Life Sentences Collection
Forget memories
2023-01-31 15:43:23
A complete set of maxims

1. As a man, the quality is the first, then the second.

2. Like people think they are different.

3. Pleasure, like labor, needs rest.

4. A man cannot stand a thousand words, and a tree cannot stand a thousand axes.

5. Stick to the old rules, change and work hard.

6. Know yourself without seeing yourself, love yourself without being prized.

7. Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of mind.

8. The best way is always to go forward and finish the whole journey.

9. Pride is a fleeting kite with broken wires.

10. Not afraid of many problems, just afraid of old problems.

11. A man's world is as big as his foresight.

12. Without bold attempts, there is no hope of success.

13. Love can break into any cage in the world.

14. Be a person who never forgets to enjoy the scenery when taking detours.

15. There is no objective standard for happiness, only subjective feelings.

16. There is no eternal sadness or joy in life.

17. I was locked to Penglai Paradise by thunder and lightning for three thousand years.

18. Have you ever liked someone and haven't given up?

19. It is better to be yourself than to like you because you are worried about your gains and losses.

20. Many people are busy with their dreams at first, but later they forget their dreams.

21. I would rather die on the way forward than become a waste in the eyes of others.

22. Life is the sun, and light and heat shine on all living beings. Death is the moon, and the light and light stay on the earth.

23. This life is just to keep your life blooming at the moment, even if it is beautiful and then vanishes.

24. If you can't take it easy, don't think about it. If you can't get it, don't bother yourself. Why bother?

25. Marinate the shadow, dry it, and serve wine when you are old. So is blogging.

26. Cherish today, cherish the present, who knows which comes first, tomorrow or accident.

27. Winning on the wrong thing is more thorough than losing on the wrong thing.

28. People should have an eye; There must be a foothold. The former is strategy; The latter is tactics.

29. I think there are always some reasons for people to separate, but for some people, you should wait.

30. Recognize no one and help no relatives. The water is too big to cover the boat, and the hand is too big to cover the sky.

31. The joy of finding a good book may not be as great as the ecstasy of the book itself.

32. Others care about how high you fly. Only your family cares about whether you are tired or not.

33. Life is like a burden on your shoulders. No matter what fate puts into it, you have to bear it.

34. Everyone is stronger than they think, but also more ordinary than they think.

35. Maybe you will never understand what it feels like to be suddenly cold and hot by others.

36. People should constantly seek change and promote their own progress. If one day we can't catch up with the pace of enterprise development.

37. A group of capable and ambitious people working together may have different views on many issues.

38. Don't think that the time is long enough. Sometimes a turn around can never be seen again.

39. Pay attention to your reputation, work hard to be kind to others and keep your promise, which will be very helpful to your career.

40. If a girl has feelings for a boy, even the fog around the world can't hide it—— Gulong

41. The youth is beautiful. While we enjoy and use it, the most important thing is to make it work hard at all times and keep it full of power.

42. Pain is a part of life. You can't do without it. You can only choose how to treat it. This is the importance of mentality.

43. Young people are the most vigorous and vigorous. Where young people are, they must be the coordinates of the sky.

44. Human growth requires education in four aspects: parents, teachers, books and society; The latter always runs counter to the former three.

45. Wait for you, wait for a rain. The road in the rain muddy the way you left. I gazed at the distance with my sad eyes.

46. The scenery is picturesque and the melody is beautiful. Life is like a journey, along the way will encounter a variety of scenery, but finally we have to return.

47. The reason why there are so few works describing widowers is that women writers do not know much about them and men writers are not interested in them.

48. Lying is actually gambling. You bet that the other person's IQ is not enough to hear the loopholes. You bet that the other person's feelings are deep enough to forgive your poor reasons.

49. The subconscious cannot think or judge, and has no right or wrong value; The expression of consciousness is valuable for thinking and judging everything.

50. Simplicity is a kind of beauty, a kind of mentality and a kind of thought. Being simple is a wise choice and a profound understanding of life.

51. I can neither be consistent in self-discipline nor indifferent to life, but I have been working hard towards my heart and never give up.

52. Feeling, wandering, watching life wrong, thinking of the original departure, a minute, a loss, looking back on life, just speechless loneliness.

53. The real tenacity should be thorough when crying, cheerful when laughing, incisive when speaking, and not hesitant when doing.

54. When I got off work in the evening, I crowded into the bus. The street lights lit up in an instant. At dusk, I ran into the bus mischievously through the window. This is life.

55. Life is like a river. There are only two boats in the river, one for name and the other for benefit. When the world is prosperous, it is all for profit. The world is bustling, all of which are famous.

56. A great man and a great nation is never a big braggart who makes jokes, but can feel the hardships of life and face life bravely.

