Reflections on Little Carps Jumping from the Dragon Gate
The most familiar stranger
2023-12-08 04:21:22
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

This summer vacation, I read a story book called "Little Carp Jumping over the Dragon Gate". The story is about a little carp who heard from Liyu Grandma that there is a place called Dragon Gate in the world. A fish can become a dragon if it jumps over. The little carp set out to look for Longmen with everyone. With their own efforts and the help of others, the little carp successfully jumped into the "Longmen". In fact, this is a place called Longmen Reservoir, but the living environment is very good. They asked swallows to bring word for all the people to move to live here.
In order to realize their dreams, the small carp in the book overcame many difficulties and successfully reached their destination.
Through the stories of the little carp, I learned that where there is a will, there is no shortcut to success. Only through our own efforts, brave face and overcome difficulties can we realize our dreams. I want to learn the fighting spirit of the little carp, study hard and find my own "Longmen".