98 sentences of yy's signature
The best taste in the world is Qinghuan
2023-04-28 18:12:11
Complete set of signatures

1. In any sad or happy time, I only have a smile.

2. Heartbreak is the first time, the second time is to let nature take its course.

3. We always walk in the time of youth, looking for traces of love.

4. In the past, there were tall buildings singing songs in the morning and singing songs in the night, and dancing sleeves were on them.

5. Believe that there is true love in the world, but whether we are lucky enough to have white heads.

6. A simple melody will always bring back a long memory.

7. Don't try to teach pigs to sing. They will not get any results but also make pigs unhappy.

8. When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, the pain is most real when the memory is diluted.

9. The relationship is in jeopardy, and distrust between two people is the absolute end.

10. Maturity does not mean that one's heart grows old, but that one can smile with tears swirling around.

11. I don't want anything else. I just want someone to love you like me.

12. No matter how many years have passed, there is always someone that we can never forget.

13. In the yellowing memory photos, some pieces of lost love are fixed.

14. Please allow me a little pride, because you let me rely on.

15. Not meeting does not mean not missing, not contacting just to cover up attachment.

16. He said that if he came to me again, he would not agree to ask if he thought about me.

17. Only I know that the happiness is worth paying for.

18. How many beauties withered, how many lovesickness broken, leaving only blood stained ink and crying graves.

19. If I don't sing love songs at the top of my voice, it doesn't mean there is no time for heartbreak.

20. When I look back, my painless memory is the trace of being hurt.

21. I know breaking up is painful, but I can't help it. You hurt me too deeply.

22. In those years, the world was too heavy and the breath was too small.

23. It is still in those bright eyes. I can't find the tail of the story.

24. I was destined to know each other, but I didn't share it. The sad fate made me understand.

25. There is a word in the world, "You can't escape from disaster.".

26. People who are not lifelong can put it down without saying anything for a lifetime.

27. From today on, smile every day. Everything in the world is trivial except life and death.

28. At the most suitable age, wear the most beautiful wedding dress and marry the most secure person.

29. Would you like to call the original team to let you read junior high school again?

30. Wake up, girl. He doesn't like you anymore. Why torture yourself so much.

31. When something begins to flood, it always loses its original value.

32. Stone, scissors, cloth, villain, tiger gun. If you are strong, I will be weak! You hit me and run away.

33. The heartless man has never had a heart and lungs for someone.

34. Invisibility is not to hide from others, but to hope that someone will find me disappear.

35. We can't afford the so-called everlasting, and we can't wait for the so-called everlasting.

36. The biggest frustration in the world is that you love me, but I can't tell you that I love you too.

37. Personally, people have forgotten the unforgettable memories.

38. Reach out, but can't touch you. The distance before us can't be crossed.

39. You have become the way he likes, and I have become a madman who even hates myself.

40. If you regard me as light as a feather, don't expect that you are still the Tarzan in my heart.

41. Occasionally you will feel very happy when you live in silence, but it will be miserable when you live in silence.

42. The lonely life is sensitive and enthusiastic, always seeking the detachment of life.

43. I don't have to hurt myself to please anyone. Besides, I'm not so great.

44. Falling in love with you is like eating chocolate, bitter, but full of thick sweetness.

45. I will not feel lonely because I miss you any more; I won't feel heartache because I miss you anymore.

46. If you want the sun to shine into the night to surprise me, you will always be burned when you reach out and hug me.

47. It is happy to stay away with a smile. All those who refuse to give up will be left to the person waiting.

48. I gradually understand that the adult world is not like a fairy tale, and the prince and princess seldom end their comedies.

49. We are all so absorbed in our wounds that we forget to hold others' outstretched hands.

50. No phone calls, no SMS messages, no QQ messages, no messages, dear, you are so busy.

51. Immersed in a romantic atmosphere, love is like a small lemon, sour and sweet.

52. When you see the people you want to see and do the things you want to do, why not take advantage of your youth and be self willed.

53. I was deceiving myself, but I refused to come out of the memory.

54. You can see the words I left on the screen, but you can't see the tears I shed on the keyboard.

55. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed or not. Since I have chosen to go far away, I only care about trials and hardships!

