Sad and disappointed
Moonlight like water
2023-05-05 13:46:08
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I don't like quarrels, but I am still forced to do nothing.

2. Everything is a good thing in the end. If it is not a good thing, it is not the end.

3. When I rely on you, I find our distance is getting farther and farther.

4. Most of the time, I am not happy when I see too much. It is better to be childish and heartless.

5. Sometimes, you have to pretend to be happy just to keep others from asking you what's wrong.

6. There are many people like you, but I'm not short of one. I like very few people, except you.

7. Dignity is something that you must have the strength to defend, otherwise, it is a matter of face and suffering.

8. Missing is condensed at the fingertips, forming sorrow, resentment, and clouds that cannot be removed from my eyes.

9. After the tree of love bears fruit, people stop watering it. When the tree dies, they complain that it can't stand to be killed.

10. Every word has no meaning. When we add emotion to a word, it begins to have meaning.

11. What I think of is those drifting leaves. Those yellowing leaves seem to be telling a sad past.

12. When you meet someone, you really understand the meaning of love; Missing someone is the real feeling of heartache.

13. The last story, you turned around, but I lost my courage. From then on, I lost myself again and deliberately forgot that we met.

14. It's said that happiness is very simple. It can be diluted as soon as time goes by. Once the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten, but your last sentence is good for getting together and getting apart.

15. Cause and effect cycle, if you don't like me, there will also be people you like and don't like you. But I don't want you to be as sad as I am!

16. When the dawn is sunny, love is doomed, the stars are shining on the peak, the years linger, and the sea of people is sad. It's just a period of grace, just a heartless sentence.

17. The cost of caring for a person is too high. It's probably a matter of losing money and not making money to spend time and energy with enthusiasm and disappointment. I'm afraid.

18. I think there are some things that need not be explained. Time will clear everything. But I don't know that time only takes away some people, leaving some memories, and can't go back.

19. Only then did you know that perhaps for so long, it was all your own wishful thinking. If you are not right, you can't change love even if you wait for a long time.

20. The person who once guarded with his whole life became a stranger who could not be approached. Once filled with the sweet years of youth, has become an untouchable memory.

21. Meeting true love is the yearning of everyone in the world of mortals. It is a kind of warm companionship. Love is the end result of the soul and a kind of attachment in the heart!

22. I always think that the most sacred occupation in the school is to arrange dormitories for students. They inadvertently decide who is the best friend of many people in this life.

23. It is not the eye that makes things clear. Just like the things in the night are always more attractive than those in the light, and lure me from pain to pain.

24. Listen to your beautiful songs in the distant horizon. Even if the tide rises and falls, landslides and tsunamis, my love for you is also eternal in my life.

25. No one has ever seen a deep-sea fish cry, thinking that she never understands sadness. However, that is because she has been staying in the deep sea, her tears can not be seen by others.

26. Never forget to treat you well and treat you as a fool all your life! Remember: porridge in the morning is better than wine in the night, and those who cheat you will say it better than those who love you!

27. An unacceptable love needs not sadness, but time, a forgotten time. A deeply hurt heart needs not sympathy, but understanding.

28. Have you ever met such a person who knows that you will not have results and that you will be separated one day, but you still want to hold his hand and accompany him to the end of the journey.

29. How can I not feel sad and comfort myself? If you cheat your eyes, you can't cheat your heart. That still secretly miss your heart. Once upon a time, I could not control my messy emotions.

30. There is a kind of loss, which cannot be said but can only be felt; There is a kind of desolation, which can not be said, but can only be achieved by hiding; One kind of love can only be concealed by deception; There is a kind of heartache, called love can't speak.