Technology caravan
Old boy
2023-10-14 18:50:05
Grade 6

Everyone's face was full of laughter this afternoon. Why is this? It turned out that when the "science popularization caravan" entered the stadium, we came to the stadium, giving me a chance to see some phenomena and principles in natural science. The scientific and technological exhibits in the stadium opened my eyes.
I first came to a machine consisting of two ping-pong boards and a ping-pong ball. When I pressed a red button, the ping-pong ball started to move. As soon as I released my hand, the ping-pong ball stopped moving. I repeatedly pressed the button several times. The ping-pong ball was still the same as before. It would move if I pressed it down, but it would not move if I did not press it. What's the matter? I was extremely curious. I saw its solution to the mystery with questions, and looked at the explanation. The fog was all solved.
The original table tennis board is coated with oil. Once I press the button, the table tennis ball will be attracted by the table tennis boards on both sides. That's why it looks like this. Ah, I see. There is a big reason for simple things. "Then I went to another machine and saw it. It was called" Jaglo elevator ". It was composed of two iron bars. I looked at it and pressed the button. A spark came out from the bottom of the iron frame. The spark slowly rose, and disappeared at the separation of the top two iron wires, I thought it was very interesting, so I pressed a few more buttons.
But if I press it for a long time, a smell will come out of it, just like the smell of burning. I can't stand it. I go to see other machines without even looking at its principle. Then I went to see a magic box. The game was that two students stood at the other end of the box, and then turned the box, they would find that the other side's head was upside down. But if you left the box and looked at the other side again, his head didn't turn at all. It turns out that there are many mirrors in this box. These mirrors will transfer the things here to the other mirror, so it seems that the other side's head is upside down.
Finally, I went to play manual generator again. I used a nail to aim at a hole in the rotating tool, turned it with my hand, and the light came on. This popular science exhibition has made me see many strange phenomena. Although I don't understand its principles, it has made me interested in science. I know that science is endless and we need to constantly discover and explore!