Reflections on Reading Morning Starts at Noon
Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields
2023-05-31 20:12:55

Reflections on Reading Morning Starts at Noon

After tasting a book, you must have a lot of things to share. Why not calm down and write your feelings? So how should we write the feeling after reading? The following is the review of "Morning Starts at Noon" collected by my editor. We welcome you to use it for reference and hope it will be helpful to you.

In the rush of time, what is the pursuit? After reading this book, I understand.

Lu Yao, his crazy attitude towards writing may not be understood by laymen. But if this is compared to the attitude towards the cause, I think everyone will understand. It is like the teacher's impatient teaching over and over again to the students, like the doctor's painstaking rescue, like the police's brave struggle against the gangsters regardless of the danger of life, and so on in all walks of life.

Although I am an ordinary student, with ordinary qualifications and writing ability, not to mention great literary reputation, I respect writing as much as a monk respects Buddha. In my heart, every time I write an article, it is like finishing a work of art.

When I wrote about the desert beyond the Great Wall, it seemed that yellow sand was flying in the sky before my eyes. A group of people in the distance were riding camels, and the hot sun was baking the earth. They were sweating, and the color of their faces seemed to blend with the yellow sand in the sky; When I wrote about the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the blue stone alleys suddenly appeared at my feet. A woman wearing a blue thin shirt and skirt looked back with a bamboo umbrella, and looked straight into my heart for ten thousand years; When I wrote about the chaos of the battlefield, the hooligans and ruffians at the end of the streets and lanes joined the army to serve the country. The young master, who was rich in wealth and was afraid of death, picked up the long gun and went away unaware of life and death. They were born and died heroically.

For a moment, although I have not moved my steps, I have gone through the ups and downs and tasted too much bitterness.

In this way, I can understand Mr. Lu Yao more and more. We do not write for the sake of royalties, fame and wealth, or catering. Even after 20, 30, 40 years, and a lifetime, I'm proud of my stubbornness in the eyes of others.

In the book, Mr. Lu Yao doesn't like those who value his reputation and position and ask him to do things. Here, I want to say that many people misunderstand that the old man is too lofty to help, but I don't know that the old man really doesn't think he has achieved much. I think we are all willing to live our souls in books and let our spirit be nurtured and baptized freely, rather than be contaminated with dust. In other words, we are 'unsocial'. We just want to live a simple life in our own world and write about the changes in the world.

I don't want to extol how great we are. On the contrary, most of us are ordinary. A famous person like Mr. Lu Yao is what tens of thousands of writers want to be, but few of them can be counted. Are you jealous?

But I only have admiration for my husband. For a long time, Mr. Lu Yao was accompanied by a mouse and lived in an abandoned hut in a hospital with wind blowing all around. He even missed the morning meal for writing, and used a lot of cigarettes and coffee to refresh himself. I often didn't get enough sleep. I didn't leave the abandoned house for a few days and almost died for writing.

I don't know whether he is stupid or stupid!

But I'm afraid that 'the world laughs that I'm too crazy, and I laugh that others can't see through it'.

Take a pen, a paper full of crazy words and laughter, tears, can you dress up? Years are merciless, but I still beg for rain.