About reading maxims
To the past
2023-07-03 23:39:44
A complete set of maxims

1. Standing straight must be the same as white jade; Reading goes beyond the blue clouds.

2. Books can help you find the ladder of life.

3. The real purpose of books is to induce the mind to think for itself.

4. Reading without thinking is eating without digesting.

5. There is no better 'entertainment' than reading.

6. A good book is the rich blood of a great soul.

7. Browse through letters, text, and pages only.

8. Where can I find the pleasure of reading? Count the hearts of the plum blossom world.

9. The diligent read at night. Green vines encircle the house and flowers connect the clouds.

10. People left the book. You can't live without air.

11. A book is a chip of wood if it is not often turned over.

12. All the good qualities in me belong to books.

13. The road is long and the path is far. I will go up and down to seek.

14. Learning will help; Be modest before reading.

15. Read ten thousand volumes and write like a god.

16. Reading all depends on self study, sir, but a guide.

17. Reading a good book is like making a good friend.

18. Reading is like mining.

19. Don't be an adopted son; Teach and study hard first.

20. Step up your study and grasp the center. Better refined than miscellaneous, better specialized than many.

21. After reading 300 Tang poems, you can recite even if you don't know how to write poems.