100 sentences in bad mood for love
Spring wind
2023-05-05 11:13:19
Complete sentences

1. Every heartless person has a history of making heart and lungs for someone.

2. You are my beginning and my end. You are everything from beginning to end.

3. We just want to prove that the love of years old is not treason, but meeting the right person prematurely.

4. I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So I kept flying.

5. Time has not taught me anything, but it has taught me not to believe in myths easily.

6. If one day, I completely disappear in your world, will you remember me.

7. When the feeling is broken, I can't tie it down. I try to let go, go or not, stay or not. I don't want to understand.

8. What saddens me more than losing you is that you never tried to be with me.

9. Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no end.

10. The love you give me is too true, the love you give me is too bound, give me freedom, otherwise I will be very tired.

11. You can be persistent in love but not humble. You can pay for each other but don't lose yourself.

12. Life is like that, leaving no room, it seems that it takes a lot of courage to live.

13. People who love each other may not get married, and those who get married may not be the ones they love.

14. The fear of love is that it is too late to prevent or parry. No one is ready.

15. Maybe I always miss you, maybe I have blurred myself, although it takes courage to be sad, I choose to cry.

16. Have you found that the secret we are doing is not strangers, but the most familiar strangers.

17. Looking at the back of your departure, my tears were like raindrops, and I breathed your breath in the air for the last time.

18. Some people will never be together forever. But there is a feeling that can be hidden in my heart all my life.

19. The vast sea of people, let you and I meet and leave in an instant, but you and my heart will always know each other and tacit understanding.

20. We will feel inferior and depressed, just like I am careless and self righteous, I will be at a loss when I see you.

21. I know that you are a child who is easy to worry, so I give you the line, but I dare not fly too far.

22. Happiness is like the blooming of flowers. The desire to pick flowers has declined; Happiness is like drifting in the snow. The water wants to carry snow.

23. Looking at the back of your departure, I told myself to be strong and not cry, because I love you, but also because I understand you.

24. It will be very sad to be ignored by someone who cares especially, but it will be more sad to pretend not to care. So, don't install it.

25. This is not the life you want. You have to watch this bus leave, and there is a person you once loved on the bus.

26. Countless times, I have sketched your appearance in the artistic conception of dreams. Such piety, like your heart, is unforgettable throughout your life.

27. Goodbye, maybe never. I am stubborn in my heart, and only I can see it, but I hope I am right.

28. When you meet someone, you really understand the meaning of love; Missing someone is the real feeling of heartache.

29. I would rather be parallel to him than intersect him, because once they intersect, they will go farther and farther beyond that point.

30. The sadness of leaving love is because of the joy of getting together. If there is double joy of reunion, then I would rather suffer greater sorrow.

31. Be yourself when you break up. A person's world also has the rise and fall of the moon, and there are beautiful moments. Regard him as a memory.

32. Happiness is just an excuse for the wound to smile and cry; Happiness is just to let happiness have a reason to exist.

33. One day I will walk away from you silently without any sound. I miss a lot. I am always sad alone.

34. When you left, in that long time, my heart was like an autumn tree. The leaves had no choice but to float on the ground, leaving loneliness hanging on the branches.

35. If there was no love at the beginning, why did you appear in my life in such a dazzling way, leaving me embarrassed and embarrassed memories.

36. If you don't look back, why don't you forget; Since there is no chance, there is no need to swear; Today's various, like water without trace; Tomorrow, you have been strangers.

37. I will meet many people in the world of mortals, but there are a few who can carve on the soul. The encounter with you has penetrated into my bone marrow.

38. Regret is a spirit consuming emotion. Regret is a bigger loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret.

39. Tears are to think of a person, try to think of a person, and remind yourself that there is at least one person worth your tears.

40. Love is a matter of one person, one person's duty is not to turn back, one person's warmth is self aware, one person's everlasting, nothing else.

41. If you know how to cherish, you will find that you get more and more; If you pursue blindly, you will find that you lose more and more quickly.

42. When the breakup comes, I don't feel hurt or happy, but just look at you quietly. Because my heart has died!

43. There is a kind of fate called love, a kind of feeling called having, a kind of ending called destiny, and a kind of heartache called endless.

