89 Emotional Quotations of Stars
Drunk pillow
2023-06-08 00:12:29

1、 Li Xiaoran: Women, just endure humiliation. A girl can say anything and act like a coquette. Women should bear it and carry it.

2、 Sanmao: Lock my memory and my sadness. If I don't think of you again, how can I think of you again? Happiness is a forbidden area. After life and death, I can't find the key to enter.

3、 Tan Weiwei: Looking out of the window that is gradually becoming more realistic and pale. I also had brilliant fantasies. But it broke me again and again. Full of prosperity. It hurts!

4、 Guo Jingming: The left bank is my unforgettable memory, the right bank is my bright years worth grasping, and what flows quickly in the middle is my light sadness from year to year.

5、 Sanmao: When we face a person who is afraid, a thing that is afraid, and a state of mind that makes people uneasy, the only attitude to overcome this feeling is to face it.

6、 Huang Xiaoming: I hate people who say that I only have an appearance. If people pay too much attention to external things, they will ignore my efforts. This is a great insult to me.

7、 Lin Zhiying: Being lovelorn is to solve a problem incorrectly. I was glad to finally see the sunrise through the clouds, but I was very disappointed to find that the answer was completely wrong.

8、 Wang Yan: The demands of the husband and mother-in-law on the daughter-in-law in the world are not much different. I am just doing myself outside and at home, and there is no sign of deliberately pleasing.

9、 Deng Lixin: Help your lover. You hope that he will live well. Although you can't be together, you also hope that he will live better than you. This is the greatest blessing.

10、 Deng Ziqi: Forgive the past failures and humiliations, and do not indulge in the past successes and glories. Forget behind, try hard in front, and run straight to the benchmark.

11、 JJ Lin: A person's impulse can be beautiful and create many beautiful stories, but it can also be arrogant and bring destruction, regret, and finally, regret. It's too late.

12、 Hawick Lau: Not to earn milk powder money, but since I learned that I wanted to be a father, I felt more responsible. I was very busy but never felt tired. It was really like a chicken's blood.

13、 Tan Weiwei: To cultivate Buddha is to cultivate yourself. Meditation makes you feel every day. You can't repeat the past. You can only correct and understand what you said and did!

14、 Cecilia Cheung: In fact, marriage is just a form of expression. The feelings buried below need to be accumulated step by step, but everyone has focused on the form of our marriage.

15、 Tan Weiwei: I always believe that as long as you like something and make your career more professional, you can do anything. Because I like singing, I believe I can face it all.

16、 Zhong Hanliang: Dreams play an important role in everyone's life. People are living animals because of dreams, no matter what shape the dreams are.

17、 Hawick Lau: I must have enough ability to add a long-term plan to myself. If I can't give him a good life, it's very bad for me to bring him into the world.

18、 Deng Ziqi: liking a person can make people blind, just like taking cold medicine can make people want to sleep. But I still choose to take medicine because my fans have always advised me not to give up treatment.

19、 Deng Ziqi: Behind the dark clouds, it is always sunny. Although you are in a storm at this moment, remember that the sun is always shining on the other side of the cloud. Never lose hope.

20、 Guo Jingming: There are only so many places around a person, and you can only give so much. In this narrow circle, some people have to leave if they want to come in.

21、 Chen Yihan: Life is like a play, but the best performance is natural performance. In every role I played, I can find some part of Chen Yihan, lonely, tough and frank.

22、 Zhao Wei: I've lost my love, and I know that love is like water. It's hard to accept it. Therefore, we have to hand over this sadness to time to resolve it, and believe that love is gone, instead of imposing retention.

23、 Chen Yihan: After shooting a play, I used to put together a jigsaw puzzle. At the moment when the space was slowly put together, I took the role away and found everything back to zero, waiting for the next one.

24、 Sanmao: Men are mud, women are water. More mud makes the water turbid; More water, less mud. No more, no less, two clay figurines -- what a couple.

25、 Wang Baoqiang: In tears, I saw one self, many self, various self, surrendered self, weak self, pitiful self, sad and angry self, happy self.

26、 Tan Weiwei: No matter where you are, in the corner, don't forget to enjoy the sunshine. My stubborn freckles, melanin, insects and stolen goods are all shot by ultraviolet rays.

27、 Huang Xiaoming: I think sometimes "two points" is very good. It is a kind of realm. It is much better than being smart all the time. When one is confident, he will tease others.

