500 words after reading Sun Tzu's Art of War
Xiao Xiao Yu Xie
2023-07-15 21:10:07

As soon as you look at the title, you will know that this is a military book. Indeed, this book is famous in our country's history. Sun Tzu's Art of War is a valuable treasure left by Sun Wu, a military strategist in ancient China, for Chinese culture. In the history of swordsmanship, he used the most wonderful language to record those amazing military deeds and personal wisdom. This weapon book has been recognized and highly praised by the people of the world, and is known as the treasure of the wisdom of the Chinese nation.

I think the language used in this book is very wonderful and profound. When I first read it, I felt like "Monk Zhang Er - I don't know". Later, with the help of annotations, I could understand them one by one. Among them, "Ji Pian" is my favorite. The original text goes like this: "Soldiers are crafty. They can show their inability when they can, show their uselessness when they can, show their remoteness when they are near, and show their nearness when they are far away. They can lure them when they are profitable, take them when they are disorderly, be prepared when they are practical, and avoid them when they are strong. They can scratch them when they are angry, be humble and arrogant when they are lost, and work when they are lost. They can attack them when they are unprepared when they are close. The victory of this military strategist cannot be passed on first.

If the temple reckons the winner before the husband fights, it will be more than enough; Those who have not fought but have not won in the temple are few. More is more, less is less! I can see the victory or defeat from this point of view. "

The second part of this passage means that before the war, people who reflected on the "temple calculation" won because of more careful planning, there were more conditions for winning, and those who could not win because of less planning, there were fewer conditions for winning. If you plan more in advance, you will win; if you plan less, you will not win, let alone not plan?

Sun Tzu's Art of War is not only used in war, but also useful in life. For example, playing chess. Strategies are also needed. As mentioned above, it needs more planning and careful planning. Otherwise, it is easy to fail. Recently, when playing chess with my father, I often use the effective methods taught by Sun Tzu's Art of War to attack or defend. Before playing every chess move, think carefully about how my father will respond after I leave like this, and then how I will fight back... With this method, I have won my father several games in a row!

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is a great literary work of our country. It lets me know the great achievements of the ancients in military affairs. In this book, I also feel the style and lofty aspirations of Sun Tzu's writing.