Copy of thanks (beautiful copy of thanks)
Thank you for your experience
2023-02-20 18:07:58
Complete sentences

1. Someone once said to me in the past: One falls in love with a stream because he has never seen the sea. Now I can finally say: I have seen the Milky Way, but I still only love you this star.

2. You deserve to hate yourself for being unwilling to be ordinary but not working hard.

3. No one can stand analysis. It is not easy to try to understand—— Sanmao

4. In fact, it's good to be alone. I believe that those who should come will come. The right one loves himself well before he comes. Embrace loneliness. If he is the final outcome, it doesn't matter if he comes later—— Bubbling

5. Time not only lets you see through others, but also lets you know yourself. Most of the time, we learned to live in the midst of ups and downs.

6. The biggest sorrow in the world is that this is not the life I want, but the life I asked for myself. I have nothing to say about my heart, and I can't tell anyone about my sadness.

7. Once, I said that we would go together for ever. Now, after the fireworks are gorgeous, there is only a scene of destruction, which is nothing; Once, it was said that we would be at the end of our tether together. Now, after the fireworks are easy to get cold, there is only one place left, a mirage.

8. Thank everyone we meet, even if it's just a short journey together. May we march forward bravely and shine on our respective roads in the future.

9. Nobody likes being alone, just don't want to make friends reluctantly—— Haruki Murakami

10. Every day, let us feel the sunshine and rain with a grateful heart: every day, let us receive food with a grateful heart; Every day, let's accept the services of others with gratitude and give them back.

11. Destiny is responsible for shuffling, how to play depends on yourself; Catching a good hand depends on luck, playing a bad hand depends on wisdom.

12. Time will take away beauty, time will take away wind and rain, but even if everything will change, it will not take away my gratitude for you, and the little things you have paid for me. Wish: always happy, happy every day.

13. I like to be with comfortable people. I say what I think, but I don't say anything when I don't think of it.

14. After a year of hard work, I finally took the position of manager. I still remember that the manager said to me earnestly, "Take this broken chair and I will change it."

15. I don't think it's necessary to meet each other when I miss you, or stay together when I like you.

16. Your bright smile will stay in my heart for a long time, your kind words will always accompany me, your enthusiasm will encourage me to move forward, your sincere help will warm my heart, and sincerely say to you: Thank you!

17. Don't worry too much about the present and the future. When you experience something, the scenery before you is different from the past—— Haruki Murakami

18. There is no need for too many vows and pledges. Companion is the best commitment. Happiness is being together. The best love is nothing more than being together for decades.

19. Thanks to Tu Yidan for letting me know that there was a tradition of wrapping hands in ancient China. Besides, your role as a green leaf is too abrupt. Anyway, Avril's song is really good. I'm listening.

20. It's hard to be happy if you don't know how to appreciate yourself.

21. I thank the leaders for their care and tolerance for a long time. I can only do my best to do a good job to repay their care.

22. It is better to be a star picker than to look up at the starry sky.

23. Money really accounts for a large proportion in marriage.

24. Life is always about practicing your courage alone, no one is exceptional.

25. No matter how many people you have loved, no matter how painful or happy you have loved, in the end you have not learned how to love, but how to love yourself.

26. At a bewildered age, everything is unsatisfactory, and I have never owed anyone, but I am always so busy that I don't want anything, and I find nothing when I am free.

27. You think the worst thing in life is to lose the person you love most. In fact, the worst thing is that you love someone so much that you lose your original self.