78 quotations from Lin Xia's love story in Beijing
Wake up
2023-04-15 08:13:09

1. Madman, you must be happy! I don't want you anymore.

2. Crazy, I thank you for giving me hope, which is so desperate.

3. In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others.

4. I live well. How can I die? How can I prove love when I die.

5. I just thought that I would not live with him in my life. When I think of it, I feel reluctant to part with him.

6. The grievances that can be spoken are not grievances, and the lovers that can be taken away are not lovers.

7. Take me and the madman for example. Happiness will begin one day in the future.

8. My idea is that I would rather be alone in this life, I am not suitable, I would rather lack than abuse.

9. Love is a game that turns strangers into lovers and lovers into strangers.

10. If love can be measured, he can actually find that I add pounds to it every day.

11. Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed.

12. Human tears represent kindness, ghost tears represent rebirth, and angel tears represent premature love.

13. When you give up, you have to bear more things, including not regretting what you gave up.

14. I will leave my first time to the madman as a reward, and then I will explain to myself!

15. The same sentence. I love crazy people is my business. It's his business that a madman loves you. We are still good friends.

16. The clouds are sparse and the moon is thick. The fleeting years wither and fall with the light wind. With a pen, I ask the sky, how can I dream again?

17. In any case, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he must love himself.

18. Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves. Appreciation and reflection should control the environment, first control yourself.

19. I think love must not be complicated. It comes and goes in three words: I love you, I hate you, break up, stay together.

20. Madman, you have not only a conscience and a sense of responsibility, but also filial piety! When will you give me more love.

21. Madman, you must be happy. You must be good to Shen Bing. You can't be two hearted. I don't want you anymore. I don't want you anymore.

22. To love someone, you don't have to be with him. To love Provence, you don't have to wander barefoot in the lavender fields.

23. It's good to be able to cry. Crying is a symbol of recovery. Don't cry too long while appreciating and pondering. If you get wet after the wound crusts, you will be infected again.

24. Even if two people are opposites, eight characters don't match, constellation doesn't match, and love index is zero, as long as they really love each other, it doesn't matter.

25. Two stars can never meet, so we are meteors, we meet, we collide. But if it is a meteor, it is doomed to disappear.

26. Many things are beautiful because they are far away, which can be yearned for and pursued. Many things are beautiful and far away, which can only be sighed helplessly.

27. Why forget a person for a lifetime? Because you never try to forget, but always miss, look forward to, and dream!

28. Apart from tears, time is the only thing that can wash everything away. The longer the time goes by, the lighter the conflict will be, just like the tea that is constantly diluted.

29. For two people, even if their zodiac signs are mutually restrictive, their eight characters are incompatible, their zodiac signs do not match, and their love index is zero, as long as they really love each other, these are not important.

30. I love you, but I dare not say; I am afraid to say that I will die soon; I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid I'll die. No one loves you like me.

31. The most unreliable god in the world is the old moon. Good women always meet unreliable men, and good men meet unreliable women.

32. I never like to let others see my tears. I would rather let others think I am happy and heartless than let myself look miserable.

33. If there is such a person, he is perfect in your heart, without any defect. You are eager and afraid to approach him. This is not love, but worship.

34. Dead madman, stinky madman, do it. You like whoever you like, I like you anyway; You can love whoever you like. I love you anyway.

35. Those who really stay in the heart never need to be remembered, because they will never forget. Don't try to change others, only yourself can really change.

36. Now after 80, it seems that marriage and childbearing are popular, and only marriage does not recognize people. I will not marry anyone except the lunatic. I will not marry anyone who says anything.

37. Goodbye, big medicine bottle! Goodbye, those stories that moved me and broke my heart! Goodbye, past! Goodbye, once! Goodbye, youth!

38. Love is a game that turns strangers into lovers and lovers into strangers. Appreciation and reflection love is not love, love is not a game.

39. The distance of the road does not mean the distance of the heart. The lack of phone calls does not mean that there is little concern. The infrequent meeting does not mean that there is no missing. The busy years should also cherish this concern.

40. Yang Zixi has changed her heart. It is her loss and your luck. Do you think that if you jump from here, she will mourn your love with tears of regret? Pooh!

