83 regular slogans for junior physical education
Peach wind and apricot rain
2023-05-08 07:25:05
A complete set of slogans

1. I am wonderful, I exercise.

2. With you all the way, warm company.

3. Healthy life, happy exercise.

4. Health first, start with me.

5. When the sword comes out of its sheath, the sea turns over.

6. Study hard and strive bravely for the first place.

7. Work hard and constantly strive for self-improvement.

8. Make every effort to make progress.

9. Unite and strive for success.

10. Work together and make progress.

11. Unity and hard work, hard work and progress.

12. Keep fit every day and be happy every day.

13. Struggling bravely, the shadow is soulful.

14. Work hard and be brave to open up.

15. The Olympic spirit is always in my heart.

16. Show yourself and strive for new heights.

17. A strong body, lifelong happiness.

18. Happy sports, happy growth.

19. Strive for success and learn hard.

20. Revitalize China and compete to the highest level.

21. Dare to fight and cooperate.

22. Literary and military, smiling and proud.

23. Always be modest and never be satisfied.

24. Love sports and life.

25. A fierce tiger emerges from the mountain.

26. Endless life and movement.

27. Sharpen your will and forge ahead.

28. Break through limits and challenge yourself.

29. Be heroic and shock the whole audience.

30. Achieve in the competition and put safety first.

31. Play with style and level.

32. Exercise healthily and grow happily.

33. Abide by rules and discipline, unite and respect each other.

34. Youth is like fire, surpassing oneself.

35. Youth without regret, unlimited.

36. Youth is fearless and dreams are pursued.

37. Struggle hard and climb bravely.

38. Strive hard and surpass the limit.

39. Healthy body and eternal pursuit.

40. Happy company, exercise and enjoy health.

41. I exercise, I am healthy, and I am happy.

42. Promote sports spirit and display youth.

43. Dream a colorful legend and welcome a colorful journey.

44. Burn hope and encourage to win.

45. The destination is not a dream, but a breakthrough.

46. Exercise for health and happiness for life.

47. Enrich the connotation of sports and jointly build a sunny campus.

48. Everyone cares about sports and sports benefit everyone.

49. Human beings need sports, and the world yearns for peace.

50. Sports Youth Meeting, Campus Sports Music.

51. Keep fit and improve quality to promote development.

52. Strengthen physical exercise to show youth.

53. Develop sports and enhance people's physique.

54. Carry forward the sports spirit and show the youth style.

55. Carry forward the Olympic spirit and create excellent school sports achievements.

56. Carry forward the Olympic spirit and build a strong body.

57. Challenge the limits of sports and demonstrate the science of bodybuilding.

58. Compete to stimulate dreams and sharpen the edge.

59. Create a sunny campus and promote harmonious development.

60. Sing the melody of youth to express the pleasure of sports.

61. Human beings need sports, and the world yearns for peace.

62. Strive hard and be heroic, shocking the whole audience.

63. Strive and work together to achieve good results.

64. Young athletes show their skills, and the proud children of the times compete for elegance.

65. I exercise and I am healthy; I am happy, I am sunshine.

66. The sports arena is magnificent, and the school sports athletes compete with each other.

67. Sport is the art of sport, and sport is the soul of sport.

68. Sports are the source of happiness, and happiness is the wealth of life.

69. Make every effort to make progress, work hard and never give up.

70. Work together, strive for great achievements, leap forward dreams, and constantly strive for self-improvement.

71. Unite and forge ahead, strive for good results, work hard and challenge yourself.

72. Unite and forge ahead, pioneer and innovate, work hard and strive to be first-class.

73. Unite and forge ahead. We are the best. We are the best.

74. Strive hard, promote our class style, study hard, and strive bravely for the first place.

75. Challenge yourself, surpass your dreams, unite and help each other, and create good achievements together.

76. Wave, challenge yourself, break through limits and surpass yourself.

77. Keep forging ahead, work hard, hone your will and build your physique.

78. Sports make us energetic, and vitality makes life beautiful.

79. Release and dream. Today and tomorrow, I will create it.

80. Music has melody with notes, and life is full of health with sports.

81. Sports are like flowers blooming on a happy campus, and youth is like fire burning bright life.

82. Life lies in sports, sports need perseverance, and perseverance comes from hard work.

83. Exercise for an hour every day, work healthily for 50 years, and live a happy life.