Thank the teacher for writing (Thank the teacher for writing on Thanksgiving Day)
2023-04-04 21:09:12
Complete sentences

1. It's also good to be friends only, so you don't have to worry about it or forget it.

2. We all meet the people who want to promise most when we are least able to promise others, and meet the people who want to keep most when we have to move forward for our ideals.

3. Women have to be more worldly. Time will turn you into a woman, but experience will turn you into a rich woman.

4. At the age of several years, it seems that everything is in time and there is nothing I can do.

5. Your handwriting has written down many truths; Your language has taught a lot of truth; Your daily efforts have trained many outstanding talents; Teacher, you have worked hard. Happy Teacher's Day!

6. It turns out that there are three different things: like it or not, fit it or not, and together or not.

7. It can't be because of work that you lose your health. It can't be because of comparison that you lose your smile. It can't be because of feelings that you lose your dignity. It can't be because of money that you lose your conscience.

8. It is meaningful to go in both directions, and you are the meaning itself.

9. The beauty of life is that where there is effort, there is distance.

10. Don't say sharp words when you are angry. You will regret it.

11. I am a grass, and you are a hardworking gardener. Give me sunshine, rain and dew, and help me grow quickly. One day, when we grow up, we will return you green and the world a piece of vitality!

12. People always interpret the world according to their own way of thinking, trying to level everything with their own understanding—— Feng Jicai

13. In fact, the working state of employees can be seen from the power of mobile phones. Those whose power is low soon must play more mobile phones. The power of those mobile phones has not changed. There must be a mobile phone specially used for playing.

14. What really changes our destiny is not our opportunities, but our attitude. good morning!

15、 we always like a wise man to comfort others, but like a fool to torture themselves, a lot of times, with their own difficult is their own.

16. The chalk in your hand slowly turns into the dust of love, which whitens your originally dark hair. On this special day, I would like to say: Teacher, you have worked hard!

17. It's better to meet each other and smile than to care about every detail. It's better to let nature take its course. In fact, letting others go is also improving yourself. The more you ignore them, the higher your level will be.

18. How many people have spoken their own words under the cover of the lyrics.

19. You, the teacher's love, is the greatest and most noble in the world!

20. I went on a blind date with a girl. My mother liked her very much, and my father also liked her very much. Finally, I recognized her as a dry daughter and said that I was not worthy of her.

21. You can't force others to love you. You can only try to make yourself worthy of love. The rest depends on fate. May we all have the ability to love ourselves and spare no effort to love others.

22. I missed you very much after drinking too much last night. I woke up and found it had nothing to do with drinking too much—— Chen Hongyu's Tea and Wine Companion

23. We are always running for too many unreachable things, but we forget that the true happiness of life is nothing but the warmth of dim lights and the enrichment of daily necessities.

24. No one will care how hard it is for you to become better. They just want to know whether you are good enough now, just like everyone wants to have a mature and sensible you, but they don't want to spend time and energy with you to grow up. Good morning.

25. If you want to live a good life, you have to work harder. You don't have to be lazy all day and complain that life is unfair to you.

26、 The end of everything, will be good, good morning!

27. When you meet a man who is willing to buy more than 1000 perfumes, 3000 or 4000 necklaces, 7000 or 8000 mobile phones, and smoke 7 yuan cigarettes, you can believe in love again.

28. We should not be a pure excellent person, but an irreplaceable person.

29. People often miss those things in the past, not because they are so beautiful, but because they can never come back. good morning!

30. May we all find the direction of growth from the "almost" regret, and finally get a "just right" surprise.