Venus' classic words, words Venus gave to all women (selected 50 sentences)
smile drily
2023-04-13 11:36:36
Complete sentences

1. Don't lose this kind thing of women's essence. Be sincere. Life will be sincere to you only when you are sincere to life.

2. If a woman is after money, you should give her enough money.

3. Life is the best screenwriter, and the fragile singing voice is so weak in front of the warm screen.

4. When you have nothing and are determined to meet all challenges, your last card is also the strongest card, which is faith.

5. Women's resilience and tension are the basis for changing the world. Every woman has two opportunities to change the world: one is to influence the man, boyfriend or husband around you; The second is to educate your children.

6. At the age of, fully enjoy God's fair right to everyone: freedom! Don't think too much before and after. At the age of 30, think about the responsibility you should bear in your life, bravely provoke it, do not avoid, do not dodge.

7. Women's resilience and tension are the basis for changing the world. Every woman has two opportunities to change the world: one is to influence the man, boyfriend or husband around you; The second is to educate your children.

8. There are few people who tell the truth in this society, but fortunately there are many people who like to listen to the truth. Because: listen to the truth happily!

9. Fill yourself waiting for opportunities, which is tolerant on the surface, uncompromising on the bone. Because even when I tolerate it, I know why I tolerate it in my heart. It is for a larger goal and can go further.

10. I have always been a woman, but I have been undercover in the world of men for 28 years, that's all.

11. Sorry, what you need is a fool. Rough words are better than rough reasoning.

12. Women, what should be given to you will be given to you, what hasn't been given to you, wait. Waiting is a science.

13. If you can't give money and love, you want her to tolerate your spending, laziness and lying.

14. If people don't offend me, I won't offend. If people offend me, give three points of courtesy. If people offend again, eliminate the root of the grass.

15. A woman's greatest sense of steadfastness comes not from dependence, but from recognition. When I have something in mind, I will no longer look for it, no longer wander, and my life can finally be put down here, which is better than any kind of man's condescending protection for you.

16. I like you, is a kind of confession; I need you, is a kind of recognition.

17. A woman of years old does not need to wear clothes with heavy patterns, but should pay attention to fabrics. If a woman of years old is not loved by men, she must look for clothes with good fabrics to protect herself.

18. Sexy is what makes men run after their buttocks, not on the table, not sexy, but pork.

19. A woman will have a more accurate attitude towards her life under the gaze of this man.

20. It can also be called sexy if it is displayed externally, because when others do not know you, it is the first time to see the outside.

21. If people do not offend me, I will not offend; If people offend me, comity is three points; If a person commits another crime, he should be eradicated!

22. Happiness does not come in the sun, and those who cry and shout about happiness cannot be true happiness!

23. The concrete loneliness is because there are few people who know you in the space where you exist. But people with a full heart can communicate with every plant and grass, and they will not be lonely at all. The liveliness is others', the loneliness is our own.

24. I think that anyone's life can not be copied, and can only learn from, or sigh, the wonderful world. When you copy others, you are not yourself.

25. You will become an expert if you repeat simple things several times, but you will become a winner if you do repeated things carefully.