100 Inspirational Mottos of Shakespeare
Never give up
2023-04-16 07:00:13
A complete set of maxims

1、 All the past is a prelude.

2、 Obesity is close to death.

3、 There is no richer legacy than integrity.

4、 He who abandons time, time also abandons him.

5、 To be or not to be, this is a question.

6、 A book is a chip of wood if it is not often turned over.

7、 Revenge is not brave, but bearing is brave.

8、 Reading can help you forget your sorrow.

9、 There is no such thing as good or bad in the world, but thinking makes it so.

10、 Strong reasons lead to strong actions.

11、 I wasted time, and time wasted me.

12、 The greatest boredom is to work hard for boredom.

13、 No friction, no spark of soul.

14、 No matter how long the night is, the day will come.

15、 When two people ride a horse, there is always one behind.

16、 Today's sufferings are all the talk of laughter in the future.

17、 A fool thinks he is wise, but a wise man knows himself.

18、 Nothing is more ordinary than hoping to be extraordinary.

19、 Listen to others, but reserve your own judgment.

20、 Thought is the slave of life, and life is the trick of time.

21、 Simplicity is the soul of wisdom, while tedium is superficial embellishment.

22、 In the vicissitudes of fate, people's integrity can be best seen.

23、 The emotion expressed by wordless simplicity is the most abundant.

24、 He didn't collect his sword edge until he couldn't find another opponent.

25、 The indifference at first will make the love more intense in the future.

26、 Character is a person's inner, reputation is a person's appearance.

27、 In the vicissitudes of fate, it is easy to see a person's integrity.

28、 I can stab her with the sword of language, but never with a real blade.

29、 Life is full of noise and turmoil, but there is no sense in it.

30、 Some people compliment you all the time, but they are not friends in need.

31、 Money is a good soldier. It can make people brave a hundred times.

32、 A muddleheaded guy often acts boldly and without fear.

33、 The great man who has lost his fortune has no relatives, and the unfortunate enemy who has taken advantage of his fortune is ingratiating with him.

34、 A man's life is very short, but it would be too long if he lived in despicability.

35、 When sorrow comes, it doesn't come alone, but in groups.

36、 A friend must be a friend in need, and that can be said to be true friendship.

37、 People often do things without consideration, but then there are? Idle to think about regret.

38、 Life is like a fool talking a dream, full of noise and turmoil, but it has no meaning.

39、 How sweet the lover's voice is at night. It sounds like the softest music!

40、 An honest man is a fool. Although he is kind, he still suffers.

41、 Bad habits will prevent you from going on the road to fame, profit and enjoyment at any time.

42、 If a person does something shameless, he will inevitably have to deny it with double shamelessness.

43、 Treat everyone equally, confide in a few people, and don't be unfair to anyone.

44、 I escaped the fire because I was afraid of being burned, but I was killed in the sea.

45、 When I was diagnosing your pain, I unfortunately found my own wound.

46、 Love is a flower growing on the edge of the precipice. If you want to pick it, you must have courage.

47、 With the shadow of privacy hidden on the heliograph, you can also know that time is sneaking into eternity.

48、 What does a name matter? If you call a rose another name, it will still be fragrant.

49、 Listen more, speak less, accept everyone's censure, but keep your final verdict.

50、 Fighting to die is death destroying death; Fear and die, but become the slave of death.

51. Maybe I can compare you with summer, but you are more lovely and gentle than summer.

52. Extinguish, extinguish, the instantaneous light. Life is just a walking shadow.

53. For many things in the world, the interest in pursuing is always stronger than that in enjoying.

54. If we are silent, our clothes and posture will also reveal our past experience.

55. Evil deeds will be found one day, although all the earth covers them.

56. Music has a kind of charm, which can influence people to be good, and can also tempt them to go down the road of degeneration.

57. On the clock of time, there are only two words - now.

58. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, and the world is easily deceived by the surface decoration.

Fifty nine. If you delay, there won't be much tomorrow. Twenty Lishu, please come and kiss me. Youth is easy when grass withers and poplar withers.

60. The upright must associate with the upright, for who is so strong that he will not suffer?

61. Wine flows with water and burns with fire.

62. Don't insult the truth you don't know, or you will make up for your past with the danger of your life.

63. People can control their own destiny. If we are controlled by others, the fault lies not in fate, but in ourselves!

64. Verbal speculation is nothing but some hope hanging in the air. Only actual action can produce the result of a decision.

Sixty five. The same sun shone on his palace, and he did not escape from our hut. Sunlight is equal.