44. Love is a complex and simple thing. When we love a person, we put too much enthusiasm into it, and ultimately we burn ourselves.

45. Only when I shed tears, others thought I was really sad. I think only those cold liquids can win me sympathy.

46. Past events always appear in front of us, sweet and painful. The smell left in the air is always so intoxicating that it can't extricate itself.

47. I want to say something, but I can't say it. I want to say that I love you, but it is blown away by the wind. If the sea can change back the love I used to wait for my whole life.

48. I hope I can walk my own life with my own steps. Whether the road is muddy or flat, this is my choice.

49. Mu Shi said, "You are mine, and I will get it.". Su Cheng said that heaven and earth can learn from each other, and neither old nor young can cheat. I like you very much. I like these two sentences.

50. I wish you a farewell and wish you happiness at all times. Separation will only melt deeper friendship, and reunion will begin in a brighter tomorrow!

51. Rain, still falling; I still miss you. Until the day when it no longer rains in the world, I will stop loving you as deeply as rain.

52. I know that forgetting is a relaxing thing. As long as you don't look at it, think about it, and remember it, you will forget it, just like the sky after fireworks.

53. Many people have said that I lost my love instinct and lost interest in everything. If so, why do I always worry about finding suitable words for your feelings.

54. Tomorrow you are going on a long voyage. Please put this small step gift on your chest. It will turn into your belief and strength, encouraging you to overcome the storms.

55. There is no pain in liking someone. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

56. If Baigan is still unable to make amends, and if he has shouted for thousands of times, he still cannot get a response. So smart you should know that it's time to go.

57. In a short life of several decades, don't leave yourself any regrets. Laugh and cry if you want, and love when you should love, which is meaningless to suppress yourself.

58. We will no longer regard each other as irreplaceable as before; We will never love as hard as before until we cry.

59. Your heart is my cape and horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth in this life, not half the earth, but the world.

60. If one day I can finally forget you, life will be easier. But this is drama. I can't find out the original manuscript, and then erase you.

61. You can't be friends after breaking up because you hurt each other. Don't be an enemy. Because we loved each other deeply, we became the most familiar strangers.

62. After breaking up, we should not be friends. We should not be enemies because we have hurt each other. Because we loved each other deeply, we became the most familiar strangers.

63. You leave behind the image of the flower, the fragrance of the flower, and the hope that we watered together. When I think of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.

64. We agreed to go to see the long run of the river together, but we will become someone else. At the fork in the road, you are on the left and I am on the right. We are stubborn and never look back.

65. Acquaintance is the most precious fate, missing is the most beautiful mood, worrying is the most sincere heartbeat, greeting is the most beautiful language, and bosom friend is the most intimate understanding.

66. I really heard from you that you are so overwhelmed that you don't love me anymore. You took everything from me, leaving only an empty shell and a broken heart.

67. Among thousands of people, meet the people you meet; For thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, I happened to catch up with them, neither earlier nor later.

68. There is no emotion for anyone. In this life, once is enough. And I, as long as I always remember you, it is enough.

69. When you were born, you cried and people around you laughed; When you die, you smile, while people around you cry! Everything is reincarnation! We are all in transmigration!

70. When a wild animal is injured, it can run to a cave to hide itself, and then lick the wound itself. It insists on doing so, but once it is asked for help, it can't stand it.

71. When love comes, of course, it is also happy. However, this kind of happiness is to pay, but also to learn to accept disappointment, pain and parting. Since then, life is no longer pure.

72. Sometimes, ears are more important than eyes. Many things are better heard by ears than by eyes. A person pretends to be happy, but his voice can't pretend. Just listen carefully.

73. I am a broken kite flying high. Youth is doomed to be short and beautiful. No one understands or accompanies me. The wind has no trace and the clouds have no intention. Losing you is doomed to regret all my life.

74. Once upon a time, in a short period of time, we thought we loved someone deeply. Later, we learned that it was not love, it was just lying to ourselves.

75. On the misty and rainy journey, I can't walk out of my obsession with my hurried footsteps. I can't sleep at night, and I can't tell you all about the Tang Dynasty and Song Yu. The yellowing books and notes are full of my thoughts about you.

