and educate future generations with this proletarian morality—— Kalinin

59. Being grumpy is one of the more despicable natures of human beings. If a person loses his temper, he will be a step backward on the ladder of human progress—— Darwin

60. It means that a person who is dishonest in his behavior will not be convinced by others, and a person who is dishonest in his words need not work with him. From "Shame Words" by Xu Beiji (Ming Dynasty).

61. It means that the sea can dry up, the mountains can collapse, and the promises made can never be changed. From Li Bai's poem "Tang Poetry Chronicles - Volume 18".

62. Honesty is the lifeblood of life, the foundation of all values, and the secret of commercial success. Anyone who can be faithful can succeed. American novelist Dreiser

63. We should take care that we don't use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also be able to bear it—— Liu Shaoqi

64. We should take care that we don't use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also be able to bear it—— Liu Shaoqi

65. Everyone can say something honestly, but few people can say it in an orderly, wise and appropriate way. Montaigne, a French thinker in the late Renaissance

66. It means that honesty comes first when speaking and doing things; Deception and nonsense, how can it be? From Disciple Rules. A man who does not understand much cannot have a friend who understands much.

67. People who think they are smart often have no good end. The smartest people in the world are honest people, because only honest people can stand the test of facts and history - Zhou Enlai

68. The current task is to excavate ores, refine pig iron, and forge a Marxist world view and pure steel for the superstructure in line with this world view, even under the most difficult conditions—— Lenin

69. Bad things can be learned as soon as they are learned. The bad habits they were infected with in their early years will show up in all their behaviors and actions from now on, no matter whether they are speaking or acting, they will not change when they are three years old or 60 years old—— Craylov

70. If you can live by following your ideals, follow the spirit of integrity and freedom, forge ahead with perseverance, and act honestly without deceiving yourself, you will be able to achieve perfection. Madame Curie, French physicist and chemist