Sentences that hurt to the heart (40 selected sentences)
Under the warm sun
2023-04-30 16:41:48
Complete sentences

1. My heart doesn't know why because of you. My love is wonderful because of you. I just want to say to you: as long as you are willing, I will love you with my whole life!

2. In fact, I have been waiting by your side. When you lean on my shoulder and tell me, will one day your tenderness belong to me, and I will not make you sad, and let your tears flow again.

3. I just want to be a little fish. I never thought of running away. I love the sea and don't like crying. One day I will grow up and never lose myself again.

4. The moment you were deleted, I suddenly felt relieved, and then endless sadness. I didn't give up you, but let myself go.

5. What a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. You are very close to him, but you cannot love him. You are willing to give him away just to make him happy.

6. It's the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I'm just a passer-by in your life.

7. A person's world, a person's tenderness, a missed world, lost feelings, a person's wandering, a person's loss, hiding a lot of loneliness, hiding a lot of abandonment.

8. One of the worst things in the world is to feel that you don't deserve the person you like. It's like standing on a rainy roof, you can't go up and say "Let's go together" because you don't even have an umbrella.

9. In all the good and bad emotions, missing you without warning is an incurable disease for me.

10. You don't know I miss you because you don't love me. I know you don't miss me, but I still love you because I'm too stupid. Maybe sometimes, escape is not because of what you are afraid to face, but what you are waiting for.

11. It turned out that my yearning for that epic love was just a dream, and how many times it was broken.

12. You and I are one step away; I can't go forward and accompany you; I can't step back and find my friend's fulcrum again. I can only look at you silently and bless you silently!

13. If one day you walk into my heart, you will certainly cry, because it is all your sadness. If one day I walk into your heart, I will also cry, because it is all your indifference.

14. When I cry, which one is smiling in your arms.

15. I won't hit the south wall, I'm afraid of pain; I won't go to the Yellow River; I will not go all the way to the dark. In fact, I have another choice besides you, that is, to be single all my life.

16. Love makes people cry, but if I can stay with you for a lifetime, I will have no regrets even if I have drained all my tears!

17. Memory always likes to add fuel and vinegar. It will change in the direction you expect. When you are ecstatic, the truth will wake you up.

18. Time is really the best span in the world. It makes the pain pale, and makes persistent people choose to leave. Then people come and go through the vicissitudes of life, and you will understand that everything is life, and no one can help them.

19. You advise me not to drink. It seems that you care about me, but you don't know why I drink. You advise me not to stay up late, like caring about me, but don't know that you are the reason why I stay up late.

20. Loneliness is the sin of being forgiven, gorgeous sadness, and love and being loved from beginning to end are injuries.

21. Don't go. Please stay. Don't make my heart ache again. Do you think hurting me is not enough?

22. Sometimes feelings are just a matter of one person and have nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself. In all jokes, there are serious words hidden, and those responses that seem not to understand are probably no more euphemistic rejection.

23. Thank you for your unfeeling love, let me learn to give up. When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding.

24. You can see the words I left on the screen, but you can't see the tears I shed on the keyboard.

25. To be honest, I have never gone through fire and water for you, but there are never fewer moments when I am willing to fail in spite of myself.

26. You must have never noticed that I felt sad when I smiled and said I didn't mind.

27. It seems that there is an abyss in front of you, but you are attracted by your smile. I will jump down without hesitation if you stop weaving lies.

28. Lovelorn is like an hourglass. Tears and heartache are the trickle of sand. Every reversal of missing will cause a breach of the dike.

29. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

30. One day you will understand that being alone is more comfortable than being wronged and seeking universal love.

31. There is no pain in liking a person. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

32. You only saw that I turned around silently and calmly, but you didn't see that I could not eat or sleep because of your leaving, and then told myself that everything was over.

33. You can't imagine how much I want to say I like you, but because you say it's better to be friends.

34. I know I have a lot to say, but I don't know how to express it. Sometimes I feel depressed and feel that I have nothing, as if I have been abandoned by the world. Although I have many friends around me, I still feel lonely.

35. People who don't care about me will not have any expression when I say pain. The person who loves me, I don't say he will also know how painful I am.

36. Sometimes, when I accidentally know something, I find that what I care about is so ridiculous.

37. Whether friendship or love, if we are tired, let's go back to the first day when we met. Many things in life, like wisdom teeth, the best way to solve them is to pull them out, not to endure them.

38. The person who fought for his life did not make people around him sad, but found that he was the one who was injured.

39. Breaking up should be dignified. No one should say sorry. I dare to break my heart if I dare.

40. Love has become a habit for a long time; The pain has become a scar for a long time; Hatred has become a burden.