41. You can't become friends after breaking up because you hurt each other. After breaking up, they can no longer be enemies, because they loved each other deeply. So we became the most familiar strangers.

42. We are both perfectly matched. Do you know what a perfect match is? Perfect match is two people who are destined to be together, and there is no pair that can match together.

43. There are some things that we cannot understand when we are young. When we understand, we are no longer young. There are some things in the world that can be compensated, and some things can never be compensated.

44. Women will remember the man who made her laugh, and men will remember the woman who made him cry, but women always stay with the man who made her cry, while men stay with the woman who made him laugh.

45. Men are like onions. If you want to see the heart of onions, you need to peel them layer by layer. But you will cry constantly in the process of peeling, and finally you will find that onions have no heart.

46. Don't love the wrong person because of loneliness, and don't live a lonely life because of loving the wrong person. You can get happiness by trying to trust. Fate is a book. If you turn it carelessly, you will miss it. If you read it too carefully, you will cry.

47. Give me a pair of hands, let you rely on them, give me a pair of eyes, and send you away. It's like a butterfly flying over the sea. No one has the heart to blame. Give me a moment, love you, give me a lifetime, and send you away.

48. Two stars can never meet, so we are meteors, we meet, we collide. But if it is a meteor, it is doomed to disappear. Appreciate and ponder Let love be like a star, let tears be just meteors.

49. Apart from tears, time is the only thing that can wash everything away. The longer the time goes by, the lighter the conflict will be, as if the tea is constantly diluted. Appreciation and reflection Time is a diluent, tears are a dissolvent.

50. As a woman, you must be able to stand up to lies and perfunctory. You can bear to cheat, forget your promise, put down everything and disguise yourself with a smile. You'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that man's mouth.

51. I don't know what I'm doing right now and what I'm doing wrong, but I didn't know until I finally died of old age. So all I can do now is try my best to do everything well, and then wait for my old age to die.

52. To love someone, you don't have to be with him. To love Provence, you don't have to wander barefoot in the lavender fields. There is only one way to appreciate and ponder Plato. The world cannot learn from Plato. I advise you not to learn from Plato.

53. Sorrow is true, tears are false, and there is nothing to cling to; A hundred years ago, you didn't know me, I didn't know you; The figure is true, the person is false, there is no cause and effect; One hundred years later, there will be neither you nor me.

54. Many things are beautiful because they are far away, which can be yearned for and pursued. Many things are beautiful and far away, which can only be sighed helplessly. Appreciation and reflection are not given up because they are far away, but because they are far away.

55. Human tears represent kindness, ghost tears represent rebirth, and angel tears represent premature love. Some people are actors and others are crocodiles. The real tears come from the bottom of my heart, and the eyes are just an exit.

56. The love of this life will not leave a trace in the next life. The one you love, hold her hand well. In the next life, you will no longer be with her. In the next life, do you still remember who you loved?

57. You can't become friends after breaking up because you hurt each other. After breaking up, they can no longer be enemies, because they loved each other deeply. So we became the most familiar strangers. Appreciate and ponder over Hiroshima's atomic bomb and love.

58. Oath is a word written on the water, which is instantaneous; Love is a house built on the water, which is shaking; Apology is a snow blanket in winter, always late. So just like you and I are pigeons in the hands of angels, we can't fly together forever.

59. Why forget a person for a lifetime? Because you never try to forget, but always miss, look forward to, and dream! Appreciation and reflection can not forget, can not forget, let it occupy a place in the heart, rather than all.

60. Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed. Appreciation and deep thinking really stay in the heart, never need to remember, because never forget. Don't try to change others, only yourself can really change.

61. I never like to let others see my tears. I would rather let others think I am happy and heartless than let myself look miserable. Appreciate and think deeply. I don't want to be happy when you are unhappy. I don't want to exchange his (her) unhappiness for my happiness.

62. As a woman, you must be able to stand up to lies and perfunctory. You can bear to cheat, forget your promise, put down everything and disguise yourself with a smile. You'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that man has a mouth. Appreciate and think deeply If so, you will always be a lonely woman.

