Feeling of Reading "Remembrance of Autumn"
2023-10-02 02:22:04
reaction to a book or an article

Miss Autumn is a very moving article, which tells about a man in his prime, a man who should have run in the sun, but his legs were paralyzed. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow. This blow made him become moody, and even lost the courage to live. However, his mother never gave up on him. Although the mother herself was also suffering from a terminal disease and would be tortured by the pain every night, she often comforted and encouraged her son optimistically.
The most frequently said words of the mother were: "We two live well!" Even when her life was in danger, she still missed her children: "My sick son and my underage daughter..." Although the article only had more than 1000 words, there was a selfless love of the mother for her children flowing between the lines. In my opinion, It moved me more than any other article.
Poor parents, which mother doesn't love her children? Compared with this mother, our mother is no inferior. When we eat, they always leave the best food for us. When it rains, they only hold an umbrella for us, but they don't know that the rain has wet their clothes... They are always the strongest in front of us. I remember once, when my mother and I were walking home together, suddenly a big ferocious wolf dog jumped out of the roadside.
I could feel my mother's legs trembling, but she resolutely protected me behind her. It was not until the wolf dog left that she breathed a sigh of relief... Mother was ordinary, but maternal love made them extraordinary.