28、 Wang Li Danni: My life is a mirror! Because I like looking in the mirror, I can always see myself clearly and adjust myself in time! So, my life is happy! Thank you!

29、 Guo Jingming: We are so young that we don't know how long we will be in the future. It's long enough for me to forget you, and long enough for me to like someone again, just like I liked you at the beginning.

30、 Zhong Hanliang: Because there are always bad and unhappy times in life. No matter what happens, we should take a positive attitude to face it. Gentle weather means good weather will come.

31、 Cecilia Cheung: For a long time, the most envious person is the one who dares to love and hate in the emotional world. You are very committed to every relationship, no matter how hurt you are, you still believe in true love.

32、 Cecilia Cheung: Let a person remember you is to enter his mind and heart, not his house. I have always believed in permanent love. I believe that you will never give up even though you have been hurt.

33、 Chen Jieyi: It's not so much an end as a new beginning, because the lovelorn relationship always has some problems with that relationship, people or the environment, and there will be a new way to go.

34、 Han Geng: Why do people live? Isn't it happiness? But every day you do something you don't want to do. You have made a request, and no one pays attention to you. It's hard to be disrespected.

35、 Han Geng: I always use this metaphor. I am still a small tree, very tall but very thin. I will fall at any time, and I may fall tomorrow. I hope to make a stump, which is short, thick and stable.

36、 JJ Lin: In the sea of people and shaking, what is your grip? Sometimes you don't even know it. At the end of the day, when the smoke has cleared and people have withdrawn, we can see where we have arrived.

37、 Chen Xiaochun: The feeling of lovelorn is just like a homeless stray dog, always feeling that everything is against a wall; Maybe some kind-hearted people are willing to take them in, but they will inevitably find it difficult to adapt and are willing to continue wandering.

38、 Han Geng: I regret that I never regret it. When I was young, my father always taught me how to do things, choose things, and solve things. Don't regret when you do it. If you regret, you will never succeed again.

39、 Cao Ge: You know my name, but you don't know my story. You know what I've done, but you don't know what I've experienced. If you know your mistakes, try your best to correct them. If you can't, you must make progress.

40、 Li Xiaoran: "I really want to find a hug that I can rely on. I'm a very simple person, and it's just a matter of finding someone to watch movies and play games with."

41、 Tan Weiwei: Beijing is full of silent eyes. You are like an elf in the sky. You look at me calmly and let me ripple. You are intertwined with me. You are so dissolute. You confuse my eyes and give me another shot.

42、 Zhang Zhilin: I think love is like water. If it is too hot, it will evaporate, but if it is too cold, it will freeze. The temperature must be just right for each other to get along naturally and comfortably. Being lovelorn is like falling into an ice cave.

43、 Cao Ge: I love my family. No matter what others say or do. I know my happiness is real. I know that happiness exists. So I also wish you can have it. Find the meaning of life.

44、 Wang Li Danni: If you try your best to realize your dream, then you will live a real life. Facing the world of debauchery, we should learn to control ourselves! Never lose your way

45、 Liu Xiang: Even if the Japanese take stimulants, they can't get into the top three, let alone win the championship! I said earlier that my achievements represent Asia and the yellow race. I think Japan should not be included.

46、 Sanmao: Most of the disappointments of friends come from what the other side says and does, and they do not meet the standards that they ask of them. But I think friends can't ask for anything, not at all, because we have no power.

47、 Wang Zulan: When you are in love, you can witness every day. Although I don't know what will happen tomorrow, at least I can explain to myself and this relationship today. One day, even if we break up, we will not feel regret.

48、 Guo Jingming: Some people will always remember. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

49、 Han Geng: In fact, my dream and goal have not changed much all the time. It is to do my present thing well, and do a good job step by step; With courage and persistence, I have a clear conscience.

50、 Chen Yihan: Before your smile disappears, let me capture your picture to my heart's content... If one day, you forget how to smile, I will send you the man who used to be

51. He Rundong: Love is a fried chicken leg. It is beautiful and beautiful, just like the feeling when talking about love. But the feeling of lovelorn is like that the fried chicken leg has been eaten up, leaving only one bone. When you have absorbed the good things, you will throw them away.

52. Guo Jingming: We all forgot that the years ahead will be so long that I can love someone again, just like I loved you at the beginning. But can you really like him as you do?