63. A woman will remember the man who made her laugh, and a man will remember the woman who made him cry, but a woman will always stay with the man who made her cry, while a man will stay with the woman who made him laugh. Appreciation and reflection, crying or laughing are all expressions of true feelings. But for most people, laughing is better than crying.

64. Men are like onions. If you want to see the heart of onions, you need to peel them layer by layer. But you will cry constantly in the process of peeling, and finally you will find that onions have no heart. Appreciating and reflecting on a woman is like a rose. You can't see her heart until the last petal opens.

65. The distance of the road does not mean the distance of the heart. The lack of phone calls does not mean that there is little concern. The infrequent meeting does not mean that there is no missing. The busy years should also cherish this concern. It is a beautiful myth to appreciate and think deeply about the cowherd and the weaver girl. Newton is the recognized scientist. He will tell you the relationship between gravity and distance.

66. In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others. Appreciation and reflection should not only cherish each other, but also their own feelings. For those who do not cherish you, it is not necessary for them to say sorry. You should take the initiative to say "sorry"

67. The love of this life will not leave a trace in the next life. The one you love, hold her hand well. In the next life, you will no longer be with her. In the next life, do you still remember who you loved? Appreciation and reflection should be sincere, not devout old temple lanterns.

68. I don't know what I'm doing right now and what I'm doing wrong, but I didn't know until I finally died of old age. So all I can do now is try my best to do everything well, and then wait for my old age to die. Appreciate and ponder seriously treat everyone and do everything well until death of old age.

69. There are some things that we cannot understand when we are young. When we understand, we are no longer young. There are some things in the world that can be compensated, and some things can never be compensated. Appreciation and reflection mature in growth and aging in maturity. Follow nature and treat life with smile. Don't be precocious, and don't be precocious.

70. When you give up, you must bear more things, including not regretting what you gave up. Appreciation and reflection will regret giving up when it is not time to give up, and regret not giving up when it is time to give up. The biggest cost is not money and time, but opportunity.

71. I love you, but I dare not say; I am afraid to say that I will die soon; I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid I'll die. No one loves you like me. Appreciate and think deeply I dare not not love you, because I am afraid that no one will love you like me; I dare not love you, because I am afraid you will not love me as I love you.

72. Oath is a word written on the water, which is instantaneous; Love is a house built on the water, which is shaking; Apology is a snow blanket in winter, always late. So just like you and I are pigeons in the hands of angels, we can't fly together forever. Appreciate and ponder. There is no word on the water and no house can be built. There is only a mirage.

73. Sorrow is true, tears are false, and there is nothing to cling to; A hundred years ago, you didn't know me, I didn't know you; The figure is true, the person is false, there is no cause and effect; One hundred years later, there will be neither you nor me. Appreciation and reflection sorrow and tears are true, the difference is only internal and external, invisible and tangible.

74. Two people have been together for a long time, just like the left hand and the right hand, they will choose to stay together even if they no longer love each other, because it takes great courage to give up so many years of time. Maybe there will be people you love in your life, but they will always be passers-by. You will still hold your left or right hand and go on. Happiness really has nothing to do with love.

75. Others are afraid of seeing parting, but I am afraid of seeing reunion. When tears become diamonds, romance becomes reason, and suddenly I dream of an oath that love will not die when I see it, because we were all desperate children that year. Now I finally understand that some people like you no longer, and you have to give up even if you want to stay.

76. Give me a pair of hands, let you rely on, give me a pair of eyes, and send you away. It's like a butterfly flying over the sea. No one has the heart to blame. Give me a moment, love you, give me a lifetime, and send you away. Appreciate and think deeply Don't shrink from holding the hand of love, don't get confused when looking at love, don't cool down when looking for love, and the person who really loves won't leave.

77. If there is such a person, he is perfect in your heart, without any defect. You are eager and afraid to approach him. This is not "love", but "worship", appreciate and reflect on the person you worship. You can only be his slave, not his lover.

78. Some people look at you for a lifetime but ignore you for a lifetime, some people only look at you once but affect your life, some people are enthusiastic and happy for you but are ignored by you, some people let you have a short happiness but get the chain of your thoughts, some people are willing for N years but rejected by you for N years, some people have an unintentional expression but become eternal thoughts, This is life.