57. Don't give up easily when doing something. Persistence will definitely lead to good results. Especially for things you can't control, you need to be patient to wait for the opportunity.

58. Leadership is a process of influencing others, making others understand and agree with what to do, why to do it, and how to do it effectively.

59. I think Uncle Hu saved the lives of three members of my family. As long as there is something useful for me, go into the water, and go into the fire. Never frown.

60. A friend who understands your tears is better than a group of friends who only understand your smile. Everyone has an unknown story, who wants to dock cowardly.

61. Life is like a very long series. The director is himself, and the leading actor is himself. Only in this way can we reach the perfect state and win a proper appreciation.

62. Time tells you what aging is, and memory tells you what childishness is. Don't always linger in the past memories. Yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes.

63. If every change we experience in life makes us go further in life, then we will really experience what life wants us to experience.

64. Not all pain can be shouted, nor all love can be expressed. Don't show your sadness too much, because no one can live easier than others.

65. I'm not busy, but I'm too lazy to write. I always think that the life repeated by trivial things is not worth recording. However, on second thought, isn't life just supposed to be plain?

66. Nature is both life and death. It is a harmony between life and death. Human beings cling to life and reject death. We turn ourselves into a dead knot between life and death.

67. The talented and ugly; Handsome people earn less money; He who earns much does not care about his family; He who cares about his family is worthless; Promising unromantic; It will be romantic and unreliable; You can rely on a loser!

68. Background is an important condition and environment in the past, which should not restrict us any more. It's like driving. If you look at the back, you will definitely crash, so we should look ahead and move forward.

69. There are four examples of love: passionate love, opinion and meaning love, physical love and vanity love. Stendhal's true love reminds people of death all the time, making death easy and fearless.

70. I have always felt that I was very unsociable and could not walk out for a long time, but now I understand that everyone is lonely in essence, and no one can communicate with anyone into the soul.

71. How many plants, trees and flowers in this world are kept in their own corner, whether you see them or not, they are there, silent and happy, warm and beautiful.

72. Don't be afraid of going around a long way or going around in circles, because any scenery you see along the way is a harvest. I'm afraid you won't get anywhere without moving. Luck is the chance to bump into your efforts.

73. If you don't want to die after meeting me, you can live a good life for me. What's the big deal? If the whole world is unreliable, you can rely on yourself. Even if the whole world doesn't love me, I can love me myself.

74. Only by giving up the past self properly can the mind mature. At each stage of life, there will be various crises. Only by giving up the outdated concepts and habits in the past can we smoothly enter the next stage of life.

75. Later, she said that when she left, she lost her lover and lost the ability to love again. She just wanted to say that once love left, both men and women would feel painful. I hope all lovers will be married.

76. At the moment when we passed by, our hearts fell into the bloody setting sun, waiting to embrace the last mountain, and we insisted on leaving each other's back, only in the tears of our eyes, we were excited.

77. Although it is necessary to pay attention to oneself when dealing with people, it must not be exposed in communication, because that will cause embarrassment (embarrassment) or affectation (affectation)—— Kant

78. The road of life is by no means a smooth one. Don't let bygones be bygones, for they have already passed; Sunshine always comes after wind and rain; When you feel that there is no way to go, look around and feel a warmth of kinship with your heart. You will be surprised to find that there is still a road beside the road.

79. Time flies. We can't remember how many passers-by we have met in our lives, and we can't predict what will happen in the future. Through ups and downs, and through ups and downs, even the unforgettable past events can not withstand the erosion of years.

80. Pessimists and optimists have a good relationship because they can still understand the worst results when they see them, while optimists and pessimists are hard to contact because of their inner resistance and they do not want to feel the suffocating sadness.

81. Just as we were drunk on the street when we were young, we tried to experience love, pretended to be mature, and ran recklessly, ignoring our eyes, but one day we will establish our own order, whether fast or slow, the key is suitability—— Shen Xiwei's Days of Disappearance in the Crowd

82. Good morning, my friend. The good mood of every day should not only start from the morning, but also from the morning of the heart. Let go of yesterday's past and the unhappiness of the previous second, and keep a good attitude. Let the mood be bright and sunny. Although it is rainy, the morning is cool and pleasant.

83. In front of me is the way of coming, and in retrospect is to meet people again. How many things have gone wrong? Why bother? Life is a story, salty is salt, sour is vinegar, don't refuse life, looking back is the end of the world. where are you? You are at the end of the world. Where am I? I'm at the end of the world.

84. What kind of goal you have in mind will lead to what kind of life you will achieve. In the process of realizing it, even if you are faced with countless storms and the incomprehension and attacks of people around you, as long as you are right, don't care too much about the views of others. Whether successful or not, time will prove everything!

