Walking at the crossroads of life (48 selected sentences)
It's getting dark
2023-02-01 14:14:32
Complete sentences

1. There is always a lot of helplessness in life, and I can only find ways to digest it at the moment when I am walking at various crossroads.

2. In the journey of life, can you turn back at the crossroads you missed?

3. When he came to the crossroads, he saw the green light ahead. Just as he wanted to go, the red light came on. He sighed and said: If only it had been one minute earlier.

4. Sometimes if you are unhappy, you will be confused about the future! Not willing to degenerate for a lifetime, but unable to fight for a lifetime, walking at the crossroads wandering in the end where to go?

5. We walked slowly at the crossroads, hesitating. Maybe, in the eyes of others, you don't have any advantages, but I hope you can be yourself.

6. In the face of a complex world with multiple natures and at the crossroads of contradictions, how can we make a choice to heal the pain in our hearts.

7. When I just graduated, I was wandering at the crossroads of job hunting. I was like a blind man and a blind horse. I didn't know where to go.

8. Walking at the crossroads, the difficulty lies in choice and persistence. Fortunately, we have made a good choice. I hope we can stick to it!

9. I want to keep her. Even if I leave her, she will say good night to me. I really don't want to miss it. At least he hasn't forgotten me. I will hold her at the crossroads after 1000.

10. Now I stand at the crossroads and ask myself if I want to continue my life.

11. I stand at the crossroads wandering, not lost, but looking for your shadow.

12. Look at the sea, the sunset, the sunrise, ride a bike, step on the leaves, walk hand in hand at the crossroads and drink to you.

13. Therefore, I can only try to write with my left hand, try to reverse the years, only to find in the deep valley and flowing water, and linger at the crossroads.

14. Gradually, I hate you now, even hate you. I don't know when you changed. I'm the only one waiting at the crossroads.

15. In March, I walked at the crossroads of another choice, hoping that I would continue to live happily and fearlessly.

16. I will surely meet you at the crossroads not far away, in the quiet passage of time.

17. When you walk at the crossroads, you always have to cross the traffic lights. There is always a way to go. No matter how hard life is, you should grow up earlier.

18. Walk at a crossroads, love on the left, cause on the right, cause on the front, love on the back. Which would you choose?

19. Your heart is like a green light at the crossroads. Any woman can go in.

20. Once again, I walked at the crossroads, wondering where to go? If we mention it in time, can we not stop crying.

21. My home is at the crossroads. The door is open. I am absent-minded because I am singing.

22. Look at that. It is still a crossroad after crossing a crossroad.

23. At the crossroads of life, there is only one choice between entrepreneurship and love. Is my choice right or wrong?

24. Time goes by like a song. Standing at the crossroads, you can overlook the world's comings and goings, lift a meter of sunshine, and sprinkle it on the time, as bright as ever.