136 slogans of honest operation of the company
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2023-02-13 23:15:53
Complete set of slogans

1. Be honest and win the world.

2. Honesty builds the world, and faith gathers wealth.

3. Everyone is honest, and consumption is assured.

4. Build people with sincerity and prosper with faith.

5. Doing business according to law, honesty first.

6. Believe in the world and build the future.

7. Faith reaches the world and is famous in China.

8. Reputation is priceless, and goodwill is gold.

9. A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely.

10. Virtue is thick and law is strict, people and business thrive.

11. Success is the foundation of harmony.

12. Birds of a feather flock together, and business prospers with sincerity.

13. Honesty is the foundation, and faith wins the world.

14. Honesty and mutual prosperity, fraud is shameful.

15. Honesty and trustworthiness, settle down.

16. Conduct business with integrity and win the world together.

17. Honest operation and secure business establishment.

18. Integrity is the ID card of the enterprise.

19. Honesty is the foundation, fairness is the result.

20. Honesty and trustworthiness, imperial terms.

21. Honesty, fairness and interdependence.

22. Be honest and trustworthy, and operate according to law.

23. Honesty and trustworthiness, legal bottom line.

24. Build the world with sincerity and win the future with trust.

25. Build a brand with sincerity and win the world with trust.

26. Quality oriented and integrity based.

27. People oriented, integrity wins the world.

28. Those who break their promise will lose their watermelons.

29. Honesty is the golden business card of businessmen.

30. Don't do anything shameful and don't make money shameful.

31. The faith of man, the soul of business, and the root of industry.

32. There is a bottom line to be a man, and business is standardized.

33. Integrity wins the world.

34. The merchants are honest and the customers are more assured.

35. Dehou has a long history and good faith.

36. Love money and take justice, and honesty is fundamental.

37. There is no knack for business operation. Honesty is a high skill.

38. Integrity, pragmatism, innovation and efficiency.

39. Integrity is respected, and fraudsters are afraid.

40. Operate with integrity and build a harmonious market.

41. Chengde builds the brand, reputation wins the future.

42. Win a chance and lose a fortune.

43. Dishonesty is a disaster, and honesty (keeping) is a blessing.

44. Do things wholeheartedly and be a man with sincerity.

45. People are moral and business is honest.

46. People carry the letter, and people carry the letter to Jiuzhou.

47. Give credit today and win credit tomorrow.

48. Survive with quality and develop with integrity.

49. Advocate honest management and create a wonderful life.

50. If business and trade fail to be honest, it will kill you.

51. Adhere to the bottom line of morality, and be honest about the brilliant future.

52. Abide by the law, keep the root, and make profits with integrity.

53. Faithful operation and new market prosperity.

54. Focus on the masses of consumers and drive the market prosperity.

55. If fraud or temporary prosperity occurs, integrity will last forever.

56. People's satisfaction is rewarded and honest operation is rewarded.

57. Build a fraud firewall to protect prosperity.

58. Honesty sows harmony, and the market gains prosperity.

59. Integrity lights up the market, and harmony promotes prosperity.

60. Win the market with integrity and gain credibility with confidence.

61. Chengde builds the brand and creates the world with credibility.

62. Chengde founds brands and opens up markets with credibility.

63. Honesty is the foundation of the world, and faith is the foundation of the industry.

64. Comply with regulations and cooperate in good faith, and safeguard rights and interests.

65. Honesty, cooperation, refinement, satisfaction and win-win.

66. Without integrity, the foundation of several years will be destroyed once.

67. Be honest and trustworthy, participate and benefit everyone.

68. Honesty (trustworthiness) is loved by people, but dishonesty can be disastrous.

69. The goods are genuine, the attitude is sincere, and the promise is kept.

70. Be proud of honest operation and cheer for harmonious consumption.

71. Create a brand with integrity and integrity.

72. Make a profit for a while, and win a lifetime through honest operation.

73. Show the style of honest management and cast the soul of contemporary businessmen.

74. In the market economy, we rely on integrity to operate the market.

75. Are you willing to do business with a dishonest person?

76. Keep integrity in your heart and virtue around you.

77. Rest assured consumption starts from heart, and honest operation is practiced.

78. Conduct business in a civilized manner and abide by the rules. There is no discount for dishonesty punishment.

79. Law based, honest and trustworthy, fair competition and common development.

80. Consumption is your right, and honesty is my commitment.