85. Wipe away the tears on your face, but can't take away the pain in your heart. In the dead of night, I feel lonely, sad and helpless. My lonely heart is broken. I look up at the stars and see the stars... The road is to go... My heart is good... yearning or more clear... My heart is still

86. There is no absolute justice in this world, and you will never be able to find a solution. If you want freedom, you must sacrifice security; If you want to be idle, you can't get achievements in others' evaluation; If you want to be happy, you don't need to care about the attitude of people around you; If you want to move forward, you must leave where you are staying.

87. Perhaps the biggest regret is that we have been arranged by fate. Time has turned us into two lines. The day gradually darkened, and I was dazed by the crowd at the crossroads. I never had the courage to take out my mobile phone to call your number, because I knew that we used to love each other very much, but then we loved to leave.

88. Let go of your impetuosity, your laziness, your three minute heat, your irresistible brain, your eyes that are easily attracted by anything, your mouth that wants to gossip about everything, and calm down to do what you should do, if you also think you should try hard.

89. The most critical moment of any extraordinary and outstanding person in history is not the stage of achieving hegemony. Entrepreneurship is just to make use of the situation, and everything will come naturally afterwards. Most importantly, they wander at the crossroads of life, making choices between hope and shrinking, persistence and giving up.

90. Life is like a dream, but dreams don't follow people's wishes. Don't worry too much about the past. There are always many helplessness in life. When we are unable to change, we choose to accept or let go. No one can predict tomorrow, but we can grasp today. As for those who are wrong or in the past, there is no need to worry about them.

91. What is happiness? In different times and different historical periods, people have different views on happiness. For people in different regions and professions, their views on happiness are different. Even the same person in different states or under the control of different emotions, the understanding of happiness will be different.

92. It is said that time can forget everything and deepen some memories. Some people say they can forget, but they can't do it; Some feelings will return to the original point after a circle; Some things will come to mind inadvertently; Some memories, white haired people will cherish; Some wounds, others will never see, because it is in the heart!

93. Youth is a dreamy age. A few years ago, it seemed that it was a dream that would never wake up, lying on the grass counting the stars in the sky; Stepping on the fallen leaves in the maple leaf forest; Playing in the snow; Flying a kite in the field, in the sound of laughter, but unaware that the kite of youth has already broken the line, flying farther and farther.

94. Don't look at people coldly, learn to smile and smile at any time. Don't complain, don't blame, do more things, think more about others, and never get angry again. No matter what, suppress your anger and tell yourself to take a deep breath. Many things, in fact, are really not worth your anger or attention, and live happily.

95. Whether you like it or not, it will light up when the day comes; Whether you love it or not, it's time to sing. In the morning, he is always loyal to his duties, never enjoying the sunrise alone, nor hiding the bird's voice; Morning is always so selfless, never stingy with light and melody. There is reason to learn from the morning, learn from her constancy, learn from her mind, learn from her openness and fraternity.

96. When your talent cannot keep up with your ambition, you may as well calm down and work hard. Women should always learn to be independent and strong. Even if two people are separated one day, you will not lose the ability to stand and walk alone, nor will you feel sad to lose the world without him. Love, is romantic, is very happy to talk; Marriage is the daily necessities and mutual support.

97. Maturity means being able to smile in the face of indifference and free and easy in life after experiencing secular storms. Let go when you should, so that you can free up your hand and seize the happiness that belongs to you; Some things can not wait, a moment of hesitation, will leave forever regret. If happiness is not at the corner of the road, it must be at the end of the road.

98. I know I have chosen to leave even if I shed tears. It turns out that you have always been my lingering wound, unable to heal. There is a long way to go in life. Don't worry about how much sadness and happiness are. It's worth a visit to the world. In front of you, I am no longer me, no longer the princess in the story, but a clown worth keeping. The story is full of wounds that cannot be healed.

99. Happiness changes life and tolerance brings together all rivers. Greed destroys human nature, impetuous and ambitious. Worried and impetuous, kind, peaceful and peaceful. If you want to corrupt your soul, complaining will be lonely. Quiet self-cultivation, and pessimism in exchange for comparison. Pursue to brush off the earth, hope to keep faith. Actively get up, dedication to welcome sweet. Only by being rich and colorful can we enjoy happiness for a hundred years.

100. Wife and daughter have a wife's heart. A woman in a family, the wife to her husband, is both a wife and a mother to care for her husband: a daughter to her parents, is a daughter, and naturally serves her parents with female tenderness. So today's women do not wait to be praised when they are old. A man with a wife's heart can be praised for her kindness and love even when she is young. This is the wife's heart.