85 Classic Sentences in Meditation
2023-08-01 14:27:52

1. Neither afraid nor keen on fighting.

2. All experiences are appropriate and fair.

3. Guard against others secretly, but do not disclose.

4. Where you come from, you will disappear.

5. Because I am good at being with you, and justice is with you.

6. I'm not angry with you, but just want you to leave.

7. Don't keep busy like a slave paddling.

8. They buried many people and then buried themselves.

9. People must stand on their own instead of waiting for others to help them.

10. People's death is not terrible, but they never live.

11. Our life is formed by our thoughts.

12. Look at the track of the stars, as if you are running with them.

13. From my grandfather Verus, I learned how to promote virtue and control anger.

14. If people don't allow you to live, then let it be.

15. It's no use getting angry at things because they don't mind at all.

16. The weapon is defeated by a robe, and the honor of a civilian is far better than the laurel.

17. If you can observe keenly, you can investigate and judge wisely.

18. Insight into the nature of all things should be dealt with appropriately.

19. Do you have reason? I have. So why don't you use it?

20. How many people who entered the world with me have passed away.

21. Death is in accordance with nature, and nothing in accordance with nature is evil.

22. Think of Socrates' words: Don't live a life without thinking.

23. May the sun still shine tomorrow and crush every inch of your skin into powder.

24. Either you can straighten yourself, or others force you to straighten your body.

25. Nothing unfortunate should not become a blessing because you are brave.

26. Speech is only an assertion, not a fact. Action is the only fact.

27. If you can't live in your ideal way, you can choose.

28. Think about it. Even if you get angry, people will still do the same thing.

29. Do not get involved in any faction of the circus, or get involved in the party struggle in the gladiatorial theater.

30. In a word, both destruction and recovery are within the control of our will.

31. Stop fantasizing, restrain desire, eliminate greed, and give full play to your talents.

32. He does not play the role of tragedy. No, he does not need to be alone or many partners.

33. Everything should be arbitrary, never be lucky, and never forget to think rationally.

34. The current life is also like a battlefield, and it is a long and varied one.

35. Funny, surprise, dullness and slavery will drive away your sacred principles every day.

36. The quality of our thought determines the quality of our life, because life is derived from thought.

37. Looking around history, where have those famous people gone? They disappeared like a puff of smoke.

38. Anyone who cannot make himself worse than before cannot make his life worse than before.

39. What you have lost is the life you have now. The life you are living is the life you are about to lose at this moment.

40. Spend the rest of your life as if you were a man who trusted God with all his heart and would not be arrogant, arrogant or willing to be a slave.

41. From my great grandfather, I learned not to go to public schools often, but to have good teachers at home.

42. When you chew, please don't chew your extravagant hopes, your sadness, and your fear, just chew the food in your mouth.

43. People despise each other and flatter each other. People want to be superior to others and crawl in front of others.

44. What a man loses is only the life he has now; What a man has is only the life he is losing now.

45. It is impractical for you to refuse to use the gifts of heaven today and to care every detail about what others will say about you in the future.

46. Rational people should not treat death with impatience, disgust and fear, but wait for the arrival of this natural action.

47. Understand that one must die. Maybe life will end soon, so let's live as one pleases for the rest of our lives.

48. Remember that human life is only a period of time at present, and the rest is either past or may never come.

49. If you can follow the right path, think and act correctly, you can spend your life in a happy and peaceful flow.

50. We should restrain all aimless and valueless thoughts, as well as a large number of curious and malicious emotions in our thought process.

51. Complaining about anything that happens is a violation of nature, because everything is just a part of nature.

52. Don't think others can't do things that are difficult for you to do; But believe that you can do what others can do.

53. How vain painting is. It makes us not praise things themselves, but excitedly praise the similarities between painting and things.

54. No matter what others say or do, I must be a good person myself; Just like a piece of jadeite, gold or purple robe, it keeps its natural brilliance.

55. If you are satisfied with the limited material share bestowed by God, then you will not regret the limited life time.

56. Everything will become a cloud of the past, leaving at most one story or legend, but it will almost be forgotten, and eventually it is inevitable to be completely obliterated.

