31 verses praising spring breeze
Golden Maple Leaf
2023-04-14 08:29:51
Complete Poems

1. The spring breeze rises every day, and the green day is deep—— Lianzhou Chant

2. Powder falls in front of the mirror, and the piano makes a sound—— "Chanting the Spring Wind"

3. The spring breeze doesn't know each other, so why go into the silk curtain—— Li Bai's Spring Thoughts

4. It rained in the mountains all night long, and the spring breeze should not be much—— The Rise of Dawn by Yun Ge

5. The spring wind knows the bitterness of parting, and does not send the willow green—— Li Bai's "Lao Lao Ting"

6. The spring wind is as skillful as scissors, planting willows first and then apricots and peaches—— Mei Yaochen

7. The faint fragrance can not be kept. Many things are spring breeze—— Jiang Xizhen's Plum Blossom

8. The spring breeze blows the dream of hometown overnight, and then drives the spring breeze to Los Angeles—— Spring Festival

9. The spring breeze takes the flowers and rewards me with a clear shade—— Instant Events at Mid Mountain Spring Festival Gala

10. You want to wet the apricot blossom rain with your clothes, and the willow wind is not cold when you blow your face—— Juegu

11. The east wind returns with spring and sends flowers on my branches—— Li Bai's "Sunset in the Mountains"

12. Dongfeng tried a new ruler and cut thousands of leaves and flowers by hand—— Huang Shu's Spring Exploration

13. East wind sprinkles rain and dew, meeting people in spring—— Li Bai's Send Qi Ang to Bazhong

14. The rolling curtain pavilion is full of sunshine, and the cane stream mountain is full of wind—— Early Spring in Nanxi

15. The spring breeze in Jianghan, and the frost was removed last night—— Tang Dynasty's "Yuanhuai Shedi Yingguan, etc."

16. I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors—— Meng Haoran's Ode to the Willow

17. The spring breeze first sends the plum blossom in the garden, the cherry, apricot, peach and pear blossom in turn—— Bai Juyi's Spring and Autumn

18. The spring breeze is triumphant and the horse's hoof is ill. I can see all the flowers in Chang'an one day—— Meng Jiao's Post Imperial Examination

19. The spring breeze is not far away, just east of the house—— Yu Qian's "In addition to the cold nights in Taiyuan"

20. Peach and plum blossom in the spring, and parasol leaves fall in the autumn—— Bai Juyi's Song of Everlasting Regret

21. When will the east wind come from Luoyang, and the willow spring will come back on the banks of rivers and waves—— Han Yu's Five Feelings of Spring

22. There are thousands of kinds of purple hatred and red sorrow. The spring wind blows in here—— Shen Gu's Lady Folding Flowers

23. The Qiang flute should not complain about willows. The spring breeze does not cross the Yumen Pass—— Liang Zhou Ci by Wang Zhihuan

24. The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again—— Bai Juyi's Farewell to Ancient Grass

25. People don't know where to go. Peach blossoms still smile at the spring breeze—— Cui Hu's Title to Nanzhuang, the Capital City

26. The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river. When will the moon shine—— Wang Anshi's "Mooring the boat and melon boat"

27. The east wind knows that I want to travel on the mountain, and the sound of rain is blowing off the eaves—— One of "Two Songs in Xincheng Road"

28. It seems that the spring wind is deceiving each other, breaking several flowers at night—— Du Fu's Nine Pieces of Juegu

29. The spring breeze is the most treasured one, and the hospitality blows to the hands even more—— Yang Juyuan's "He Lian Xiu Cai Yang Liu"

30. Suddenly, it is like a night of spring breeze, and thousands of pear trees bloom—— Cen Can Send Judge Wu Back to Beijing with a White Snow Song

31. The spring breeze is like scissors, cutting willows first and then apricots—— Mei Yaochen's "East City Transport and Sentence to the Ma Chayuan"