38 lines of the stolen five year classic lines
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2023-02-20 16:14:05

1. Some people, in the bottom of my heart never forget.

2. The Five Years Stolen

3. No matter how gently you refuse, there is always ridicule in the composition.

4. I really can't figure out some things. Why are you not mine when I open my eyes?

5. How many relationships die of greed and how many feelings die of greed.

6. "Beauty without knowing" is the highest level of women.

7. Yu made me the happiest woman. For his happiness, I also made a decision.

8. I can't figure out why you are not mine when I open my eyes.

9. Why did I wake up and the whole world changed? Why are you not mine.

10. Foreigners always maintain a sense of vigilance, and naturally can't relax themselves to alcohol.

11. If one day I will leave this world, I hope the final destination is in your arms.

12. Time is static, we just pass by ourselves, not every love has a chance to start again.

13. Fill the gap between hearts, either with a sentence or a cup of wine.

14. I don't need you to attend every important moment, as long as you have me in your heart at every important moment.

15. Some people, in the bottom of my heart, have never been forgotten. Time has stolen not only memories, but also my favorite you.

16. When you really want to find a person in the vast sea of people, this person will always have countless reasons to go wrong with you.

17. Why doesn't Xie Yu reply to her message? Afraid that once you reply, you will be compulsorily wrapped up for life by her liar?

18. When I am alone, I like to hum familiar songs, read books, and think about the past. It's easy to go.

19. If life has never met, I will not believe that there is a kind of person who can never get tired of watching, and there is a kind of person who feels warm once they know each other.

20. All stories have an ending. But fortunately, in our life, every ending will become a new beginning.

21. Even if I drink the bowl of Mengpo soup beside the Naihe Bridge that has forgotten my past life, I will still be able to find you with my cherished memory in my next life.

22. Only those who have really suffered heavy losses can understand how strong people's receptivity is. As long as you want to live, you must accept it.

23. She only felt that her eyes began to turn white, and the shiny fragments looked like the snowflake screen of the TV set when she was a child. She could no longer receive signals from the outside world.

24. Alcohol is usury. The courage and happiness it can bring to people will be doubled in the headache and negative world weariness the next day.

25. I feel very afraid now. Sometimes I really don't know who I am. Sometimes I feel like I have a mouth and people all over the world are waiting to see my jokes.

26. Amnesia, and the girl in the martial arts film, who looks exactly like her dead mother, completely ignore this setting of the father's genes, are the two most ridiculous mysteries in Xie Yu's heart.

27. Have you ever felt discouraged? It seems that I can see my heart decaying rapidly, and it seems that the sky is dark. Overwhelming heart ash, this time, in fact, people will not cry.

28. Someone is always asking how long it can last to love someone. The colorful romance always hopes to be crowned by time. But the fact is often cruel and chilling. No matter how gorgeous love is, it can not stand the tempering of years.

29. Those days with enough sunshine and too much time are about to disappear. Time is too fierce. If you want to turn back a few years, which years will be enough? I think... five years. Not first sight, but first love.

30. It was like this after love. From the beginning, I was fully armed and only showed the best side. Later, I did not avoid burping and farting. Being familiar with each other was like being familiar with my own palmprint. Only then did my feelings slowly penetrate into the mask for outsiders and flow into the blood.

31. Every musician has their own history. Their birth background and experience are all the sources of inspiration for their works. Whether they are surging, touching, majestic, exquisite, they don't know it is just music, but also their emotional world.

32. This fact makes He Man's heart churn, but he can't shed a tear. Have you ever felt discouraged? It seems that you can see your heart decaying rapidly, and it seems that the sky is obscured. Overwhelming heart ash, this time, in fact, people will not cry.

33. Some people never forget in their heart; Some things, some dreams, still can not find the answer; Some words, the more you want to say and stop, the more beautiful they are. Let's get closer and tell you how much we love you. Many things will never be able to figure out why you are not mine when you open your eyes.

34. If I had never met in life, I would still be the same person, occasionally dreaming, and then drowning in this noisy world, I would not understand that there is such a person in this world, which makes me aftertaste and enchant me. If life has never met, I will not believe that there is a kind of person who can never get tired of watching, and there is a kind of person who feels warm once they know each other.

35. Love is not so powerful. They love each other so much that they can't avoid the twists and turns along the way. It seems that God doesn't particularly care for lovers. But love itself is favor. It can't fight against life and death, but it is hidden in memories, stubbornly standing in the long river of time, separating the oncoming torrent, and obstinately looking forward to the appearance of lovers. That person will definitely appear and bring you the best love. You must believe.

36. "The Five Years Stolen" is a love movie written and directed by Hong Kong director Huang Zhenzhen, starring Bai Baihe and Zhang Xiaoquan. Fan Weiqi joined in the film and sang the theme song "Tell You Silently". The whole process was filmed in Shanghai and two places. It was one of the three Chinese competitive films shortlisted for the "Golden Lord Award" in 2013. It was originally scheduled to be released on August 22, 2013, It will be released on the 29th. The film also launched a novel of the same name, written by young writer August Chang'an, which was listed nationwide in early August.

37. Someone is always asking how long it can last to love someone. The colorful romance always hopes to be crowned by time. But the fact is often cruel and chilling. No matter how gorgeous love is, it can't stand the tempering of years. He Man is a woman lost in love. Her boyfriend has divorced her, but she has forgotten why her 5-year marriage ended in a strange way. For love, she gradually searched for clues in the past five years, but found that in the struggle of love, they seemed to forget the original commitment of "loving each other more than loving themselves".

38. The heroine He Man (Bai Baihe) wakes up from a car accident to find that her beloved husband Xie Yu (Zhang Xiaoquan) has divorced her and has a new girlfriend. Her former best friend (Fan Weiqi) has fallen out with her. Her colleagues at the company also keep her at a distance, but her memory stays in the stage of honeymoon with her husband "five years ago". It turned out that she had forgotten everything that had happened in the past five years and lost the most important love and friendship in her life. In order to regain her lost happiness, she temporarily stayed at Xie Yu's house, step by step looking for clues to her life in the past five years, and began a journey to find her lost five years.