57. Do you have reason? I have. So why don't you use it? Because if you start using reason, what else do you want?

58. Most of the things we say and do are unnecessary. If a person cancels them, he will have more leisure and less discomfort.

59. Don't pay attention to what others think. It's hard for a person not to be happy, but those who don't pay attention to their own inner activities must be unfortunate.

60. Even if your goal can last for 3000 years, or even 30000 years, you should also understand that what you lose is only your present moment, and what you have is what you are losing.

61. Everyone only lives in the present, which is an indivisible point. The rest of life is either the past or the future.

62. It is the most pleasant thing for those who live with us to spare no effort to show their respective virtues. Always put these impressions before your eyes.

63. If you haven't dedicated your brain to the goal of reflecting the public interest, please don't waste the rest of your life thinking for others.

64. I finally got rid of all my troubles today, or I can say that I put all my troubles behind me, because troubles are not outside, but inside my mind.

65. Seeking the impossible is madness. Soon you will turn into dust, or a skeleton, a name even without a name, but the name is only sound and echo.

66. The straight way is natural, and accordingly, all things that conform to sound reason are said and done. Because such a goal enables a person to get rid of distress, and all tricks and show off.

67. Only the present is something that can be taken away. If this is an objective truth, that is, everyone can only have the present, then no one can lose something he did not have.

68. If no matter what is going on in others' minds, it is hard for a person to be unhappy; But if you don't pay close attention to the activities of your own mind, you must be unhappy.

69. Whatever happens to you is prepared for you in the whole eternity. The loom of cause and effect weaves you and the things associated with you in the eternity.

70. Things in the world are fleeting! For the whole universe, the subject of these things has disappeared, while for the time process, it is the vague memory of these things until they are completely forgotten.

71. Do not get involved in any faction in the circus, nor do you get involved in the party struggle in the duel. We should learn to endure hard work, have few desires, do everything ourselves, not interfere in other people's affairs and not trust gossip.

72. Don't always tell anyone when it is unnecessary, or say in a letter: "I am too busy!" Nor can it be used as an excuse to escape our obligations to others.

73. It is absurd that a person cannot get rid of his own evil, because it is possible for him to lay down his butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the ground, but it is impossible to get rid of others' evil.

74. If we let our noble reason and soul guide our physical body to act, we will not be affected by pain or joy, and we will reach a beautiful realm of freedom and freedom.

75. Just like the oil stain, sweat stain, dust, mud and all dirty things you see when you take a bath - everything in all aspects of life is dirty.

76. The first principle in the human structure is the principle of friendship. Everyone should be friendly to their own kind, realize that they are from the same source, tend to the same goal, and all should do something beneficial to society.

77. Our attention to any action should be based on appropriate values and concepts of proportion. In this way, you will never feel guilty if you waste your energy on minor matters.

78. If you don't choose what to accept, others will choose for you, but their motives may not be very noble. Unconsciously degenerate to the rank of vulgarity, which is the easiest thing in the world.

79. He accepts all the enjoyment of life given to him by the god of destiny, neither proud nor ashamed of it. When he enjoys something, he tries to enjoy it as much as possible, as a matter of course, and when he does not enjoy it, he does not feel regret.

80. What everyone loses is nothing but his present life; What everyone enjoys is nothing else but his life now. This truth applies equally regardless of the length of his life.

81. My soul, you have treated yourself slowly, and the time for you to glorify yourself is gone forever. Everyone has only one life. Your life is dying, but you still don't care about yourself. Instead, you send happiness to other souls.

82. Say to yourself every morning: I will meet people who are nosy, ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, jealous and arrogant. This is because they cannot distinguish between good and evil.

83. Do not work reluctantly, do not disrespect the public interest, do not give undue consideration to it, do not be distracted, do not lose your thoughts by pretending to be knowledgeable, and do not become a chatterbox or busy person.

84. In a word, evil cannot harm the universe: in a small word, one's evil cannot harm others. Evil can only harm those who are evil themselves, but as long as they are willing to get rid of their evil people immediately.

85. Death, like life, is a secret of nature. The combination of several elements, separated into those elements, is nothing to be ashamed of. It is completely consistent with the essence of rational animals and does not contradict the laws of life.