Warm greetings for the wedding
Ash falling keyboard
2023-07-08 18:44:09
Blessing words

1. The bridal chamber is a perfect combination of beautiful flowers and beautiful moon.

2. The pistil flower is a rose, and the door of the flower has not opened with its pistil; Tonight, couples form pairs, and the beautiful scenery drops and shines.

3. The bride holds the tea hand Chunchun, and good times and auspicious days come to get married; The entry is rich and noble from generation to generation, and hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren will be born in the future.

4. Today is your wedding day. On behalf of my family, I wish you both happiness and longevity!

5. May the happy singing accompany you forever, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, bathing in endless happiness forever.

6. Let me sincerely wish you a happy marriage on your wedding day, dear friend!

7. May your love be sweet and your husband and wife have a white head; Second, I wish you all the best of luck and prosperity; Third, I wish you an early birth and a good son!

8. May your descendants be more godly! May you teach your descendants according to the teaching and warning of the Lord; So do yourselves, and do the will of the Lord!

9. May happy songs accompany you forever, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, and you will always be in the endless happy years. I wish you a happy marriage!

10. I wiped Aladdin's magic lamp, and the lamp god came out, so I said to the lamp god: Please let my brother and my sister-in-law love each other forever! live to old age in conjugal bliss!

11. On the day of your marriage, I wish you all love each other with one heart and one mind. Happy new marriage! Here, on behalf of my family, I wish you the best.

12. To live a happy life, to love each other, to repair the relationship between the three generations, to live from generation to generation, without leaving or abandoning, to celebrate the passing of time, to talk about old age with hands, to drink from afar, to be perfect, to have hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren, and to have good luck in everything.

13. From then on, we had a dream together on a moonlit night. From then on, we can fly together with colorful butterflies. Our bosom friends have the same heart for thousands of years. Everything is in silence. The red candle shines brightly and smiles. I sincerely wish you two a hundred years old together.

14. In previous lives, we met each other for thousands of miles. In this life, love each other, love each other is really sweet. Blessing, beautiful, beautiful vision for you. Happiness, family, family harmony, good husband and wife.

15. Happy life, happy relationship, good fortune, generation after generation, no separation, no abandonment, great joy in fleeting years, talk about the old, drink a cup, perfect, hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren, and all the best! Happy wedding!

16. Laughing, smiling, laughing. Greetings and congratulatory speeches, and congratulatory events. Cigarettes and wine make incense burning slowly. The family is harmonious and warm. The newlyweds are married and their new houses are shining. Good times, good scenery, good days.

17. How wonderful it is to miss someone, even if there is only memory, it can also be referred to, until one day you and I get old, memories shine with the white hair, at least I clearly know: if you think of it, you will smile!

18. Red festivities float thousands of miles, and the Double Happiness Lanterns are jubilant; The perfect combination of heaven and beauty, hand in hand into the mandarin duck tent; Snuggle up with each other, never abandon, and stay together forever. May you be together and hand in hand forever!

19. As soon as the mobile phone rings, the message sender is happy, the fireworks display a happy picture, and the gongs and drums sound an auspicious song. I wish you a long and happy marriage! Never give up! Happy newlyweds!

20. With sincere wishes, I send you my wedding wish. Dear, even if your love is gone, I will guard our past, let memory blossom and bear fruit in my heart, remember your beauty, remember your good.

21. In autumn, the red leaves are bright red, and the red hometown is Honghe Mountain. Wedding red paste window, red lanterns hanging on the front. Red firecrackers are all over the sky and red candles are burning in the cave. Thank the matchmaker for leading the red line and wearing red makeup at the wedding home!

22. I wish you peace and security every minute, love and kindness every day and night, health and wellness every day and night, and happiness forever and ever. I wish you a happy marriage.

23. Red happy characters, romantic atmosphere, happy smiling faces, and auspicious newcomers. My dear friends, in this memorable day, I send you my most sincere wishes, and I wish you a happy tomorrow.

24. The road to love is long and lingering, friendship is sublimated, love is long, and marriage lasts for a lifetime. Sisters wish you: birds of love fly together, flowers of love blossom out of water. We should learn from Dong Yong'ai Fairy, and never give up.

25. Who curls your hair, who makes your wedding dress, who secretly cries for you. Your Prince Charming, is there something new? Do you still remember your deskmate. Old classmates, congratulations on your new marriage and a happy marriage!

26. Love is long and continuous, and today's love is happy; Think tonight, look forward last night, all the points are about missing; When the bell rings, the message arrives, and we sincerely wish you a happy delivery; Two people, one heart, sweet honey live forever, happy newlyweds!

27. Happiness is the white wedding dress dancing in the wind; Happiness is the bright smile standing on the face; Happiness is the way to grow old together with children; Happiness is today's sweet step. Best wishes for a happy marriage!

28. Love is like a flower. It has both ends and blossoms; The road of life is like a mountain road, which is flat and concave; People are most happy and unforgettable on their wedding day. Let's bless the couple together! Wish: Happy new marriage and early birth.

29. Two fragrant flowers are pretty, and a new couple is laughing happily. It's really lively to have firecrackers blaring together, and it's wonderful to welcome the door with joy. Holding hands with each other is not relaxed, and true love will accompany you forever. In the coming year, three people will live in harmony and enjoy happiness all their lives. I wish you a happy marriage.

30. After several dreams in life, lying down together is like meeting each other. Today, my classmate is married, and my dream is to take Jiabu on the red carpet. Yan smiles and magpies celebrate in this life. Smile will grow forever in this life. The red lanterns were hung high to congratulate the newly married Wahaha. Wish: happy new marriage, good marriage for a long time!

31. On the wedding night, we would like to give our best wishes. We sincerely hope that the new couple will smile and everyone will like their talent and beauty. We would like to wish simplicity and sincerity. We would like to pray that the relationship between husband and wife will increase, that the family will be beautiful, that we will have an early baby, that we will support each other, that we will be healthy, and that we will be happy forever. Friend, happy marriage!

32. The silver flowers in Yushu are beautiful and joyful. Guests from all over the world laugh happily, and parents of both sides are happy. Raise the cup of love with one heart and cross the river of love with virtue. Life long phase lead away, life long heart imprint. I wish you good luck in your new marriage.

33. There are two of the three great things in life, and it is difficult to spend money in a wedding. Now, when we meet a bosom friend, we have to realize the blooming of flowers. The bride looks like an immortal, and is kind-hearted. One heart, one morality, one development, family happiness and eternal love. I wish you happiness!

34. The suona, gongs and drums sounded together, and the fireworks were in full bloom. After a hundred years of practice, we can sleep together and realize our wish today. Family and friends get together and wish the new couple happiness. A talented woman looks like an immortal, and people admire her for her zither. I wish you a happy marriage!