81. The centennial foundation relies on innovation, and the great cause relies on integrity.

82. Integrity management is people-oriented, and harmonious society law is the root.

83. Manage you, me and others with integrity, and consume thousands of customers with confidence.

84. More honest operation, convenient and beautiful life.

85. Honest operation and considerate consumption.

86. Honest operation, hand in hand, and trust in consumption.

87. Honest operation without fraud makes people more confident in consumption.

88. Win the world through honest operation and consume happily.

89. Win customers from all over the world with integrity and warm people's hearts with hard work.

90. Honesty leads to establishment and deception leads to destruction; Faith wins, deceit defeats.

91. Honesty is the root, faith is the foundation, and honest management is the root.

92. Quality is the source of life, and integrity is the foundation of business.

93. Be greedy for money for a while, and lose (bury) a lifetime of reputation.

94. Honesty is the best publicity brand for businesses in the world.

95. Abide by the contract and operate in good faith for a long time.

96. Improve the satisfactory service mechanism and create an honest and trustworthy atmosphere.

97. Create a brand of enterprise integrity and promote the steady development of enterprises.

98. Build a safe consumption environment and create a warm and healthy life.

99. Establish the concept of integrity management and innovate the integrity management model.

100. Fraud can only satisfy the immediate needs, and integrity can prosper for a long time.

101. Keep social responsibility in mind and trust consumption.

102. Social responsibility should be kept in mind, and honest operation can lead to long-term development.

103. Integrity is the foundation of development, and fraud is the root of trouble.

104. Abide by the law and be honest; Customer first, service attentive.

105. Establish the city according to law and operate with integrity; It is beneficial to the people and profits, and win-win in business.

106. Fairness, justice, public morality, sincerity, sincerity, honesty and truth.

107. Be kind to customers, abide by quality, create harmony and common development.

108. Keep your word and be rich; No promise, no wealth.

109. Keep your word and keep your door open; If you don't keep your word, it will be destroyed in a flash.

110. Honesty is the root, faith is the foundation, and conscience is the branch and leaf. Only then can we get the right result.

111. Honesty, pragmatism, innovation and improvement; Efficient, rigorous and win-win cooperation.

112. Honesty is the ID card of the business, and trustworthiness is the passport of business.

113. Manage with integrity, seek common ground while reserving differences, seek win-win results, and be healthy and harmonious.

114. Honesty first, reputation first, good business conduct and harmonious construction.

115. Honest and trustworthy, fair transaction, no fraud, civilized service.

116. Be honest and trustworthy, pragmatic and innovative, forge ahead in unity, and serve customers.

117. Abide by the law, cooperate sincerely, coordinate for a long time, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

118. As long as the Chinese don't bother themselves, we will be strong.

119. Honesty in business operation, law in consumption, and harmony in society.

120. My integrity wins your confidence, and your confidence tests my integrity.

121. There are only two words for thriving business integrity.

122. Be honest for reference and rational; The test is about level and personality.

123. Honest management is a brand that money can't buy. Honesty is permanent and trust the future.

124. Honest operation originates from every word and deed, and assured consumption starts from every penny.

125. Integrity management focuses on the colorful world, and harmonious consumption deduces wonderful life.

126. Promote the business concept of honesty and trustworthiness, and jointly build a harmonious and fair consumption environment.

127. Don't be greedy for a small profit to do evil business, and don't ask for selfish desires to forget the fundamental integrity.

128. Honesty is the balance, business is the balance, business is based on conscience, and life is more exciting.

129. Honesty · Building the World, Faith · Winning the Future.

130. Honest management is the foundation of a harmonious society, and safe consumption is the guarantee of a healthy life.

131. Operation according to law is the prerequisite for the survival and development of commercial enterprises, and honesty is the basis for success.

132. Integrity management starts from me, and public commitment starts from "heart".

133. "Faith" is the foundation of the world, and "honesty" is the future.

134. "Honesty" is the criterion for business and "law" is the criterion for operation.

135. Honest operation "365" assured consumption "315"

136. Build a "firewall" for product quality and create a "right protection network" for assured consumption