76. Love has not come yet, and the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

77. How many stories have you and I passed through in a hurry, and how many indelible memories of the vicissitudes of life are in your heart. The real future will tell you more truth and make the past stories fade away.

78. Coastal sand gathers on the bank. Fantasy to see the sea and sky blue, to hear the surging waves, and to feel the sea breeze blowing. Bury yourself in it and release the thoughts that cannot be suppressed.

79. Who is the passer-by in life, who is the wheel of life, the dust of previous life, the wind of this life, and the spirit of endless sorrow. In the end, those who are not the same will disappear in an instant.

80. A good man will not hurt his beloved woman a little, will never wander in the night like a gust of wind, and will not let the waiting lover's heart get hurt more and more, and will be lonely and can't see the direction of happiness coming back.

81. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

82. The same eyes have different views. The same ear has different ways of listening. The same mouth has different sayings. The same heart has different ideas. The same life has different sorrow.

83. Falling in love is a kind of feeling. When this feeling is no longer there, I still force myself. This is called responsibility! Breaking up is a kind of courage! When this courage is gone, I am still encouraging myself, which is called solemn and stirring!

84. Falling in love is a kind of feeling. When this feeling is gone, I know I'm still reluctant to do it. This is called responsibility! Breaking up is a kind of courage! When this courage is gone, I am still encouraging myself, which is called solemn and stirring!

85. One can fall in love with many people in his life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the past pain is actually a kind of wealth, which enables you to better grasp and cherish the people you love.

86. All sadness will always leave a trace of joy, and all regret will always leave a perfect corner. I looked for the gap of hope in the deep sea of the ice peak, but when I woke up, I glimpsed the beautiful sunshine!

87. Quiet pen and ink can not write a trace of sadness. The courage to face setbacks is innate, because there is no if in the living world. When we love, we love. Nobody writes the ending for us. Imperfection is another kind of perfection.

88. An infatuated person always holds the idea that even I am moved by myself. Why can she not be moved by me? But persistent pursuit can only prove that you are a persistent person, that's all.

89. With your sincerity, kindness and versatility, even if you are far away from your hometown and wander around the world, why not find a bosom friend who is congenial to you? Wherever fate takes us, the bonds of friendship will always connect us closely.

90. I don't know where sadness comes from and I have to love, otherwise I will lose my future as if I had no choice but to fail, but to live a wonderful life every day - but to warm my hands with your heart.

91. The same person cannot give you the same pain. When he repeatedly hurts you, the wound is used to and numb. No matter how many times he is hurt, it is not as painful as the first one.

92. Forgetting is our unalterable destiny. Everything is like an unaligned drawing. Everything in the past can not go back to the past. It is slowly extended to be wrong bit by bit. Maybe we should forget the wrong things.

93. At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end. Love has not yet come, the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

94. On the way home, I cried. My tears broke down again. I can't do anything to walk like this. I can't be proud anymore. What else can I say? What else can I do? I hope you will hear, because I love you, I let you go.

95. Every girl used to be a tearless angel. When she met her beloved boy, she had tears. The angel shed tears and fell to the world. Therefore, every boy can not let down his girl, because she once gave up the whole heaven for you.

96. The sad face looked through the window and saw the rosy clouds all over the sky. We could not see the future or the future. Those beautiful sentences no longer belonged to me. Are they lost or satisfied? Who accompanied me in this bubbly summer? I remember we were 20 years old.

97. With that concern, the lonely journey will have a comforting spiritual comfort. With others' concern for you, the plain years will have more abundant life. An ordinary day, or a very ordinary experience, can make people feel a lot of concern.

98. Those smiling eyes scattered with the wind are like the love poems of lonely poets, paragraph by paragraph. The lonely bell wailed all night long. Those flowery faces were finally defeated by the decadence cut by time. We looked up to the sunshine sadly, to see that the fleeting years had not died, and that the years were spent.

99. If one day I walk into your heart, I will cry because there is no me. If one day, you walk into my heart, you will cry, because it is all you. I thought that as long as I like it seriously, I can move a person. In fact, I just moved myself.

100. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. The tiles in the ruins are carved with vivid memories. Now they are quietly pasted on the ground. Even though I am careful to keep walking quietly, I will eventually find that I am just an exile from memory.