Essay on tracing the footsteps of martyrs
Fan wind
2023-06-05 15:11:19

Red is the power, the pursuit, and the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs. I walked into the Memorial Hall of Victory in Crossing the River to look for the most bright red.

When I came to the memorial hall, a huge semi circular relief appeared in front of me. A huge ship carries dozens of PLA soldiers. One stands at the bow of the ship with his head held high, blowing the horn, and two people hold the red flag high at the stern, waving in the wind. The rest of the soldiers, either holding long guns, clenching their fists, or holding bamboo poles, showed no fear in their faces. In the distance, there is a wooden sail fleet that can only vaguely see the outline and is about to set sail. This is only a small part of the simulated battle scene, but it is already so spectacular. It is indeed "the wind and rain in Zhongshan turns pale, and millions of heroes cross the river"! I stopped in front of each item display cabinet, one photo after another, one page of text, as if telling the story of that exciting history.

I seem to have returned to that battle. In the crude headquarters, Grandpa Deng Xiaoping was lying on the table, writing something solemnly; On the Yangtze River, the PLA soldiers pulled up their sails and flew across the river without hesitation

The picture flashed, and my thoughts returned to the memorial hall. In the black and white photos on the wall, many soldiers are young men slightly older than me. Their faces were determined, excited, nervous, but not timid. The same age, they did not think of sacrifice? Aren't they afraid of danger? Are they not afraid of the enemy's dark guns? What makes them not afraid of everything? Faith is the power of belief. They deeply understand the sufferings of the people who have not been liberated, and they are willing to go through fire and water for the revolutionary ideal, even if they sacrifice their own lives.

Walking out of the memorial hall, the waves in my heart have not receded for a long time. I looked at the rows of red five pointed star sculptures pointing to the sky by the river. They gradually rose, as if they were about to fly to the sky. I said silently in my heart: I will never forget the PLA men who have created a better life for the people. This power of belief, this red blood, has been flowing in our bodies and passed on forever.