66. Stubborn grief is a kind of foolish act against the heaven and against reason, not a proper act for a man.

67. Women love with their ears, while men love with their eyes if they can.

68. Although wealth has nothing to do with friendship, poverty is the best test of the true and false love of friends.

69. Wise people will never sit down and wail over their failure. They must be optimistic and look for ways to save it.

70. If a person's thought cannot rise higher than that of a bird, it is a humble and insignificant thought.

Seventy one, a moral blunder is nothing more than a remedy for a crime; After repentance of sins, it is nothing more than to add a piece of morality.

Seventy two, are you working hard again? It's really the dice in the hands of gamblers, and the books in the hands of scholars can't be taken away.

Seventy three. Just as the sun will poke its head out of the dark clouds, a man's integrity can be particularly demonstrated by his rough clothes.

Seventy four, who told me the truth? Even if there was death in his words, I would listen to him as if he were flattered.

Seventy five. If you can always worry about the greatest misfortune, you can always feel at ease when the lesser misfortune comes.

Seventy six. When you see unnatural politeness between friends, you can know that their feelings have declined.

Seventy seven. The best flowers should be picked first when they are in full bloom. Be careful not to wait for the beautiful scenery to be difficult again, or they will wither and fall into the dust in a moment.

78. The appearance of such illusions is nothing but a delusion in a dream; This boring plot is really as absurd as a powerless dream.

79. Fame is a boring and unreliable random reward; Too often, gains are not based on merit, and losses are not self inflicted.

80. My honor is my life, and the two are integrated into one; Take away my honor, and my life will no longer exist.

81. Don't lend money to others. It will make you lose both money and people; Don't borrow money from others. Borrowing it will make you forget about thrift.

Eighty two, successful cheats don't have to lie for a living anymore, because the cheated people have become his supporters. It is useless for me to say anything else.

83. The process of a person's growth is not only the strengthening of his muscles and physique, but also the expansion of his spirit and mind with the development of his body.

84. Books are the nourishment of the world. Without books in life, it is like no sunshine. Without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings.

Eighty five, the follies of fools are not uncommon, but the follies of wise people make people laugh and feel painful; Because he proved his stupidity with all his abilities.

86. Voluntary poverty is better than uncertain vanity; If the person with extravagance and extreme desire is insatiable, he is much more unfortunate than the poorest and contented person.

87. If praise comes from the mouth of the person being praised, it will reduce the value of praise; Praise from the enemy is the real glory.

Eighty eight, I can't give you real gold and jade, nor can I give you a full house of horses, but I will leave your immortal inscription on the title page of my work.

89. Saying "forgiveness" twice does not divide forgiveness into two parts, but only strengthens the power of forgiveness.

Ninety, one day, the hidden treachery will gradually show its true shape; Although sin can be concealed for a while, it will inevitably make a fool of itself in the end. Wish you happiness!

Ninety one. It is indeed great that we would not act rashly without great events. However, when honor is threatened, even if it is a straw to quarrel, it is also great.

Ninety two. Time will pierce the colorful decorations on the surface of youth, and dig deep trenches and shallow grooves on the beauty's forehead; Will eat the rare treasure! He is born beautiful, and nothing can escape his sweeping sickle.

93. A false name is a mean slave. The bones of loyal officials and righteous people are often buried under a wasteland of silence when they tell flattering lies on every tombstone.

Ninety four. An unhappy marriage is like a hell. It's hard to live in peace. On the contrary, if you choose a satisfactory spouse, you will be able to live in harmony and happiness for a hundred years.

95. A person who has died is equivalent to killing himself. Such a woman should let her expose her bones and prevent her body from entering the Holy Land, because he is a sinner against the natural consciousness.

96. People's fear caused by temporary suspicion often grows invisibly due to anxiety. First, they are afraid of possible disasters, and then they struggle to find countermeasures to prevent them.

Ninety seven. The world is a stage. All men and women are just actors. They all end up on the stage. A person plays several roles in his life.

Ninety eight, I fly over the garden wall with the light wings of love, because the brick wall cannot block love; The power of love will try everything it can, so I am not afraid of your family's interference.

99. Who chose me and who chose me will get what he deserves. Who chooses me will get what he deserves. Who has chosen me must be prepared to sacrifice everything he has.

100. Life is just a walking shadow, a clumsy pity person who gives directions on the stage. After a moment on the stage, he quietly retreats in silence; It is a story told by a fool, full of noise and excitement, but it has no meaning.