53. Liu Xiang: Only I can defeat myself. I just want to get back what I lost in the short track of Chinese men's track and field, and I will get more in the future! Try to beat them more times in the future and let them know what Asian speed is!

54. Chen Yihan: Honestly, I don't understand love at all, and I don't understand it more and more. But because I don't understand it, I become brave, because no matter what, you will never know the end. In this case, why not be brave to love.

55. Deng Ziqi: The beauty of the world lies in people's mentality. All kinds of trivialities in life may have occupied our hearts for a long time, but occasionally look up! How dare people want to move forward when the sky is clear and cloudless!

56. Zheng Yuling: "Today I think there may be many wrong decisions in life, but so far there are two things that must not be wrong, namely, not to marry and not to have children."

Fifty seven, Sanmao: People can't understand life without a long night of crying. We regard these pains as a kind of homework and learning, until one day when we really feel growing up, we will even thank the pain for its teaching.

58. Deng Ziqi: Come to the corridor of memories, your heart? What memories will emerge? Perhaps the flooding of emotions is not because we are not living well enough, but you know that the ignorant but pure self will never come back.

59. Cao Ge: Hate, just like the fiery carbon in your hand, is ready to explode on the person you hate! Unfortunately, your hands were burned to black before you blew him. Hate a person, hurt yourself first. Don't hate, love!

60. Wang Yan: Everything is natural. Children have their own growth path, and adults should not interfere with them too much. Just like a young tree, you can't help it or ignore it, let it develop, and everything has a degree.

61. Han Geng: In my whole life, I have everything to say, including people around me. But I really think it doesn't matter. You can't expect all people to understand what you are thinking. As long as the people I care about understand, time will prove everything.

62. Carina Lau: I feel very good after marriage. I feel that life has entered a new stage. I used to like many people to play outside and have fun drinking. Now, I also drink. I prefer to pour a glass of red wine at home, read a good book and savor it carefully.

Li Chen: Wife, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? The bad news is that we have already died, and we can only shoot bad scenes in the future. The good news is that there are many bad scenes!

Sixty four, Tan Weiwei: Go forward, and you will see heaven everywhere. As if no one else were singing, the lotus flower was opening with eyes closed. Breathe a peaceful world, the clouds in your hands are peaceful, and the whispers in your ears flow on your body. All stopped, a light, shining!

65. Wang Yan: After giving birth to a child, many of my views on life have changed. They are not the same as before. Now, I have some life experiences. My understanding of life and women is more profound than before.

66. Fan Bingbing: If a man in his 20s is not ambitious and aggressive, he will not be able to survive in this society. Instead, I think he is lazy. I will cover these lazy thoughts with a fearless spirit.

67. Fan Bingbing: Many people say that the entertainment industry is very complicated, but I always think that those who can stand in the center of the entertainment industry are the mainstays of the industry, and all of them have high accomplishments. When it comes to the chaotic and complicated people in the entertainment industry, they are actually very peripheral people.

68. Deng Ziqi: Music is really wonderful. It has narrowed the distance between people, broken the barriers between different languages, and brought much peace and happiness to the absurd world! In front of music, it seems that all troubles become nihilistic.

69. Chen Yihan: No matter what setbacks you encounter, you will be very happy as long as you remember that you are on top of your dreams and that you have moved towards your dreams. More observation, more experience of life, open your heart to see the world, you will get unexpected gains.

70. Wang Yan: I have no idea of being a strong woman, and I can't do it. I just feel lucky to have done what I like and been recognized by everyone. If a person can take his interest as work, he is really happy.

Seventy one, Zhang Xinzhe: It seems that many men have strong expressions when facing feelings. It seems that breaking up is as easy as waving your hand. Later, I learned that the moment I waved my hand, it consumed all my strength and hurt my heart for a long time.

72. Cecilia Cheung: The bottom line of love between men and women is not that one day you hit me and I leave you. These theories are your own deceit. Because after a month or two, when the pain disappears, you go back to the man.

73. Hu Yanbin: When we were young, we didn't have presbyopia glasses on the bridge of our nose. We saw the world very clearly, but somehow we always hit the wall. When we fell down, we would bravely get up. The scar on our knee is the best memory left to us when we were presbyopia!