56. When I love you, what you say is what. When I don't love you, what you say is what you are.

57. Sometimes paranoid people don't know what to say, and they are so embarrassed that they are exhausted physically and mentally. Just, who is it for?

58. Is there anyone like me who unknowingly starts to refresh the desktop in boredom.

59. The wound you gave finally turned into a scar. Why do you tear it open to let it bleed.

60. If one day you are tired, if one day you are tired, come back. I will wait for you.

61. When God closes a door for you, he will always leave many unlocked phone numbers on the wall for you.

62. Maybe everyone has people who can't forget their thoughts. No matter how humble their love is, they will bite their teeth and refuse to let it go.

63. If you are a piece of straw in the trash can, I must be the person who threw you in.

64. Slowly, I become disbelieving in love. Is it because I see through the world of mortals or I'm afraid of getting hurt again.

65. I don't know how long we will be together, but at this moment, I want to keep going with you.

66. Maybe I am not waiting for the moment when you love me, but the day when I no longer wait for you.

67. Sometimes, I don't know how to express my feelings, so I can only use others' words to describe them.

68. When you really love someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm.

69. Take a good walk, brother. There is no disaster or pain. If there is an afterlife, we will be brothers.

70. I know that in some stories, I am only suitable for playing a minor supporting role with no distractions.

71. The so-called meeting is just a piecemeal brush past between strangers, which can be forgotten in a twinkling.

72. The prosperous world, the vicissitudes of life, the colorful world, the sad world, the amorous age, talk about the truth and tolerance.

73. As soon as I turn around, the time is lost. I remember my old face. I am still here, but you have left.

74. You are one of my ribs, always in the nearest position to my heart, guarding its beat.

75. I hate that there will always be two people chatting happily while the other person has nothing to say and is full of sadness.

76. You should learn to dress up and delight yourself. Only those who cherish themselves can be treasured by others.

77. You take the first step. I can take all the remaining steps alone. Give me a chance to love you.

78. Women are made of water, so don't be too cold to her. Once it turns into ice after zero, you will eventually be frostbitten.

79. I like you for a long time. I have waited for you for a long time. Now, I want to leave, which is longer than a long time.

80. I designed 10000 ways to meet you, but I didn't design a way to keep you, and finally become your scenery.

81. Gold always shines, but when the ground is full of gold, I don't know which one I am.

82. The lingering yearning burns the window lattice. Your sweet smile and courteous words are quietly translated into words under my fingertips.

83. It may take all the courage to smile at you bravely, and there won't be much embarrassment at that time because you can't go back to the past.

84. The frozen ice will always melt, because I care about you, and miss you deeply and shallowly. Life is flat and light, and I miss you as before.

85. It is not life that turns at the fork of the road. When youth comes to an end, not only the heart will be hurt by the fragments carelessly left behind.

86. Don't believe that "it's a man's business to compete for money". Women have the ability to squeeze money and have our own sovereignty.

87. If you give it to me, I would rather not give it to others. It's not terrible if you can't get it. It's a joke if you can't keep it.

88. A person who can see things from the perspective of others and understand the spiritual activities of others should never worry about his own future.

89. You said that no matter what I became, you would not leave me, so I took off my mask and saw you fleeing.

90. I'm too lazy to give you an antidote. Anyway, you like to bend over to love in this way. Isn't it a habit you can't stop.

91. Only after suffering from hell can we conquer heaven. Only the fingers flowing through blood can play the swan song in the world.

92. Incomplete means loneliness, and seeking remedy means getting rid of loneliness. When one solitude seeks another solitude, there is a desire for love.

93. Making efforts to hate someone proves that you still care. The only thing that hurts is yourself. Sometimes, forgetting is the best revenge.

94. I miss every night. I miss every night. I count my fingers and remember the time, two seconds, one second. How can we count our deep love?

95. The sound of the wind, with its distant faint breath, called me... I followed the wind, the sound, and returned to the place where it was still quiet.

96. My yearning is a continuous breeze. From spring to summer, from autumn to winter, as long as your curtains gently flutter, I will call you softly.

97. A little lonely, I don't know how to say, let it die in silence, I left, in fact, it never came, but the heart is very soft at night.

98. Don't let me feel at a loss when I am far away. I am used to having you accompany me every day, but I can also get used to being alone.