Impressions of the Red Flag Canal
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2023-11-29 13:22:30
fourth grade
impressions of after reading

When it comes to Linzhou, few people may know about it outside, but when it comes to the Red Flag Canal, everyone knows it. This week, the school organized us to watch The Return of the Red Flag Canal Is Still a Teenager. After watching this film, I felt deeply and had a deeper understanding of the spirit of the Red Flag. The connotation of the Red Flag Canal spirit is "self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication", which was gradually formed in the process of building the canal.
The characters in the movie are also fresh in my memory, with endless aftertaste and benefits. Stone, hammer, water egg. The images of the characters are vivid. When they were trapped in a cave, I admired the heroic spirit of Stone in the face of danger and the leadership style of Secretary Yang Gui, who put life first. I also appreciate their dedication and youth vitality to protect the Red Flag Canal when they are old and standing on the eagle stream in the face of the storm. I admire the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, which is the spirit needed by a nation, the soul of a nation's core, and even an immortal spiritual and cultural symbol.
We should learn from the spirit of the Red Flag Canal. We should not be afraid of difficulties, rich but not confused, self-improvement and struggle. Let's carry forward the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, and always keep vigorous, vigorous and upright. I love my hometown. I love the Red Flag Canal in my hometown. The spirit of the Red Flag Canal is as long as heaven, and will never die!