Seventy four, Chen Songling: There is a kind of lovelorn that is not painful, that is, when you don't like each other but can't bear to hurt each other, you get along, and finally make a decision to break up. At this time, love is like wearing shackles, and lovelorn is to remove the shackles, there is a sense of relief pleasure.

Seventy five, Deng Ziqi: Happiness is not to meet a wayward person who can tolerate you, but to meet a person who makes you stop being wayward; Happiness is not having what you cherish, but having what you cherish; Happiness is not that the other party can give completely, but that you are willing to give completely to the other party.

76. Hu Yanbin: When love is broken, it is always a man's sin, just like a cup of precious red wine. There is a charming intoxication brewing in your hands. When you put it down, you abandon the empty cup. A man's responsibility is like a snail. The courage to let go of love can be repeated several times, and fate often backfires.

Seventy seven, Cecilia Cheung: I think the most important thing in a relationship is not love, but satisfaction. Because love is not reliable, I think that if a man loves me, he can also love others at the same time; But if he is satisfied with me, no matter how many good girls appear around him, he will not have a different heart.

Seventy eight, Tan Weiwei: The dream is beautiful. It is gorgeous, brilliant and full of longing! Many people have a dream of singing, which can not be realized for various reasons, or they simply think it is a distant dream. Just like I never thought that as a small town girl, I could realize my dreams one by one today!

79. Aya: "When you get married, you must meet the right person. I think two people are good together, not necessarily a piece of paper. I don't regard marriage as everything. I think modern women should remain independent even if they get married, and play hard to get."

Eighty, Jay Chou: "Today, I finally have the chance to fight for the artists' friends. How can I let it go? It's a pity that I don't have a dog beater to make a good show of myself... otherwise, you will surely see something wonderful."

Eighty one, Hu Yanbin: When I was a child, my family was very strict, and I was not allowed to fall in love. Now I'm urging me to fall in love. I really want to go back to the age of 16 when they objected to and prevented me from falling in love. I can hold the hand of my first girlfriend and shout out loudly. If you have the ability, don't urge me in the future!

82. Liang Yongqi: I admit that this relationship has caused us a lot of pressure because it was not handled well at the beginning, just like two people walking on the steel line. When everyone's pace is different, they have to accommodate themselves step by step. It's really hard to walk every step, but we did have a happy experience. Looking back, I have no regrets. "

83. Fan Wenfang: One day, my heart died. I felt bad... I thought I would stop breathing from now on... There was no heartbeat from then on. Gradually, I finally understand what is lost and what is gained. I went home and told my mother: I was lovelorn. She cried.

84. Zhong Hanliang: Life is full of happiness, happiness, and at the same time, there will be times of loss and helplessness. Life is to face a series of difficulties bravely. Every time you meet one, no matter how difficult it is, you should clench your teeth and get through it. What God takes away from you will certainly supply you with something. Every time you grow up, it will definitely exceed your imagination.

Eighty five, Liu Ruoying: Being lovelorn is like eating sour ice cream. People can't bear the sour and cool in their hearts. The feeling of being chased by others is like walking against the wind. There must be another shadow alive in the hearts of those who have loved. The one who has broken up. His every move, and who he was with later, always came back to his ears from time to time.

86. Xu Zhian: Secret love is a dim morning, everything is beautiful, and some people can't see the future clearly; But when you are in love, it is like the weather at one or two in the afternoon. The sun is so warm that it is dazzling. The excitement is so intense that it makes you feel unreal; When you are lovelorn, it is like night. It is cold and heartbreaking. It is very cold and sad.

Eighty seven, Nicholas Tse: I have no confidence in feelings. I am not the kind of person who is so sure of feelings that everyone thinks. I would rather be myself, but I am not. It's good to talk about career, friendship and music. The word "emotion" is my least confidence, because I think it is beyond my control and the highest knowledge. I can't learn love in my life.

88. A Sa: "I was going to get married at the age of 35. After marriage, I still want to focus on the family. Many of my sisters who have played since childhood have recently married and had children. They told me that it is too late to have children at the age of 35. They helped me plan to get married at the age of 30, and have children after two years of marriage. However, I am now 26 years old, and it is not many years ago."

89. Hawick Lau: If you really love someone, it's hard for you to think rationally about what "temperature" should be used and what "degree" should be mastered. After all, emotion is not something that can be controlled rationally. As long as you don't always think selfishly about "how do I wish you", and gradually understand and respect each other's habits.